Delta Reports Financial and Operating Performance for February 2015

the reason why your education has been questioned is because you have repeatedly made statements that have defied the most basic economic principles.

if you would actually focus on the economic issues of the industry and getting them right instead of trying to attack me, then we might find a lot of common ground.

I have no problems with you or anyone coming on and telling us what the real issues on but when multiple replies to the OP were made and none of them even remotely touched on the core issues of what was even said in the press release, then I absolutely do have the right to say that I speak to the truth and the issues in contract to many others on here.

and, yes, the Euro has weakened so DL and other carriers have had to make changes to get to the period until TATL travel is more heavily USD denominated.
FWIW, UA will also be heavily impacted by the Euro issue while AA will be less focused on Europe but more focused on Latin America issues.

The Brazilian Real has hit new record lows relative to the dollar in a decade while Venezuela is now requiring visas of Americans. Argentina's economy continues to slide.
WorldTraveler said:
the reason why your education has been questioned is because you have repeatedly made statements that have defied the most basic economic principles.

if you would actually focus on the economic issues of the industry and getting them right instead of trying to attack me, then we might find a lot of common ground.

I have no problems with you or anyone coming on and telling us what the real issues on but when multiple replies to the OP were made and none of them even remotely touched on the core issues of what was even said in the press release, then I absolutely do have the right to say that I speak to the truth and the issues in contract to many others on here.

and, yes, the Euro has weakened so DL and other carriers have had to make changes to get to the period until TATL travel is more heavily USD denominated.
FWIW, UA will also be heavily impacted by the Euro issue while AA will be less focused on Europe but more focused on Latin America issues.

The Brazilian Real has hit new record lows relative to the dollar in a decade while Venezuela is now requiring visas of Americans. Argentina's economy continues to slide.
You wouldn't know basic economy if it kicked you in the face. 
I wont even bring up your lack of understanding for labor laws. 
Basic economy is not "delta wins". 
So again, chill out glass house. 
WorldTraveler said:
it will probably happen when a few people here could recognize that someone else might actually know what they are talking about instead of spending so much time trying to discredit them.
Lots of persons on here know what they are talking about.
However, the more you post the better job you do of discrediting yourself.
and yet no one person addressed the core issues which were laid out in the press release IN WORDS as well as in data.

the int'l markets have been the core issue for US airline RASM performance for over a year.

meto's comment was the most sane one that was made.

and again it will take a week after DL reports before we'll hear from the rest of the rest of the industry (suppose that might explain how DL does so much better of a job of adapting to market conditions if they actually know what is going on with their network much faster than their peers) and the chances are very high that they will show similar trends to DL.

there is a reason why in the eyes of much of the analyst community, DL became the bellwether for the industry years ago regarding revenue production and still is.
There is no one has to point out DL provided guidance of flat for the first quarter and two months into the quarter it's put up negative numbers those are the facts - no way to spin the continued miss
Kev3188 said:
It's interesting to see how wx affects the operation as a whole.Mother Nature always wins...
It's interesting how 700 "NEVER" post's anything about DL, unless it's negative!
WorldTraveler said:
like jcw that apparently doesn't realize that quarters have 3 months in them.
Once again DL has reported twos months down - how much of a blow out month dies DL need to have in March to get to flat - let's see WF having trouble with facts - you throw a dispersion that I don't understand there are 3 months in a quarter however if you had any clue on math you would know starting off in Jan with negative performance it's hard to dig out of the hole - now two months of negative it's niw harder

We know the facts are a tough one for you
actually, assuming equal capacity, RASM would need to be between up 2 and 3% in order for RASM to be flat for the quarter.

that is hardly a stretch.

and DL does fly more capacity during March, dawg has noted there are pricing adjustments being made on TATL routes because of the weaker Euro, and US originating travel to Europe starts picking up.

the facts are that DL's RASM target is possible - and if it isn't, they will issue revised guidance.... or you can tell the SEC that they misled investors.
WorldTraveler said:
IOW, you are ticked because someone else besides you identified the key issues at play here.
not sure how you got to that exactly. 
Tecause the key downward issues in the revenue environment have been int'l flying for about a year.... I noted that while others were talking about spring break.

The domestic environment has been strong and all of the winter storms and cancellations haven't altered that.
WorldTraveler said:
actually, assuming equal capacity, RASM would need to be between up 2 and 3% in order for RASM to be flat for the quarter.

that is hardly a stretch.
My math might be flawed, but I think that March might have to be up by more like 5% yoy in order to have a flat first quarter PRASM. Certainly doable, but I don't think it's likely unless there are mass cancellations. Of course, given the winter we've already seen, couple more big storms just might be the ticket to the mass cancellations necessary to bump up PRASM by 5% of more yoy.
here is what analysts are saying for the industry.

U.S. airlines expect passenger traffic to increase 2% during March and April.
The group of major carriers is forecast to show a 3% rise in capacity over the period.
The industry's net profit margin is expected to improve compared to a year ago due to lower fuel expenses.
The average price on aviation jet fuel in North America is currently down 36.6% from a year ago, but 25.2% higher than the level from a month ago.
Airline fares fell 3% in January and are expected to have shown a smaller decline in February. March fares are seen as holding steady due to strong business demand.