
And to think some of us were slammed for thinking the Association  might be a bad idea. Maybe if and when this mess ever gets straightened out it will benefit us all (I have my doubts), but for the moment, it is costing me daily. I'm sure the leader(s) of the possible TWU/IAM conglomerate will get it's members retro on the 4% as well as a industry leading (not cost neutral) contract. I sit and wait! :rolleyes:
WeAAsles said:
They don't need an agreement to finalize any negotiations. They can hold up the process until 2019 if they wanted to. If the TWU or the Association goes towards them with demands that will not be met, then this whole process can come to a complete standstill and the infighting will commence.

If the creditors who needed to agree to the merger also didn't stipulate some type of timeline that negotiations needed to come to an end for stability? Allusions seemed to have at least been presented to that possibility?
The lack of mutual preparation will make that more likely.

Mutual preparations and discussions will be imperative. When and how that begins to commence is the question.
Except the TWU keeps saying there is no such agreement, so we have to take them on their word. It doesn't seem to fit with the POR statement or remarks by the APA and APFA leadership, but until the time comes we can't be sure.
What we can be sure about, is that our groups are not as integral to the airline flying as one like the flight attendants and certainly the pilots are.
Those preparations are long past due and all signs from the TWU are pointing towards that process beginning later rather than sooner, we've already wasted months. It seems the TWU doesn't want to play nice and value "independence" more than anything else, including the best interests of their Members.
And to think some of us were slammed for thinking the Association  might be a bad idea. Maybe if and when this mess ever gets straightened out it will benefit us all (I have my doubts), but for the moment, it is costing me daily. I'm sure the leader(s) of the possible TWU/IAM conglomerate will get it's members retro on the 4% as well as a industry leading (not cost neutral) contract. I sit and wait! :rolleyes:
Don't see retro....good luck with that.
NYer said:
Except the TWU keeps saying there is no such agreement, so we have to take them on their word. It doesn't seem to fit with the POR statement or remarks by the APA and APFA leadership, but until the time comes we can't be sure.
What we can be sure about, is that our groups are not as integral to the airline flying as one like the flight attendants and certainly the pilots are.
Those preparations are long past due and all signs from the TWU are pointing towards that process beginning later rather than sooner, we've already wasted months. It seems the TWU doesn't want to play nice and value "independence" more than anything else, including the best interests of their Members.
The IAM is saying the same thing but two things stand out in my mind on that one. One was the 30 days to start negotiations (Pending NMB decision) and the comment "Expedited Negotiations" Powerful signals if you ask me.

To the creditors who agreed to the merger, no we may not be as important to them as the Pilots and FAs? If there is no Arbitration language specified why would anyone conclude otherwise?

Signed prior agreements or not it still takes two to tango and hopefully at some point in time compromises can come through dialog to benefit the collectives rather than the institutions.
Retro? Really? This is the TWU we're talking about here...
We aren't getting squat thanks to Jim Little gobbling Trumka's knob.

Both unions have designed this so their interests are protected,not ours.
WeAAsles said:
I'll make a coffee bet on retro but only if negotiations are concluded by mid summer?
At this pace, they won't even be started by summer.

The window of opportunity is quickly closing.
WeAAsles said:
The IAM is saying the same thing but two things stand out in my mind on that one. One was the 30 days to start negotiations (Pending NMB decision) and the comment "Expedited Negotiations" Powerful signals if you ask me.

To the creditors who agreed to the merger, no we may not be as important to them as the Pilots and FAs? If there is no Arbitration language specified why would anyone conclude otherwise?

Signed prior agreements or not it still takes two to tango and hopefully at some point in time compromises can come through dialog to benefit the collectives rather than the institutions.
It has been stated as so in the POR, by APFA President Laura Glading, APA President Keith Wilson and Doug Parker himself in one of his station visits video.
NYer said:
It has been stated as so in the POR, by APFA President Laura Glading, APA President Keith Wilson and Doug Parker himself in one of his station visits video.
Yep. So I should be getting a coffee then sometime by July the latest would be my guess?
JFK Fleet Service said:
Retro? Really? This is the TWU we're talking about here...
We aren't getting squat thanks to Jim Little gobbling Trumka's knob.
Both unions have designed this so their interests are protected,not ours.

I don't see anybody disagreeing with this thought, true or not, the iam and twu have an image problem To go along with the growing discontent with the membership.

We the membership are suffering, because the IAM and TWU didn't want to take a vote, because it would " waste" the afl-CIO money that could go for organizing.
bigjets said:
I don't see anybody disagreeing with this thought, true or not, the iam and twu have an image problem To go along with the growing discontent with the membership.

We the membership are suffering, because the IAM and TWU didn't want to take a vote, because it would " waste" the afl-CIO money that could go for organizing.
1000% correct sir!!!  I have said this from the very beginning.  The TWU and IAM will be doing so much infighting that they have completely lost the idea of working for the membership.  And you are correct that by the TWU and IAM NOT having a vote between the two of them is in fact affecting not only the membership but the AFL-ICO money big time.  The end of the TWU and IAM at the new AA will in fact be determained by that decision.  They are soooo focused on the dues that are losing the membership day by day.  If there is a vote it will be interesting and industry changing...
Well correct me if I am wrong (I am sure some one will) But to get the single carrier status. Are work groups must be considered one. Before the company can move forward. Its all being held up by the nmb right now.
Right now, I think when Doug Parker talks about things, he is being straight forward no B.S.
Remember the iam settled for pay rates of the twu during the merger, Why did they not go for more knowing Usair needed a contract to move forward.
One thing I notice in almost all the Doug Parker videos he is always talking to the flight crews.
Funny after all these years of the twu being a company union, now they are trying to make a name for themselves. WTF LOL!!!!
You don't need to be single carrier for representation to get a single operating certificate. The most recent example is, the dispatchers at United/Continental were represented by two unions up until mid 2013.

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