Well Dude...when Iran goes nuclear.....they may intimidate the Saud's more than Saddam ever did....and by then,your kind will have relegated us into political oblivion because you just didn't have the Balls to stick it out.
I'd feel safe saying Canada will still sell us oil,but don't trust Hugo.....and the Afrikkans are always striking for one reason or another...so where you gonna get your Lube Job?
Guess it's a good thing that Canada and Mexico are #s 1 and 2...accounting for over 1/3 of our supply. Hey...I've got a question for you? How stupid is it to not try to find an alternative. Sure...I remember Bushie's speeches stating how he'd like to bolster the research of alternatives but I also remember the Bush administration recalling all electric cars earlier this decade. Check it out. Oh yeah...and his empty speeches about cutting our oil dependency are crazy when you then look at the budget and realize that he has cut research spending, greatly added to Iraq spending, and put us seriously in debt. Only thing worse than "tax and spend Dem" is "cut taxes for wealthy and spend even more Repub".
You know,i'd bet my left nut if one of the Clintons or Gore or Kerry made the decision to do Iraq,you'd be doing backflips defending their choice...and don't boosheet me here...
It's fun to deal in hypotheticals, isn't it?
🙄 I would say that you would be minus a nut...and that wouldn't be good b/c I like you with as nuts as you are. Truth is...Clinton, Gore, and Kerry didn't have a score to settle. And I would think that they would "save" an African nation with an exponentially worse genocide problem than Iraq. Oh...but wait...we didn't go to Iraq to "free" them, did we? We went b/c they were manufacturing WMDs. Just like Iran now, right? Killing our own soldiers to increase the Prez's poll numbers is genocide...and it's happening in our own country!
Funny,your sweetie Hillary is on record saying Intell was flawed which dispells 'Bush Lied'.Bush went to war like anyother commander...with what he had at hand when the decision was made to go.
You lied....
Glad that you have decided who I support and don't support. Shows your ignorance. But back to it...she said that the intelligence that Congress was presented with was flawed. Even the intel agencies have said that the case presented by Bush, Cheney, and Powell was not the data that they provided to them. Seems there was a little bit of streeeetching going on when the tale was told...hence "flawed intelligence".
Unoquivicably yes... :mf_boff:
Guess you'd better read up on what is/has been going on in Africa, then. Millions more are being raped and murdered in Africa. Oh...but I guess that since there isn't an ample amount of oil in central Africa (and no African ruler tried to poison Daddy) that we were better off clearing up the "WMD" issue in Iraq. At least we now know the answer to that one...only cost thousands of lives to figure out that the answer was "no".
The mission and the plan have been presented several times by several others....I'd suggest the reason you cannot hear what we have digressed is because you have cotton in your ears,so you can only hear what you want to hear....not the truth. :unsure:
All that I have EVER heard from you and your gang (and this is a stretch b/c I have to piece it together from fragments since nobody is bold enough to present a long-term idea) is that we are in Iraq until we have finished training the military and they take over. But wait...what is this that I now hear from your arguments? That we can't leave even then b/c evil Iran and Syria will come in the second that we do leave? That is what you say, right? Well then, Virginia, since your plan A obviously won't work anymore, what are the victory conditions. Oh wait...that was plan B ...we already accomplished the first mission. So what is plan C? And why should the American public buy into this one when there are already two strikes (and several foul balls).
Hey Dude...you can't fire that gun with flowers sticking out the barrel....
Great avoidance once again. "rah rah...I support the troops...but I don't support any effort to protect them or create a viable plan for fixing what we have screwed up" That pretty much sums it up and is why you have nothing to say on the matter. Again...the TACTIC to send many more soldiers with no STRATEGY to "win" this thing (mostly b/c we cannot define what "winning" means) is just marching them aimlessly and needlessly into harm's way. But what do you care? Do you really think that putting an "I support the troops" bumper sticker on your car is helping?