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Dear Qik Developers

Like most things in US Airways computer system, the problem can be solved be swiping a valid major credit card, I'm certain.
swiping wont work here at USAirways....as it will cost too much to buy swiping machines.... we are too cheep...???
but we do know that the technolocy has been around since EA.... when they owned the shuttle... cuz you did not buy tickets..
you paid on board...w/ your credit card...?

oh... when was that??? 1999???

what year is this and we still cant do that??? LOL
I miss our keyboards at USX that allowed us to swipe passports and credit cards and *bam* its in there.

The America West managers really should have spent some time out "east", and I mean actually crossing the mississippi, prior to dissing Sabre and throwing this horrid system at everyone, including their own.
what systems do the other airlines use? does UA use this system too? I remember a few years ago when the system went down, and both US and UA were dead in the water?
what systems do the other airlines use? does UA use this system too? I remember a few years ago when the system went down, and both US and UA were dead in the water?

Every system goes down.

When my station got nailed with a hurricane and 2 feet of standing water, while we operated without Sabre for 2 weeks (try doing that with E170s, and major kudos to TPA, SRQ, and TLH), Sabre was up well ahead of Continental and Delta's systems. In fact, we were the first airline to resume after the storm, thanks to the Sabre techs flown in from Tulsa. Continental, on the Porsche version of Shares, did not resume service for 4 days and didn't have computers until a week after we got ours up.



Ah, remember the days of W:EXCH:INVOL? (along with all the other stuff that worked 1000% in Sabre).
Here's an idea for a contest: Compare the number of entries for routine transactions in the two systems. Yes, yes, I know that I am flogging the proverbial dead horse here....Sabre ain't coming back. But it might be fun anyway. For added chuckles, maybe someone who knows native SHARES could throw those entries in as well. (actually many basic enrties are the same inthe two systems)
example: Displayy PNR history:
*H in native SHARES and Sabre
In QIK Shft D option 2 (or something like that)

What strikes many users is that QIK not only takes more keystrokes in many case, the entries are just not as intuitive.

I hope the person who left the letter at Wendy's has a spare copy! It deserves an award.
Native SHARES the history is also *H. Favorite term for when someone screwed up and was fired, "Oh He's Display-H"

I hate Qik as much as all of you. But HP training was always crappy. When we were cross-utilized...only god knows how many people I accidentally unseated because similar names lists were not explained enough. 99% of seat dupes are from unseating someone or changing the wrong sim-name.

AW always wanted us to string commands and hit enter as little as possible; "use your end-item key!" The whole point of QIK is build the complex commands into a single use of the enter key. In typical AW fashion, the creators had little contact with the end-user. The concept never dealt with reality.

Something we will never know--The company harped about how it was too expensive to dump SHARES and that SABRE could be dumped in the C11 process. How much money did they end up spending rewriting SHARES and QIK so that some of the functionality/reports could be used at LCC?
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worst. For the life of me I can’t understand their logic.
There is no logic.

When it comes to IT, they are a bunch of nincompoops.
There is no logic.

When it comes to IT, they are a bunch of nincompoops.
today really sucked in the AM...soooooooooooo many glitches.....lines out the yin yang....,I couldnt even reissue a simple 3 day date change ticket....guess they forgot about that scenario....
Love the kiosks today too. First the screen said "insert question here" and that was it. Customers were asking, "what question am I supposed to be asking?" lol 😛 🙄 Then I guess they got enough messages on that and changed it. Then the same screen said "Select Gender (Yes) (No) ..... :stupid: 😳
I just hope that all of those hard working IT people got to go home tonight on time.....
Honestly, just how many more Qik Enhancements are they going to be able to program on this system before it finally kicks the bucket?
Love the kiosks today too. First the screen said "insert question here" and that was it. Customers were asking, "what question am I supposed to be asking?" lol 😛 🙄 Then I guess they got enough messages on that and changed it. Then the same screen said "Select Gender (Yes) (No) ..... :stupid: 😳
I just hope that all of those hard working IT people got to go home tonight on time.....
Honestly, just how many more Qik Enhancements are they going to be able to program on this system before it finally kicks the bucket?
Soon that will read "Insert QUARTER HERE!" :lol:
today really sucked in the AM...soooooooooooo many glitches.....lines out the yin yang....,I couldnt even reissue a simple 3 day date change ticket....guess they forgot about that scenario....
I do not have the patience for the invol reissue keypad. What is wrong with making it one button push? Now instead of ADJUST I have to go to control Fsomething Fseven, then option three? Why not option one? And why do I have to send the last popup twice to get it adjusted?

What is this U class thing, and why is it saying that the person is in First class and not letting me upgrade them? Then I have to go to the SST menu and do it that way, looking like an inept moron the whole time. Oh and dont forget to actually go back to the pnr and book the upgrade, hopefully someone else didnt sell it from under you in all the time it took. AND ADJUST THE TICKET!! dont forget!! Control What?

How ironic....this is completely out of control. I hate , hate, hate, hate this.

I work at Wendys though. So, actually, ignore all that. 😉
i still dont know how to reissue a voluntary tkt change...anyone?? This is ridiculous....seems they are soo busy creating a program to send a report to the mgrs on what was waived....,instead of making the checkin process as smooth as possible...checkin times have increased double if not triple!!! Station runs outta change faster than bees sip honey...
US, along time ago, when switching from Pacer to Sabre, had people in place that seemed to understand what cutover meant and what impact it would have on the front line and their passengers. I was mistaken at the time and thought something was missing "upstairs"when it took a week or two to adjust, if you know what I mean.
Compared to the latest cutover and "enhancements", the experience in switching to QIK is an ABISMAL FAILURE TIMES TEN. It has taken, and is still in the process of switching over, many months over!! In fact years!!
Every enhancement is not tested or thought out. It is a complete knee jerk reaction to what ever it is they think of changing or whatever it is that is on their mind, at the time. They put it out before it is even tested. I cannot believe that it is even tested at all. They just throw it out there, and let the chips fall where ever.
I think they should fire the person in charge of cutover. That person , in charge, is not up to the task at hand.
If the system cannot provide timely service to the passengers, then the system doesn't work.