Delta Reports Financial and Operating Performance for February 2015

a quarter still has 3 months.

DL forecast a higher quarterly RASM which it did not make based on its monthly reports.

the day before DL reported its March traffic and RASM report, at least one analyst said that EACH ONE of the big 3 would have currency related revenue issues.

The only likely way those analysts could have known is by looking at advance booking reports which were bought from GDSs.

They did not make that observation just about DL but about EACH ONE of the big 3.

We have yet to see the RASM reports from other carriers and I will treat you to lunch if they made their RASM.

AA and UA don't give monthly RASM updates any more and will likely only have to give earnings guidance changes if earnings change, which they are not likely to do because fuel prices have come down again.

It is only chest thumping and not facts to say that AA and UA gave better guidance because they haven't revealed their results.

Given that their stock was downgraded and performed worse yesterday than DL's, the chances are very high that they will be affected by a weaker dollar WORSE than or least equal to DL

and the only region where DL reported a decline in RPMs is the Pacific where DL has repeatedly said that the weak yen is hurting DL and why they have moved the 744s nearly completely out of Japan eve while expanding its network to other places in Asia, including PVG.

In contrast, it appears that AA is replacing 777s with 787 service to PVG. That will certainly help AA's operational profitability as it develops Asia but it continues to beg the question which I have repeatedly raised as to where AA is going to redeploy its 777s if it keeps replacing them with 787s on the Pacific. I would not be the least bit surprised if AA starts writing down the value of some 777s and parking them. There simply is not enough growth in AA's int'l network to support the volume of int'l capacity that is coming online in the next couple years.

and a write down of existing aircraft - unless AA has enough older 777s that they don't have to write them down - will affect AA's profitability.

When all of the financial reports are released later this month, we can compare revenues.

btw, you might also be prepared to accept that AA and UA might well see their overall revenues decrease because they are not increasing capacity enough to offset weaker yields.

and AA still has a $650 million impaired currency issue in Venezuela on its books that it will have to deal with at some point while DL will be thru with writing off its bad hedges perhaps as soon as this quarter unless oil falls further.

Unlike you, I make my statements based on actual facts even if they change with market conditions.
Wow very very long post - must be unhinged this morning - we see you are struggling with the facts again - funny how you always accuse folks of not using facts when facts are in direct conflict with your story line

So let's go through some things

DL projected on an earnings call flat PRASM - then didn't deliver on that - question and answer quoted straight from earnings call - jan, feb and mar actual performance from DL's monthly press releases

So once again DL missed the mark on the first quarter - I will go very slow for you

Fact - jan - negative PRASM - source DL press release
Fact - feb - negative PRASM - source DL press release
Fact - mar - flat PRASM - source DL press release

You routinely scold people for taking threads off topic - so let's stay on topic - this has nothing to do with AA cash in a foreign country or with AA flights to Asia

DL had a bad quarter and didn't meet guidance

See question and answer from earnings call compared to performance

Have a great good Friday
good morning.

unhinged, no.

I am not disputing that DL missed its revenue mark.

What I am saying and which you can't seem to accept is that AA and UA will very likely miss it too.

and while you were thrilled to talk about DL's fuel hedge losses, now that they are very nearly completely accounted for and written off, let's start focusing on that $650 million in currency impairment that AA has which no other carrier has.

yes, currency impairment absolutely does have to do with revenue production because revenue that can't be recovered usually involves a write down of previous revenue performance.

And when AA and UA actually report their traffic even without RASM performance because they don't appear to be doing that any more - then we have a basis for comparing performance.

It is way too early for anyone to be saying that DL had a bad quarter.

We can say that DL did not meet its previous RASM goals. but what you seem to be unwilling to accept is that DL wasn't the only carrier in the same situation.

I can admit I am wrong and also do so based on all of the facts.

Can you?

have a great Good Friday as well.
I never commented on any other airline making numbers or had a prediction of any airline making the first quarter numbers - I've been extremely silent on that topic since there are many things that can happen in a quarter to screw up results - so I have nothing to admit - I don't have a large number of posts telling people they are wrong and a one airline would have a great quarter beating everyone else
If you want to focus on currency then start a thread about currency and make sure you include all currency losses by every airline - this way we are not focused on a single airline's one country currency issue over and over again - you can ready many articles in the last few days of all the issues DL is facing on currencies - so each airline has very strong headwinds in currency - however in terms of the trapped cash that has been a stagnant number for a long time and AA took actions to protect future revenue from said country
Have a great day
The key difference isn't the losses, but the guidance DL is giving relative to its peers. If they're less forthcoming than other carriers, the analysts will continue to jump on them for that regardless if they're more profitable or not.
eolesen said:
The key difference isn't the losses, but the guidance DL is giving relative to its peers. If they're less forthcoming than other carriers, the analysts will continue to jump on them for that regardless if they're more profitable or not.
and will you be just as willing to say that when AA and UA miss their RASM targets?

if so, then you are free to heap all the criticism on DL that you want.

but when it is obvious that DL's RASM performance on the int'l market has been as good as or better than AA or UA for many quarters, to somehow think that DL has missed revenue targets and other US int'l carriers will do just fine is nothing short of denial.

and let's remember that we have repeatedly seen the same pattern... DL is the first of the legacies to report its traffic; DL ALWAYS reports its traffic by the 2nd full business day of the new month. AA and UA do not report their traffic until 4 to 5 days after DL.

Further, both AA and UA have cut back on the level of reporting by cutting out RASM and/or fuel guidance.

DL takes the heat if it is bad or sets the pace for what is good while AA and UA don't bother to provide anywhere close to the amount of information that DL provides and then do it far later than DL does.

so spare us or your sermons until all three US int'l carriers have provided the same information and it can all be seen side by side.

I still will bet you lunch that AA and UA will report similar if not worse revenue trends for the 1st quarter than DL including not just RASM but also total revenue. Given that DFW was completely out of commission due to weather for several days in total during the quarter, the chances are very high that AA will see reduced revenue.
I will state the AA has offered lower guidance - so we can see if they make their lower guidance
That is the different AA telegraphed lower performance vs DL
eolesen said:
The key difference isn't the losses, but the guidance DL is giving relative to its peers. If they're less forthcoming than other carriers, the analysts will continue to jump on them for that regardless if they're more profitable or not.
They need to be less forthcoming. 
Wall street telling airlines how to operate are one of the big reasons why they went to s**t in the first place. 
I trust Richard Anderson and Doug Parker on the status of their airlines much, much much more than someone like Jamie Baker, even though Jamie loves to act like he knows more/better. 
I will state the AA has offered lower guidance - so we can see if they make their lower guidance
That is the different AA telegraphed lower performance vs DL
and what you don't know is if AA has met or underperformed its guidance.

Since the dollar has increased against nearly every major currency just since the first of the year, and no airline could have built its forecast based on now current exchange rates, it is foolish to think AA won't be impacted.

AA had lower guidance because it was already hurting and there is no evidence that the reasons AA gave for reduced original guidance have improved at all - and in fact have deteriorated more.

again, when you have full side by side results for all 3 carriers, then you can start throwing stones.

just because DL is the only carrier that is willing to provide quarterly RASM updates on the 2nd business data after the quarter while you have to wait weeks later to get it from AA or UA is no reason to say that DL is underperforming while other carriers are not.
exactly and I'm not claiming to know if they made it or not
vs someone who is on here making all kinds of predicitions on performance and telling us they are facts
just wait for the results to come out and we will see - I'm not making any predictions or saying X airline will perform better than Y airline - only you are doing that
On a side note to take a page from your playbook - AA's market cap is bigger than DL's now
I have not characterized anything as facts that are not indeed facts.

as for market cap, yahoo says that DL is valued at $34.66B and AA at $34.26.

As far as I am concerned, both are similarly valued at this point.

There is also a chance that AA's market cap might jump ahead with quarterly earnings unless AA's revenue is weaker than what DL incurs in hedging losses.

and in the operating part of the equation, it appears that DL will be the best performing of the big 4 airlines again for March based on unaudited on-time performance although WN has moved up considerably.
which is still within less than 1% difference even by google.

Yahoo has a different figure.

I have not and will not claim superiority either way with less than $1 billion difference between the two - either way.