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May 22, 2004
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Worst among the nine North American major carriers was Southwest with a 54.65 percent on-time record for December.
I for one do not care if Southwest is ontime, they are very efficient, FRIENDLY and an airline who MAKES A PROFIT.
I for one do not care if Southwest is ontime, they are very efficient, FRIENDLY and an airline who MAKES A PROFIT.


Meaning of EFFICIENT:
ef·fi·cient   /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ Show Spelled
[ih-fish-uhnt] Show IPA

1. performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable: a reliable, efficient secretary.
I for one do not care if Southwest is ontime, they are very efficient, FRIENDLY and an airline who MAKES A PROFIT.

When you get your news accounts from the BOQN(Bitter Old Queen Network) or TWH(Tired Wrinkled Hags) news agency, it's important to remember that you only post negative, slanted articles about your competitors. Heaven forbid that you ever mention that the airline the poster works for has the worst reputation for In Flight Service(or lack of). Just stir up the pot, deem what you think is your opinion and move on.
And, let's not forget that WN's planes are full and PROFITABLE without charging checked bag fees. So, evidently the traveling public does not care about that on-time stat as much as they do other issues--like friendly, helpful employees and not being nickled and dimed to death at every turn.

When you get your news accounts from the BOQN(Bitter Old Queen Network) or TWH(Tired Wrinkled Hags) news agency, it's important to remember that you only post negative, slanted articles about your competitors. Heaven forbid that you ever mention that the airline the poster works for has the worst reputation for In Flight Service(or lack of). Just stir up the pot, deem what you think is your opinion and move on.

.....how classic. Cant deny those stats so lets bash the poster. LOL. YAWN. Or bring up those no bag fees, that'll help. LOL.
I haven't seen anyone trying to deny the stats. Just your propensity for only posting negative info on WN. Perhaps you missed the info that said WN has one of the best O/T performance records since such records were kept by the BTS...

I haven't seen anyone trying to deny the stats. Just your propensity for only posting negative info on WN.

and perhaps, YOU missed the fact that no one commented ON THE STATS. Just side stepped it, by commenting on my posting, the bag fees and profitability.

One of the best? NOT DECEMBER. LOL!!
and perhaps, YOU missed the fact that no one commented ON THE STATS. Just side stepped it, by commenting on my posting, the bag fees and profitability.

One of the best? NOT DECEMBER. LOL!!

The stats for Oct speak for themselves - no sidestepping necessary. Even WN admitted that they didn't perform as well as they should have. You did sidestep the fact that WN has the best on-time rate of all carriers that have reported every year since the BTS started requiring such reporting. Just admit that you like to post bad news about WN but ignore any good news - like 30+ consecutive years of profitability which is the envy of every other carrier, carrying more domestic passengers than any other airline, etc.

The apparent metric of a good company is only based on the on time arrival statistics according to the DOT. Those statistics are skewered by the fact that a flight is considered on time if it arrives within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival. So if a flight is scheduled to arrive at 9:00am and it arrives at 914am, it's considered on time, according to the DOT. How many Customers sitting on the flight that arrived 14 minutes late know that they were on a flight that was considered ON TIME and the airline is going to brag how good they are? In a post a few weeks back, it was pointed that these are mostly meaningless statistics BECAUSE, the customer usually makes their airline decisions based on price, then price and price again.

If you purchase the rock bottom fare, arrive at the airport you get asked for more money to check in bags, change your reservation, or choose your seat in any section of the aircraft that could be deemed low enough on the price list that you have to pay for widow or aisle seat up front. You've finally gotten your rock bottom fare, bags checked in, gotten a choice seat and snacking away on a tin of pringle's and you want more pepsi, and the flight attendant is either too busy selling the Airline's Visa card OR reading a People Magazine someone left behind, OR, talking about the good ol' days when Customers dressed up to fly OR they are telling the Customer that she is there for flight safety. How many of these customers are really going to want to fly with that company, again. According to Zagat's, not many and they ranked extremely low.

So when there are airlines that pay their employee's better, treat them with respect and are a driving force in their industry fall behind in a statistics that most customers could give a rats arse about, it's important to know that someone feels that it's their responsibility to blanket a chat room with several stories against several carrier's and their downfalls.

Besides being on time, it there any other criteria that you've deemed absolute important in order for a company to rated the best?
Just admit that you like to post bad news about WN but ignore any good news

One could say NO ONE posts bad news about WN on this board, except a few. I dont ignore good news, there's good news posted here.
You did sidestep the fact that WN has the best on-time rate of all carriers that have reported every year
Uh, no. I didnt. I didnt WRITE the article. HE DID:
Holiday storms sour airlines' on-time performance in December
Posted By John Gillie on January 3, 2011 at 12:18 pm

Read more: http://blog.thenewstribune.com/business/2011/01/03/holiday-storms-sour-airlines-on-time-performance-in-december/#ixzz1AGSCCd5q
So if a flight is scheduled to arrive at 9:00am and it arrives at 914am, it's considered on time, according to the DOT. How many Customers sitting on the flight that arrived 14 minutes late know that they were on a flight that was considered ON TIME and the airline is going to brag how good they are? In a post a few weeks back, it was pointed that these are mostly meaningless statistics BECAUSE, the customer usually makes their airline decisions based on price, then price and price again.

Are you kidding me? Meaningless statistics? Within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival/departure TIME is a fair statistic. Uhhh, WN was the one who boosted for years over the quick turns and on time stats. They're NOT EVEN achieving those statistics now WITH THE EXTRA 14 MINUTES.
LETS REPEAT what happened: Worst among the nine North American major carriers was Southwest with a 54.65 percent on-time record for December.

FIFTY FOUR percent is NOT an efficient operation. And, when PRICES are comparable, one may look at those meaningless statistics to attend: A business meeting, a wedding, a cruise, another connection, a funeral, a medical emergency...etc...etc.
One could say NO ONE posts bad news about WN on this board, except a few. I dont ignore good news, there's good news posted here.

Uh, no. I didnt. I didnt WRITE the article. HE DID:
FIFTY FOUR percent is NOT an efficient operation. And, when PRICES are comparable, one may look at those meaningless statistics to attend: A business meeting, a wedding, a cruise, another connection, a funeral, a medical emergency...etc...etc.

And, I bet what most twists your panties into a knot is the fact that despite all of your forced logic, their planes are full and they are making money. You can list all the possible things that might make a late arrival cause someone to book elsewhere--such as business meetings, weddings, etc--but, until people actually start booking away from WN that is just irrelevant possibilities.

Their planes are full and they are making money. Deal with it, darling.
And, I bet what most twists your panties into a knot is the fact that despite all of your forced logic, their planes are full and they are making money. You can list all the possible things that might make a late arrival cause someone to book elsewhere--such as business meetings, weddings, etc--but, until people actually start booking away from WN that is just irrelevant possibilities.

Their planes are full and they are making money. Deal with it, darling.

Hey CUPCAKE, most legacies have FULLER aircraft then Southwest. They're load factors are for the most part, lower then the legacies. Meaning, PRICE isnt always a factor in the selection of airlines.

Suck on that one, Jimmy boy
Despite all those deficiencies you point out WN still carries more domestic passengers than any legacy airline and despite not having international service is 2nd in system traffic. WN doesn't need hundreds of millions of dollars in fees to make a profit. WN pays their people well and still makes money.

By about any measure except international service WN is a resounding success compared to the legacies.


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