No, I got the message correctly. Only you are permitted to comment on subjects for which you have no knowledge or contact with reality. Thousands of AA employees? You should not exaggerate. You do it too much and people begin to call it lying. Besides, if cities were outsourced that would be the union's fault, and we all know what a POS the TWU is when it comes to protecting jobs and wages at AA. TWU exists because the majority of their voters are in Tulsa maintenance, and all they care about is their jobs--none of their fellow members in other cities.
Oh, and let's remember that the gate/ticket agents repeatedly voted down union membership and job protection. They got what they asked for.
there are and never have been any restrictions about who can answer.
maybe it isn't thousands..... maybe it is just hundreds. tell us the number and then you have the right to call it exaggeration.
tell me also about the number of bumps that took place because of those people who had to leave stations or become Envoy employees, AKA subcontractors.
They all still have frequent service. And I don't know about below the wing, but IAH has the same gate agents its had for years. I was just there yesterday. But, until you answer my previous question about your new definition of station and your restrictions on others ability to comment, there will be no further response to your deliberate misstatements of the truth. (In some circles it's called lying.).
and, I totally agree that if you want to include above wing personnel, the numbers look differently.
I have long pointed out that DL has far more stations staffed with above wing personnel than either it has below wing or what other carriers have above wing.
most people on here want to point to BW while failing to recognize that DL and perhaps now AA also sees that there are different reasons to staff some stations with its own personnel above wing than below wing.
ps. instead of using personal attacks, how about you use facts and then simply have the ability to point out that your facts are right and then move on?
but first you have to show me the number of people who were affected by AA's outsourcing of BW along with the bumps that it included.
and if the TWU is so bad, then why is it still there? The fact that so many people speak so badly about what the TWU has done and yet nothing changes is a powerful incentive for DL people to not get roped into ANY union since it is clear that the process of getting rid of them is near impossible.
There is little incentive to produce if a union knows it won't get replaced.
even if you look at the IAM, 700 repeatedly points to the outsourcing of jobs as evidence of what the members wanted. if the workplace turns into "Lord of the Flies" then the power of a union is not what a lot of people make it out to be.