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Is This Is The Twu Info Packet?


Dec 21, 2002
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I'm going to do some MATH for you DUE to the fact that AMFA was'nt on the property in March of 2003!!!!

Three Thousand Machanics did'nt get to vote on a POS industry leading concessionary contract that was'nt even up for ratification.

Jim little and his gang of international THUGS thought they knew what was best for you and I, So i'm not to sure you are not also on the take.

I doubt you had to deal with this but here goes

17 and 1/2 % pay cut (that we had just recieved)

reduction of 12 sick days to 5

1/2 pay for first 2 days used per occurance(with repremands for using any)

No shift differential pay (thanks day shifters that hurt didnt it)

Loss of 5 holidays that were paid at 2 and 1/2 times pay

Holidays now paid at 1 and 1/2 times pay(sorry line guys youve gotta work for 8 hours on a holiday for nothing more than 4 hours at time and 1/2)

Increases in medical (that noone can give me #,s on)

no paid lunches-no penalty hours

No AMT will recieve more than 1 and 1/2 times pay for anything including field trips that can last as much as 60 hours .

Now Do The Math Can You Spell Out To Me What Management Lost as I Have Done For You?
Great info Hopeful...now do some more math for me will ya bud?...HOW MUCH DO WE CURRENTLY OWE amfa that is to be REPAID THROUGH FUTURE DUES....c'mon now man...don't fail me here..add it up.

It would appear that "we" do not owe AMFA anything. However there is no money owed to AMFA from this organozing drive from dues now or in the future.
It would appear that "we" do not owe AMFA anything. However there is no money owed to AMFA from this organozing drive from dues now or in the future.

Wanna bet your vote on it?
NyQuill said:
It would appear that "we" do not owe AMFA anything. However there is no money owed to AMFA from this organozing drive from dues now or in the future.

Wanna bet your vote on it?
I can see why all your friends are gone. With spew like that I'm sure your company gets old quick. Lay off the Nyquil, sober up, read the AMFA constitution and attend an info meeting. Maybe your friends will come back. There may only be one more info meeting in Tulsa before the AMFA is certified. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

twu cultists..........Going back to work won't be so bad, you'll get over it............I promise!! 🙂 🙂
*ahem**sobers up* And still amfa's lies are before me!

Did we get that democratic vote you spoke of?

quote:air-mechanic..thx QA1
Yes the 300K will be paid back to AMFA National once The AMFA is representing us. The funds were loaned to us for a lawsuit that was filed against AA for violating our right to organize. Without the legal language that was won in that case we would not be in the position today to be able to file the cards with the NMB.

At this time it will only cost you $18.70 (per person).
AMFA NEC approved the loan.

I, and 1,000's of AA union membership DID NOT VOTE on this loan we will have to assume if amfa is voted in... THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF amfa's TRUTH!!!!!
NyQuill said:
*ahem**sobers up* And still amfa's lies are before me!

Did we get that democratic vote you spoke of?

quote:air-mechanic..thx QA1
Yes the 300K will be paid back to AMFA National once The AMFA is representing us. The funds were loaned to us for a lawsuit that was filed against AA for violating our right to organize. Without the legal language that was won in that case we would not be in the position today to be able to file the cards with the NMB.

At this time it will only cost you $18.70 (per person).
AMFA NEC approved the loan.

I, and 1,000's of AA union membership DID NOT VOTE on this loan we will have to assume if amfa is voted in... THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF amfa's TRUTH!!!!!
Good find Nyquill!!!!

And Hopeful, you guys keep bringing up the 3000 who didn't get to vote. WHY??? That has already been solved. They cleared that up along time ago. If you want to exact information on that (which has been posted time and time again) than I will get it for you.

But enogh already with the false information. That's seems to be all you amfa boys can post these days.

Hopeful; I have to correct you on the Holiday pay. Its worse than what you typed.

The fact is that we get half pay for working the holiday.

The contract says that we get 5 paid holidays.

That means that we get paid for 8 hours, five times a year while actually working 0 hours.

So we are already entitled to 8 hours pay on those holidays while working no hours. However, the TWU with their Industry Leading Concessions included language that allows the company to make us work the 8 hours while only paying us a half our hourly rate. Whats even worse is if you are on a 4/10 shift you get less than half pay.

You see if we are entitled to a paid holiday, at the very least, if we have to work it we should get our eight hours pay for the holiday plus 8 hours pay for the eight hours worked.

So in reality, since we are entitled to the 8 hours anyway, they are only paying us the equivelent of 4 hours for 8.5 hours, in other words half pay. Or, we really do not have any paid holidays, just a premium.

Most non-union jobs around here get 10 paid holidays. We get five, but if they force us to work they only have to pay us half pay.

Does the TWU really consider itself to be a union? This is unbelievable!

AMFA and the AGW NOW!
Golly gee NYQUILL:

By my math, we lost about $20,000.00 per year for 5 1/2 years!

Isn't that enough for you?