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DL signs 5 year deal for domestic crude for Trainer

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no YOU are wrong.

You can't accept that DL never bought the refinery to make a standalone profit.

DL bought it to supply fuel at a lower cost than the market would otherwise provide.

DL's reduction in fuel costs is far greater than the losses at the refinery.

religion has nothing to do with this discussion. What religion do you practice that says that incessant arguing is acceptable instead of admitting that someone else is right?

Maybe you and your coworkers and the stockholders of your airline will get a little religion when it becomes apparent that DL has a strategy to save costs that you won't admit and they can't match.
WorldTraveler said:
you may find it interesting but it largely stems from your desire to argue with anything that would be counter to those that challenge you and your ideas.
If that makes you feel better, go with it.

I thought it was an interesting comparison to have thrown out there. Apparently you do too, since you (sorta) tried to do a compare & contrast.
contrast, yes.

compare, no.

There is a difference in the type of integration between the two types of subsidiaries that both DL and UA operate(d).

If you or anyone else can tell me how UA benefitted in the cost of production of an airline seat or how it gained a real revenue advantage, then go for it.

As for Frugal and his wanting to throw Christianity into the discussion, I want him to do a little research and let me know how many times Jesus called the religious leaders of his day "hypocrites" and other feel-good kinda words.

Quite simply, those who want to throw Christianity into a discussion as the basis for trying to argue against someone usually do it with complete ignorance of what was actually recorded in the Bible.

the simple fact is that DL has a fuel cost advantage over its peers that far exceeds the operational losses it has recorded and DL is still expecting to eliminate the operational losses which will make it even harder for DL's critics (or those on here who want to argue against those who can see the truth) to deny what DL has achieved.
Hmmm. Since WT is on the hypocrisy lesson, I do find it ironic that this all started with criticism over the Trainer investment, and WT's first response was to call them ignorant.

If you don't want to be insulted personally, stop making the personal insults and using disparaging language whenever someone disagrees with a move made by DL that you seem to support.

WorldTraveler said:
and once again, you CANNOT grasp ........

I have a feeling only the most ignorant posters ....

we are blessed with some of the more - perhaps most - ignorant bizkids on this board.
WorldTraveler said:
of course you resort to the same childish behavior that everyone else on here does who is confronted with the fact that they cluelessly ignore the obvious.
WorldTraveler said:
frugal fits right into that category of being penny wise and pound ignorant.
WorldTraveler said:
you may find it interesting but it largely stems from your desire to argue with anything that would be counter to those that challenge you and your ideas.
I find the comparisons to Allegis interesting. Refined a bit, it's all about vertical integration and controlling the supply chain.

The notion that it has nothing to do with the production of an airline seat is in itself ignorant.

UAL wanted to be a one-stop shop for business and leisure travel. They did that with mixed success by owning all the pieces of what we'd call the content supply chain today (i.e. content being something you'd sell to a customer, be it air, cruise, hotel, rental car, and/or tours), and being able to cross-sell to gain more of the customer's wallet share.

In the end, they decided it wasn't worth the overhead involved.
WorldTraveler said:
No one really cares what UAL did with Hertz or anyone else - except you.
Another irony/hypocrisy observation. Isn't what WT's saying above pretty much representative of how everyone else in every other forum reacts whenever WT brings up what DAL did in any given situation?...

Just sayin'....
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