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Delta is removing more flights

Kev3188 said:

It's almost unrecognizable from when I worked there.

I get the business case for winding it down, and most of us knew it was coming several years ago.

Still sucks anyway...
Its sad but having a network of hubs at ATL, MEM, LGA, JFK, DTW, MSP, CVG......something had to go. MEM was the one losing money. 
robbedagain said:
difference is DL cut MEM after CH 11     second  you don't see SWA adding any more flights than what they have at PIT   Third  I'd be willing to bet the DL intl flight does not do as well out of Pit.      On the other hand  back then US was literally short of closing its doors permanently   whereas DL was not      Kev  I know folks from ABE  and we did well then   too but like in your case  the writing was on the wall
The DL CDG-PIT flight is now operating on its own. It was operating on subsidies. So it is profitable or it would be gone....  
FWAAA said:
Sad to see such drastic changes. When we had a dozen airlines, they all needed a hub (or two or three), so we saw medium-sized cities with hubs, like IND, DAY, CVG, MEM, CLE, BNA, RDU, STL and SJC (plus countless others). Periodic recessions and consolidation have slowly eliminated many of them. Now, with just three remaining hub and spoke legacies, we still have too many hubs. UA and DL have begun the process with CVG, CLE and MEM, but more are probably on the way. Don't know which ones, but I assume that AA won't forever have as many as it does today.
I don't think so. I think you will see some changes in the network to better use all the assets together, but I think for the most part the US network fits in well with AA.  
I don't think so. I think you will see some changes in the network to better use all the assets together, but I think for the most part the US network fits in well with AA.
if you are looking solely at hub locations, then yes.

but AA now has the most 50 seat aircraft flying for it among US carriers.

that means AA has demand spread over a lot of segments. the fuel situation provides relief to 50 seat fuel economics but the labor situation is unchanged. Larger aircraft are more efficient.

AA will have to deal with the duplication in its network.

now that DL has an efficient network - far more so than AA and UA, DL is growing faster than any other large US carrier.

and also leading AA and UA in RASM growth.
somehow  some way  just knew that DL f..k..g does it better than the other 2 airlines would come into play    Go Get Some Flippin Help Dude bec you truly need help
I truly feel sorry that you can't accept basic facts.

No one said that AA can't do it right or that only DL CAN do it right.

AA has hubs all over the country which looks great on a route map... but when you realize that AA now has the largest 50 seat RJ fleet in the world, there are a lot of inefficiencies that have to be dealt with.

and again, I am the one that recognizes that AA is in the beginning part of its merger.

most of you are the ones that don't want to believe that the same hub closures and cutbacks that have come at other carriers HAVE TO COME to AA - but you are the ones that don't want to believe it.
WorldTraveler said:
I truly feel sorry that you can't accept basic facts.

No one said that AA can't do it right or that only DL CAN do it right.

AA has hubs all over the country which looks great on a route map... but when you realize that AA now has the largest 50 seat RJ fleet in the world, there are a lot of inefficiencies that have to be dealt with.

and again, I am the one that recognizes that AA is in the beginning part of its merger.

most of you are the ones that don't want to believe that the same hub closures and cutbacks that have come at other carriers HAVE TO COME to AA - but you are the ones that don't want to believe it.
Remember that "respect" disagreement?...

WorldTraveler said:
>>> you can't accept basic facts <<<

>>> I am the one that recognizes <<<

>>> most of you are the ones that don't want to believe <<<

>>> you are the ones that don't want to believe it.<<<
Dale Carnegie courses might be a better use of your time.

It's pretty obvious that AA has some excess RJ capacity, and they've been keeping it more or less status quo awaiting some resolution of getting Envoy's rate structure in line with everyone else's. Seems there's been a little movement on that lately, so stay tuned.

But, stay tuned for that issue over on the AA forum.

This isn't a discussion about AA as much as you'd like to twist it into one.
topDawg said:
The DL CDG-PIT flight is now operating on its own. It was operating on subsidies. So it is profitable or it would be gone....
Or, it could be a route that AFKL think needs to be there, and DL has to operate it due to the terms of the JV... and those decisions aren't necessarily profit based.
DL doesn't generate 25% margins on the Atlantic by flying loss-making routes and the JV doesn't tell them to.
PIT was subsidized to start and has been profitable or would have been cxld
I would suggest those who want to talk about business issues take courses and have knowledge to do so.
there is no nice way to cover ignorance.
WorldTraveler said:
there is no nice way to cover ignorance.
Exactly describes the bulk of your posts - glad you are finally admitting it
AA to Asia loses money and it is published and verifiable
It is but a wet dream of some that DL loses money on PIT to CDG
In addition - DL is losing it's shirt elsewhere since it's current margin company wide is 12.74% or are you just trying to quote operating margin which is 25% - to bad the facts are getting in your way again

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