Will this flight replace the (old) DAL ATL-FCO flight that has been done for years? I used to know a DAL f/a who flew nothing but ATL-FCO.
I have no idea? (I am pre-merger NW)
If I understand this thread correctly, you are talking about former NWA f/as transferring to ATL to fly International flights?
they are NW Flight Attendants system wide (wearing the Richard Tyler Collection) who are transferring to a NW satellite base, and to my knowledge and what Ive seen...the ATL satellite base will be all international..
SLC satellite Flight Attendants apparently will fly the nonstop to NRT..
Is the reason for the "satellite" base because you don't have a unified contract yet?
in our contract we have a provision to open satellite bases.. S-ATL opens for April and S-SLC opens in June..
basically it is because of the two operating certificates at this time..and each pre-merger crew is following their 'pre-merger' aircraft..
currently NW and DAL fly under their own operating certificates..
however, they have shifted aircraft from hubs/bases righting markets and positioning aircraft where it makes the most sense..
for example,
they will place.. I believe a 767 at MSP-Minneapolis to fly the non-stop to CDG-Paris..but since that aircraft is operated by DAL and under their certificate, it will be crewed by DAL Flight Attendants..I believe a 767 will be deployed to DTW-Detroit for an International flight..again crewed by DAL Flight Attendants but there will not be a base at DTW because there was not enough to successfully bid to open a base there..
there are some more substitutions but I dont remember them all...I think pre-merger DAL crews will fly GUM-Guam from NRT-Tokyo on their aircraft..
they have in turn placed NW A330 and 744 at ATL and soon to be SLC...(I believe SLC it will be a A330-200)
however..these satellite bases are temporary (the NW Flight Attendant are still based at their original bases such as MSP, SFO...DTW...and so on..)...when there is a SOC and all Flight Attendants have been cross-trained, that flying will once again be absorbed back into ATL for all DAL Flight Attendants to bid in seniority order based on qualifications..and the satellite Flight Attendants return to their former 'NW' bases..
if there is successful representation, to my understanding..will be available to bid again after a ratified contract..