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Dear Flight Crew


Hey Guys...You're all fun to hang out with on this board but I personally feel like crap after posting some "inappropriate comments" about people so I'm taking a long vacation from USAV...Have fun Piney and Art! If I'm needed and you know me...I can be reached via other means...

For now...this Eastie is outta the action.

It's funny that YVR has decided to take a hiatus from USAviation, with a self imposed exile/guilt(?) over something they said. Then suddenly Hey...Chill out shows up, same writing stlyle, short 2-5 sentence posts, same vitriolic type posts,

While I guess there is nothing wrong with multiple screen names I never saw the need in it. It irks me that one has to take on another screen name to stir the pot. If you can't stand by your posts why bother with another screen name.
As funny as SOME of the comments in this thread are, it is sad in a way, and it shows one of the biggest problems that US faces in getting their act together.

You have workgroup pitted against work group, NO UNITY whatsoever among labor, and 5 pages of fingerpointing, name calling and general griping. Wake up people, everyone is complaining, and NO ONE is trying to make it better.

Management can't or won't do it, so it's up to those in the field....and I can understand most of you just don't care any more, but to be honest, if everyone spent as much energy on trying to make things better as they do in B*Tching and complaining, or fighting each other, PERHAPS the momentum would lead to change. I realize this is satire in a way, but it brings to the surface underlying feelings which could undermine the whole company.

Believe me I sympathize with all the front liners, but keep things as they are, and the prophecy of doom and failure will become self fulfilling.

I am sorry to say that much of this thread makes me feel justified in not flying US any more....

I truly wish you all the best, but I must say this thread does sadden me....or maybe this is actually the plan--drive it into the ground and sell it off in pieces....who knows?
so sad but VERY true...we all need to be on the same page to turn this culture around...if all groups and management could get it together and focus...we have the talent to be a great airline...it has to start at the top and filter down IMO
Hey, Sunshine, Didn't you accuse me of bashing f/as and now you're switching it to bashing gate agents?

Didn't you accuse me of being a little slow to catch onto sarcasm?

I guess I feel for ya because if my mind changed itself that many times I suppose I would be pretty icy in temperament too.

Guess what else? I suck up to Dougie too. He's hot!

Are you out of your ever living mind? Hot? You need to hand out in better places. Back to this thread, Art is right, its been said since this merger became a reality workgroup vs workgroup leads to a divisiveness that only benefits manangement. Really too sad. The only good thing that would come from this company going under is that it would force some employees to move on to new careers. Some would retire and others would just jump to other companies.

My comment about the "plan" was that it was perhaps management's plan, not labor's.

I was once one of the most loyal customers US had--and supported labor in a big way-even tried to get management to help make things easier for you guys.

No I am not the only one who "got it", I fear, but you have in a way validated my point.

There is so much anger, bitterness, frustration, etc. JUST on these boards, I can only imagine how EVERYONE feels.....

The bigger problem may be that there may no longer be any incentive to make things better, in which case, higher yield customers like myself will just go elsewhere...not all, but a good number.....

I do not envy you folks...and I fear it will get significantly worse before it gets any better.
The only good thing that would come from this company going under is that it would force some employees to move on to new careers. Some would retire and others would just jump to other companies.

I already have another career, this job is fun for part time, and I am sorry my post got misconstrued.

I have never said anything bad about the airlines or its employees as a whole , I merely responded to personal attacks made by other users.

I do agree that the negativity is a big problem "in the office"
and hope we can iron all that out.

Dougie is defintely cute. Sorry!
HAHA What a way to make peace in this thread is to start bashing Doug Parker now haha!

He was going to China via LAX the other day. I was at the bottom of the jetway and when he shook my hand I squeezed very hard, I hope all the blood rushed to his head! :blink:

Art I completly agree with you man. People need to be oh so much nicer to eachother. I promise you this, when I was a gate agent, I was a perfect gentlemen to ALL of my co-workers, most of all the FA's because I'm a man of great integrity, and I knew that a fight would just delay boarding even more then it already was lol.

There are a lot of mean gate agents too, I realize that, I used to work with some nasty individuals. I just refer to FA's since they were the focal point in this thread.

I apologize if you've ever been talked down to by a gate agent. You are better than that I know. In fact, I got so many good comments from many people for the service I provided for them. A lot of times they would comment on how much nicer I was than the other gate agents. Why? because it's professional, and I'm not there to pass judgement on people, I was there to make sure I did what I was being paid very little to do hehe. Too many in this company have the ME ME ME mentality!
HAHA What a way to make peace in this thread is to start bashing Doug Parker now haha!

He was going to China via LAX the other day. I was at the bottom of the jetway and when he shook my hand I squeezed very hard, I hope all the blood rushed to his head! :blink:

HAHA I was NOT bashing Doug!! BE IT KNOWN!!

I did just almost spit out my milkshake at the irony of it.

Poor Dougie can't find any sunshine. I'm gonna send him an E-card.

Understand that "letter" is tremendously disrespectful to all of the changes the gate agents had to go through with the merger and integration of the IT systems.

"One of the four people who can list you?"

- The lack of equpiment/outdated equipment

- Seat dupes

- Keeping on the cleaners and caterers

These things are very stressful, and when you have a cabin full of apathetic FA's and your manager riding you for the whole turn, many people stop finding the humor in this situation.

I bet all of the FA's got a kick out of that. I'm sure you all sit around and joke about gate agents when you aren't kissing their asses for a nice seat.

Don't condescend to me, I know exactly what goes on.
Trust me when I say I would never want to do you job. I respect what you agents do and understand the pressure you are under. I know this because many of my friends are agents. That being said ..why do you feel the need to lump all us (f/a's) as a whole. Have you delt with each and every one of us? We dont get a kick out of anything and are all in the mess together period!! Your comments about aids ect. ect. reached a low on here iv never seen on here. Every employee group has its bad apples. Your job is stessful and so is ours!!!