DL's margin over the Atlantic and Pacific has indeed been 25% during the peak season.jcw said:In addition - DL is losing it's shirt elsewhere since it's current margin company wide is 12.74% or are you just trying to quote operating margin which is 25% - to bad the facts are getting in your way again
WorldTraveler said:DL doesn't generate 25% margins on the Atlantic by flying loss-making routes and the JV doesn't tell them to.
WorldTraveler said:DL's margin over the Atlantic and Pacific has indeed been 25% during the peak season.
WorldTraveler said:on the Atlantic for 1Q14, it was 8.4% and for 2Q it was 15%. For the Pacific even in the 1Q, DL's operating profit margin was 5.5%.
For AA over the Atlantic in 1Q14, it was -1% (right out of BK) and -16% over the Pacific.