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Delta FAs File For AFA-CWA Election !

Remember there is a difference between "Fair and Equitable" and "Date of Hire" The arbritrator ruled the APFA policy to intergrate the TWA flight attendants was "Fair and Equitable" I am by no means endorsing AFA just looking at all sides
Remember there is a difference between "Fair and Equitable" and "Date of Hire" The arbitrator ruled the APFA policy to intergrate the TWA flight attendants was "Fair and Equitable" I am by no means endorsing AFA just looking at all sides

You are very misinformed. There was no arbitrator involved in the TWA staple. In future mergers or acquisitions arbitration will be mandatory if the two Unions cannot agree.
Hmmmmm !!


Are you..."donttouchthebeauty" in(cyber) DRAG ????????

Wow, I am already being accused on here... Looks like paranoia is setting in on you guys, or something? Sorry I can't make your day, but I am me, just a lonely ramp rat out of DEN. I hope this helps. Have a good day!!!
Wow, I am already being accused on here... Looks like paranoia is setting in on you guys, or something? Sorry I can't make your day, but I am me, just a lonely ramp rat out of DEN. I hope this helps. Have a good day!!!



NO offense meant !! :wub:

(Actually, I find "beauty" to be (most times)..(a kind of)..Interesting !!
As an AA F/A who's partner is a F/A for DL I can say you really don't know what you are talking about. DL F/A's have 4 holidays that is 4 more than we do at AA and NW have. Unless the complaint was something drastic, like hitting a passenger, they are not going to be fired for one letter. DL F/A's are pay protected for the entire month, that is 25 days more than us at AA. While we at AA are paid a higher hourly wage than DL, DL F/A's are higher paid than the NW F/A's. Then of course DL F/A's receive a higher rate for Purser pay than both AA and NW. We all have things that balance it all out, but all in all I think NW is pretty much on the lower end, and of course AFA negotiated their contract. You are clearly a supporter of AFA and it is obvious I am not. Pat Friend is no different than the same CEO's we get angry at. When the NW F/A's were at the lowest point while in bankruptcy she decides to raid the PFAA. The right thing would have been to offer AFA's assistance during the BK process and then lobby for a vote later. However, I guess $4,000,000 a year was too much to pass up and DL would bring in about $7,000,000 a year, what an addition to the AFA-CWA bank account. Speaking of AFA-CWA if AFA was the best thing out there, why did they have to merge with CWA....things weren't going so well for AFA. It also seems as though you are the one jealous of us at APFA, because your facts are a little off. The majority of us voted "NO" in 2003 for the RPA, it was our union president at the time who did not have the guts to tell Carty "NO" and reopened the vote. Jealous of the AFA I think not, think back to 11/93 when AA F/A's went on strike, when was the last time AFA went through with a CHAOS threat...I guess they haven't. In the future get your facts straight.

There is some truth to what you post, aa. The only problem is that DL f/a's are generally apathetic. You would not believe how hard and how long the DL f/a AFA activisists have worked just to get to this point with AFA. 7 years ago there was a bit of a movement with TWU but it fizzed out. Many DL f/a's wanted to have our own union like you do at AA but everyone wanted someone else to get it going..so apparently there wasn't the energy or resources. Also, as is coming true now, AFA has their date of hire merger policy which was important as well.
Since you are speaking for your partner who is employed at DL, would he rather be union-free or AFA-free? If it's the latter, what did he do to try to get the ball rolling on forming our own union? The thing that you have to remember is that when FA unions were voted in years ago even in-house like yours, the f/a population at each airline was much smaller compared to today. Also, the demographics were more of the same--20-early30-something mostly Caucasian females. When you have a demographic that is very homogenous, it's much easier to target their issues and stay on point to more or less please everyone. Now we have every age from 21-81, men/women representing every world culture. And on top of that there are 12,000!
We can all go blue in the face arguing over a few dollars and cents on hourly rate, etc.. The point you have to remember is yours are contractual, in writing. DL f/a's are not. We took a huge hit in BK to the point that we had the lowest expense for a FA group for an airline than any of the majors. Now, we are getting some of that back, little by little and at a snail's pace and now look what's happening! A union vote! Of course there is going to be carrot-dangling.
Lastly, if this NW merger goes through, even if our vote fails, the NMB will require another of the combined company and if you take even just 8,000 of the 9,000 NW f/a's and combine them with the pro-union/AFA DL f/a's, there is going to be AFA at Delta. There is no way around it now. So I think it's best to try to come together, stop bashing each other and work for the common good of ALl f/a's.
Take care.
There is some truth to what you post, aa. The only problem is that DL f/a's are generally apathetic.

And, this makes them unique, how? We just had an election for national officers of the APFA. Less than half the eligible f/as even bothered to vote. The result: the guy who was removed from office under threat of legal action by the U.S. Dept. of Labor due to "voting irregularities"--actually, refusal to count some ballots that had been cast--is in the runoff for our next president. I'll see your apathy and raise you 9500. :lol:
Yeah, then they can be as happy as your group, with senior FA's on reserves for 40 years, I'm sure they are looking forward to it...

F/a's On Reserve For 40 Years? Where Did You Get that Information? We Have F/A's In CLT With 10 Years Senority Holding Sec Lines! And In PHL With 15 Years Holding Sec Lines!
F/a's On Reserve For 40 Years? Where Did You Get that Information? We Have F/A's In CLT With 10 Years Senority Holding Sec Lines! And In PHL With 15 Years Holding Sec Lines!

yoyodyne was seen wearing their "Keep Delta My Delta" shirt, standing next to the Delta kool-aide punch bowl, and heard it from an official Delta Information Officer!
Yea, dont count on it. AFA leaves NOTHING to jealous of.

Actually, FAMikey, THB seems to be VERY interested in EVERYTHING AFA CWA, especially at the negotiating alliance with all the other unions.. As a matter of fact, THB is interested in using an AFA trademark - CHAOS, and by the way that stands for (create havoc across our system) in case you need it in the fututre... Unfortunately, for you, she will be leaving in the near future, so the need may not be as great 🙄 . P.S. - AFA is the union that got ALASKA a 10.5 hour duty day. What is you duty day at AA? Oh, I am curious as well, how many hours do you have to work, to make the same pay as what you did in 2000? Per THB, you work 40% more than you did in 2000 to make the same wage, and that is without a BK :shock: . . . We have fallen on tough times in this industry, but it is not time to bash FAMikey, you should at least support the DAL f/as. The USA is one of the least organized countries in the world, and that is by a large percentage. SAD very SAD.
Actually, FAMikey, THB seems to be VERY interested in EVERYTHING AFA CWA,
Yea we like to knowhow not to do things.You know like take 10 year deals, threaten action and sit by and do nothing.

As a matter of fact, THB is interested in using an AFA trademark - CHAOS, and by the way that stands for (create havoc across our system) in case you need it in the fututre...
Sorry, its never worked for you, we wouldn't bother. As a group we like to stand tall and mean what we say. All for one kind of thing. If one FA goes on strike we all go on strike. chaos is for groups who couldn't a majority of people to walk the line.

Unfortunately, for you, she will be leaving in the near future, so the need may not be as great 🙄 .
That is true her 4 year term is up and she is making way for new people to step up and step in to office. AFA should try that over having the same president appointed for life, even after she put the union into recievership on a bad bet. Rolled the dice at Delta and it came up craps. It was a sucker bet for sure.

Delta is eing P.S. - AFA is the union that got ALASKA a 10.5 hour duty day. What is you duty day at AA? Oh, I am curious as well, how many hours do you have to work, to make the same pay as what you did in 2000?
Actually I dont know what the domestic side duty day is. I would guess 12. I myself work 3 less days a month after the RPA. I pick up one turn and I am making the same. Anyways I will always take the longer duty day and work fewer days, with more time off. Over a shorter duty day with more days on the road, at one of those fabulous airport hotels AFA negotiated for you, on layovers under 16 hours.
Per THB, you work 40% more than you did in 2000 to make the same wage, and that is without a BK :shock: . . .
Since we all know your math ability is quite low after the last time you posted numbers and percentages. Even so, you must also understand that 40% number is not per hour pay,but total compensation. As for taking the RPA with out going in to bankruptcy, Explain how it is better to have taken a hit in BK court VS outside. Except for the fact that we kept higher pay than you, better working conditions as we see them, a pension and retiree health benefits. In case you didnt know, but I know you do. We voted down the RPA negotiated by last administration, and it is still beingcontested in court.
We have fallen on tough times in this industry, but it is not time to bash FAMikey, you should at least support the DAL f/as. The USA is one of the least organized countries in the world, and that is by a large percentage. SAD very SAD.
I do support the Delta FA's, too bad AFA does not. Twice they have said thanks, no thanks and still you guys lick your lips at the thought of all that extra dues money.

The sad thing here is your narrow minded belief that having a large percentage of people in unions make everything some how better. I suggest you do some research on, collective barganing in the US VS europe.