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Delta +7%.......means what?

Overspeed said:
Actually the Association was brought on by the AFL-CIO to stop a war between the IAM and the TWU.
There should have been a vote between the TWU and IAM period.  This scam of an association BS is exactly that, a scam in order to keep the dues flowing.  The sharing of two different unions in control at different times is just stupid.  Every time a different union takes control they will take everything back to the way that union always does business.  The back and forth will be tiring and full of burden upon the membership.  I am just hoping the membership has a way out of this BS association by a vote and I am still also hoping AMFA can get on the ballot as well, good luck to you guys...
Overspeed said:
Actually the Association was brought on by the AFL-CIO to stop a war between the IAM and the TWU.
Actually that is B.S.!! What war? TWU had the numbers, it only keeps all members under
AFL-CIO unions and no chance for its AMT members to vote them out. The fact that
the NMB has had this fiasco we call "the association" on there desks for 8 months proves
that it only serves the unions, not its members. 
A few of us were talking about the Delta +7 in the break room the other day and one of our Miami union guys said that what we were thinking/saying  was incorrect. It's all in the new contract. he went and printed it from the contract, there is a formula there which will show all of you just what approx we will get. Go and check it out.
It's not the BIG money you think or thought. It really could be even smaller if UAL/CAL just get a small if any raise.
Just think about this, all the time you have spent here at AA, when in all those yrs have you gotten a pay raise then on the goodness of AA got 7% more? We are NOT supposed to get the 4% on top of that until after we approve a new joint contract. When can all of you expect that to happen?  CAL/UAL have been one company with the same union for yrs, STILL NO JCBA. Do you think the NEW AA is going to just give you $$$$ without taking something away?
The apathy here at AA is so sickening, many say they made 100k+ last yr, yes but they had to live here to get that. The O/T is not going to last forever. We have seen our peers change their life style and now will have to find ways to pay bills to keep the toys they bought after we got money. Just wait until the NEW MGMT Team replaces your stations upper mgmt and the new rules come. Many will be shocked.
Delta +7% is what they are promising but at what cost will it be to US All.??? 
The Delta plus 7% is not in your current CBA, you have a pay adjustment formula.
Delta plus 7% is what people are saying that is what the company will offer as that is what the did with the pilots and FAs.
700UW said:
The Delta plus 7% is not in your current CBA, you have a pay adjustment formula.
Delta plus 7% is what people are saying that is what the company will offer as that is what the did with the pilots and FAs.
MY mistake I also left out that we were also talking about the wage adjustment and how that will work out. I know the Delta +7% raise in not in our contract that is down the road after the JCBA ,
My point is that many think we are going to get the BIG raise come Sept. and when we do get a contract AA is going to just give us the $$ it's going to be a shock to many.
Even all of the bs you have said what's in your US Airways contract though out this board that they can't change, and how the IAM will fight it well what have they done since you guy's have signed and what info are they telling the members "Nothing" the same as they tell us here at AA. It's all on the web just go to the union web sites and look. The unions know not many do that and that just a few will and then they will have to explain or guess what it says and the members will just buy into what ever. That is why we get what we do. 
The apathy of the mechanics at the airlines is the reason we get what we get.
Our contracts become amendable when? Just give us a GOOD reason why the new AA will want to give us anything before that time? You have said many times that US and the courts abrogated your contracts. So why would they now think different and want to start negotiations and give us any $$ before then? In the airline industry companies don't open contract to give to union employees out of the goodness of their hearts. 
The TWU/IAM association, do any of you think that they are going to come to an agreement which will benefit us? What are we to give up to get the small amounts of $$ they will say is the best they could get under the current climate. AW is running both AA/US and most recent hired NWA guys to be supervisors. Just what do you think is coming. Have you looked at the new GPM and the rules. It's not going to be a pleasant place to work in the yrs to come.
Fully agree that the ex-AW and ex-NWA management team is running the show. The new style seems more punitive than cooperative in its approach to employees.
The DL + 7% that management would like to "give" us comes with qualifiers such as opening up scope. Isom/Wroble/Seymour all spoke to that when discussing the DL+7%.
The current TWU CBA wage adjustment is a bump to industry average of a select group of peers, not DL+7%.
The war would be that even though the TWU may have had the numbers, the IAM still has the ability to collect cards from incumbent TWU members. The IAM could have shown there was enough IAM members plus TWU members that wanted a vote between the two. The TWU tried to do that during the US and HP merger for the ramp. That didn't go so well for the TWU. The Association was put together to avoid the union on union fight.
Overspeed said:
The war would be that even though the TWU may have had the numbers, the IAM still has the ability to collect cards from incumbent TWU members. The IAM could have shown there was enough IAM members plus TWU members that wanted a vote between the two. The TWU tried to do that during the US and HP merger for the ramp. That didn't go so well for the TWU. The Association was put together to avoid the union on union fight.
and avoid letting the membership vote!
Overspeed said:
The war would be that even though the TWU may have had the numbers, the IAM still has the ability to collect cards from incumbent TWU members. The IAM could have shown there was enough IAM members plus TWU members that wanted a vote between the two. The TWU tried to do that during the US and HP merger for the ramp. That didn't go so well for the TWU. The Association was put together to avoid the union on union fight.
There wouldn't have been a war
The TWU would have lost.
Tthis way the TWU once again prevents another possible will of the membership exposure.
TWU only survives at AA by preventing the membership will to be known.
Overspeed said:
The war would be that even though the TWU may have had the numbers, the IAM still has the ability to collect cards from incumbent TWU members. The IAM could have shown there was enough IAM members plus TWU members that wanted a vote between the two. The TWU tried to do that during the US and HP merger for the ramp. That didn't go so well for the TWU. The Association was put together to avoid the union on union fight.
BS!  What happens in real life to settle a fight? Bring the differences to the front, duke it out, and may the best man win!
Why wouldn't that approach work for union representation?
Rogallo said:
BS!  What happens in real life to settle a fight? Bring the differences to the front, duke it out, and may the best man win!
Why wouldn't that approach work for union representation?
this is the twu... you should know better then that, if they can sucker punch you they will.
Overspeed said:
The war would be that even though the TWU may have had the numbers, the IAM still has the ability to collect cards from incumbent TWU members. The IAM could have shown there was enough IAM members plus TWU members that wanted a vote between the two. The TWU tried to do that during the US and HP merger for the ramp. That didn't go so well for the TWU. The Association was put together to avoid the union on union fight.
Will you not admit that it is wrong that we have had no voice in our future ! You can say the NMB may give us that opportunity,
but theTWU/IAM leadership that takes our money would not if it was their choice. 
How anybody can support this fiasco is unimaginable to me, please tell me one benefit it creates for its membership?
I believe it was wrong not to put it to a vote by the membership of whether to pursue a link up or stick with the TWU. In a straight up vote I know I would have preferred my dues be used to maintain TWU representation. I would have gladly campaigned for the TWU.
Overspeed said:
I believe it was wrong not to put it to a vote by the membership of whether to pursue a link up or stick with the TWU. In a straight up vote I know I would have preferred my dues be used to maintain TWU representation. I would have gladly campaigned for the TWU.
OS are you speaking for having the TWU representation on because they support the employees at AA.

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