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Delta +7%.......means what?

US doesnt have limited capacity in PIT or CLT.
When US had no ability to farmout US accomplished all heavy and most components done in-house, with the same two heavy bases.
And US can farmout 50% of billable Heavy Maintenance hours.
They do outsource most all components as that was lost after our CBA was abrogated in 2005.
so, US has UNLIMITED capacity? nonsense. of course they have limits. The world is full of limits.

We've been thru this over and over again but the industry standard for measuring outsourcing is in monetary terms and US outsources the most highest percentage of its maintenance among the legacies.

The average of AA and US' level of outsourcing is now virtually identical with what DL does as the 2nd lowest level of outsourcing among the US industry - second only to native AA.

and to the AAers, I say that you MUST fight to get mgmt. to develop a strong and viable insourcing program.

the level of outsourcing that DL does on airframe overhauls is significantly offset by the level of insourcing they do

First you have to figure out if DL +7 is strictly pertaining to base rates, "all in" (eg lic. perms., etc.), or total compensation.
of course it doesn't include total compensation, Kevin. Profit sharing, which amounted to 16.5% of DL employees' salaries in 2014 is off the table.

AA maintenance should be at among the largest airline MROs in the world.
We all new that the WT jerk-off would show up.
What's wrong slow day on the Delta board....
Why does everyone continue to ask about or blame the NMB for this delay in the Association question?
It is the two unions that are causing this problem.
Why is the Association needed in the first place?
We all new that the WT jerk-off would show up.
What's wrong slow day on the Delta board....
fine then. I'll say that I hope you get screwed by mgmt. I don't really mean it but since even my good wishes are met with your crap, I'll give you what you clearly seem to want.

whether I want it or not, it will probably happen anyway.
Overspeed said:
Actually the Association was brought on by the AFL-CIO to stop a war between the IAM and the TWU.
That's because both Buffenbarger and Little were worthless pussies. Neither one of them wanting to upset the other and actually represent their members for a change. With more than 2/3 of the total combined maintenance & related employees, the TWU should have sent the IAM its demand that the IAM slink away and surrender. But instead, the dues collection agencies cooked up a scheme where they could both avoid accountability while continuing to collect dues from the mechanics.

Edit: At 12/31/14, fully three-quarters of the maintenance personnel at AA were on the AA side, "represented" by the TWU. According to AA, pmAA has 10,800 maintenance personnel and pmUS has 3,600.
bigjets said:
Isom also said the union gets a pie of money and how the union divides it up, is what we get. Thanks to all the libtards in Tulsa, who have to be part of a collective, instead of their own merit, (I say Tulsa, because they're the ones that keep the TWU in power) we will be behind everyone again......No UNION,,,,,, what has being part of the TWU done for you? We all saw how the UNIONS stuck together from having any kind accountability. 
To me Delta + 7 equals, everything a Delta MECHANIC has +7, just like the pilots and FA's. Not a collective +7 above Delta's ground employees and AA's ground employees.
Our own merit? Get a life f@#! head.   Is Tulsa to blame for the ass deal?  The AMFA drive in early  2000 that had enough cards but was denied by the corrupt  nmb was led by a Tulsa guy! Keep driving that wedge whine bag and see if it puts any long green in your pocket. 
FWAAA said:
That's because both Buffenbarger and Little were worthless pussies. Neither one of them wanting to upset the other and actually represent their members for a change. With more than 2/3 of the total combined maintenance & related employees, the TWU should have sent the IAM its demand that the IAM slink away and surrender. But instead, the dues collection agencies cooked up a scheme where they could both avoid accountability while continuing to collect dues from the mechanics.

Edit: At 12/31/14, fully three-quarters of the maintenance personnel at AA were on the AA side, "represented" by the TWU. According to AA, pmAA has 10,800 maintenance personnel and pmUS has 3,600.
You are 100% correct. There was no contest on this deal the twu held all the cards.........................................
Despite the harm it could and is causing it's members...monetarily for now!
For now? This consistent placement at the bottom of the compensation scale by the TWU must finally change.  Hopefully the USAir M&R will not put up with this socialist dogma...
Buck said:
For now? This consistent placement at the bottom of the compensation scale by the TWU must finally change.  Hopefully the USAir M&R will not put up with this socialist dogma...
Buck, what I meant was the 4% (monetarily) is impacting us now, and if/when the Association is shoved down our throats, one can only guess how much more the dysfunction and infighting will harm us.
Buck, what I meant was the 4% (monetarily) is impacting us now, and if/when the Association is shoved down our throats, one can only guess how much more the dysfunction and infighting will harm us.
Exactly, I was not attacking you ( AANOTOK ) I was attacking the historical compensation that M&R here at American Airlines has had to endure. This socialistic structure, that Bread cost the same for everyone, brother must  go.
Buck said:
Why does everyone continue to ask about or blame the NMB for this delay in the Association question?
It is the two unions that are causing this problem.
Why is the Association needed in the first place?
The NMB has been nothing short of hostile towards the last two AMFA drives at AA.  Now these same ass hats are dragging their collective feet on what should be a very simple decision; LET THE MEMBERS VOTE! Done.  I hope Karma catches up with these same NMB members, cause what they are doing, and what they have done with the AA M&R group over the years - is criminal.
Buck writes:
"Why is the Association needed in the first place?"

For something to be truly funny, it has to be rooted in truth,
I suspect the meeting when the Association deal went down, sounded something like this...

We as a group are pathetic. We have been screwed over and over by the same union and company. Now we are being screwed again by the two unions, the threat of the association and the nmb. Lastly the company is holding back our money because we have no jcba in place. Thanks to the twu, iam and the association. You would think the two unions would argue over the money even though we do not have a jcba in place. Instead they are bent over backwards working on getting the association shoved up our A$$es. For our fellow union members who continue to live under a rock, I hope you all get what you deserve.

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