To be completly objective, and i'm an AFA member, if I were a Delta f/a I would very seriously think about this. It does not take a rocket scientist to look at all AFA represented mainline carriers and compare them to other unionized carriers (American and Continental). What you will find is this;
-AFA carriers all have the lowest wages in the industry.
-AFA carriers pay more towards health and dental insurance premiums, and have less than adequate coverage.
-AFA carriers lost thier retirements
-AFA carriers have the worst work rules
The list goes on and on. Top pay for an AA flight attendant and Continental, which were both impacted by 9/11 (Southwest can't be compared) is still in the $50.00 an hour range. The closest an AFA carrier can get is $37.59 (give or take a few pennies for cost of living adjustment).
In addition AFA has a reputation for only protecting and negotiating for its most senior members. Bargaining and side letters for its junior members have to wait until Section 6, but if an issue arises that impacts the most senior a side letter will be prepared faster than you can blink an eye. Now of course AFA will rally against this because they stand to gain so much revenue if they can organize the Delta flight attendants ($42.00 per month x 13,000=546,000 PER MONTH!!) and they despartely need it.
So to summarize, form your own opinions and make the decision that you think is best but at least look at what AFA has done for the carriers it now represents and decide if they can help you. Don't forget there are other unions out there (TWU is one) and also don't forget that CONGRESS INACTED RECENT LEGISLATION THAT PREVENTS CARRIERS FROM STAPLING!