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Dear Flight Crew

I did and they put your picture by those words.

Lol she was being sarcastic, indeed. Just because she was being nice, doesn't invalidate everything I've said. The context of this "letter" was her making humor out of the fact flight attendents whine and complain about the most mundane things.

Watch out for that turbulence honey...
The context of this "letter" was her making humor out of the fact flight attendents whine and complain about the most mundane things.

Us gals have dedicated our lives to this airline - we can be as loud and mundane as we want! Have you seen the January bid sheet for Philadelphia? And they have changed the block times on all the PIT flights just to make our lives more miserable.
I did and they put your picture by those words.

Lol she was being sarcastic, indeed. Just because she was being nice, doesn't invalidate everything I've said. The context of this "letter" was her making humor out of the fact flight attendents whine and complain about the most mundane things.

Watch out for that turbulence honey...
Yes you are correct it did start out with an agent. Gloria decided she was better than an agent now she is getting mad and her friend states we are trashing her. I would hope that I did not get my BA in "flight attendant" the job is one of the easiest I have ever done. The pressure would be only (God forbid) if an emergency happened. Otherwise it's cake. She has no understanding of the pressure of a gate agent. If she did she would never say the things or criticize the way she did. I love my job but let's face it - it is easy so lay off the agents. Why does she keep saying "mommy" does she think we are all 20 years old? Did she check with her mommy for everything? Let's not be sexist check with daddy...
Finally some sanity!!

You are dead on my friend. All of our jobs are easy (excluding mechanics and pilots) and there is NO reason to get all bent out of shape and be rude to eachother! It just shows a lack of charecter and intellegence.

That goes for FA's and Gate Agents alike!! I was, and am, NEVER rude and spiteful to my co workers. You and i would get along great FA21.

I pray my plane doesn't crash with Gloria as my FA. She would be the one to panic the most and create the most chaos. MY COFFEE, DON'T SPILL MY STARBUCKS!
Gloria decided she was better than an agent...She has no understanding of the pressure of a gate agent.

Gloria KNOWS! So does the whole world babycakes. Despite what they tell you - everybody loves Gloria Holtz. Why is it you became a flight attendant little girl?

Don't know the pressure of being a gate agent - THANK GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did and they put your picture by those words.

Lol she was being sarcastic, indeed. Just because she was being nice, doesn't invalidate everything I've said. The context of this "letter" was her making humor out of the fact flight attendents whine and complain about the most mundane things.

Watch out for that turbulence honey...

Oh my GOD do you need to get laid or what??? I was not being rude!! Youre the biggest whiner I've seen! Cut it out!! And then when people call you out on it you revert to first grade tactics like saying people are fat, ugly, or the most pathetic "you have crotch rot"

No one is being hateful around here except for you.
Hey...Chill Out.....
Misery really loves company doesn't it? :down:

Of course you would take a silly posting and turn it into a damn b*tchfest, but there was nothing malicious about it. If I wanted to slam someone I'd slam the door in your face with 40 seats still open as you try to go somewhere out of CLT....

but I don't WANT to slam anyone so, I won't. Your cranky a$$ gets on a plane anyway because I figure you just need to stop pleasuring yourself with sandpaper.

You get to fly, I get a good laugh and everyone walks away a winner.

Stop being so rude!
As funny as SOME of the comments in this thread are, it is sad in a way, and it shows one of the biggest problems that US faces in getting their act together.

You have workgroup pitted against work group, NO UNITY whatsoever among labor, and 5 pages of fingerpointing, name calling and general griping. Wake up people, everyone is complaining, and NO ONE is trying to make it better.

Management can't or won't do it, so it's up to those in the field....and I can understand most of you just don't care any more, but to be honest, if everyone spent as much energy on trying to make things better as they do in B*Tching and complaining, or fighting each other, PERHAPS the momentum would lead to change. I realize this is satire in a way, but it brings to the surface underlying feelings which could undermine the whole company.

Believe me I sympathize with all the front liners, but keep things as they are, and the prophecy of doom and failure will become self fulfilling.

I am sorry to say that much of this thread makes me feel justified in not flying US any more....

I truly wish you all the best, but I must say this thread does sadden me....or maybe this is actually the plan--drive it into the ground and sell it off in pieces....who knows?
I truly wish you all the best, but I must say this thread does sadden me....or maybe this is actually the plan--drive it into the ground and sell it off in pieces....who knows?


That is going a little far don't you think? From Dear Flight Attendant, I love you to Dear Airline, DIE DIE DIE....

I'm pretty sure no one else got that but you.
Understand that "letter" is tremendously disrespectful to all of the changes the gate agents had to go through with the merger and integration of the IT systems.

"One of the four people who can list you?"

- The lack of equpiment/outdated equipment

- Seat dupes

- Keeping on the cleaners and caterers

These things are very stressful, and when you have a cabin full of apathetic FA's and your manager riding you for the whole turn, many people stop finding the humor in this situation.

I bet all of the FA's got a kick out of that. I'm sure you all sit around and joke about gate agents when you aren't kissing their asses for a nice seat.

Don't condescend to me, I know exactly what goes on.
Actually I was talking to ART

AHHHHHH... Ya got me... How can I stay mad with a greeting like that?!?

I heart international! :wub:
Don't condescend to me, I know exactly what goes on.

Hey, Sunshine, Didn't you accuse me of bashing f/as and now you're switching it to bashing gate agents?

Didn't you accuse me of being a little slow to catch onto sarcasm?

I guess I feel for ya because if my mind changed itself that many times I suppose I would be pretty icy in temperament too.

Guess what else? I suck up to Dougie too. He's hot!
