UseYourHead said:
My question for those who would like to send our management team packing is: Who do we have waiting in the wings?
It would be desirable to know the answer; otherwise, as I have said in the past, "Be careful what you wish for-You might get it."
When one sits back and looks at it with a calm mind and not through a raging psyche taking nothing personal but looks at reality, then it's very clear this company is in one big heap of manure. So after that realization is made the next logical realization is the fact that things will change drastically or this company will perish. It's not rocket science, it only requires a calm rational mind, a mind that is not filled with mistrust, vengeance, and hatred and every kind of negative emotion . We have posters calling for a new management team, ok great and like this poster here asked, then who will they be and can we be sure they will be any better, smarter and more labor friendly. Then we have posters on here pounding the drum to no more concessions without any answer given to alternatives. The very few posters that do hint at more concessions point the finger away from their little work group, away from where they themselves live at in the U system. We have posters explaining how the entire system should be run, routes, schedules, pricing etc. They believe they have the answers and if only this management team would listen to their wisdom U would be ok. I was a poster calling for a new management team, screaming no more concessions, pointing to other groups. Then with some time away from work and time to think without the daily rumors, jobs that must get done yesterday because we have an AOG, just the everyday stress of being an airline employee trying to keep the planes flying which requires a ton of people all working together 24/7. When you get out of that environment for a time it clears your head. No, I don't have the answers, I am just a mechanic and know nothing of the business world other that what I read. I know what airlines are doing poorly and what ones are doing well, but I don't have the education or experience to know the reasons for these facts. I just know them as general knowledge like anyone else does. I, like everyone else on these boards, would love to see U not only survive but become one of the top airlines and be proud I am part of it. How do we do that, is it even possible, what are the answers, frankly I am clueless. To all the posters screaming at this management team, or their union or the union leaders must be replaced: I challenge them to take over and run the show and make it work. We had posters on here screaming remove the IAM, believing that would take care of problems. That phase is history and now the mantra is remove this management team we have in place. All the infighting, finger pointing, demands for this and that, all the pent up emotions and frustration and even rage in some cases, will in my opinion, equal the demise of this company. It only creates apathy to the point where people stop believing and therefore even trying. I know I have been going on here but to get on these boards yelling, screaming and pointing fingers, demanding new teams, no more cuts, they can shut it down on and on is just a big waste of energy. It does nothing but fuel the negative emotions already in place. If you feed on this stuff the results are frustration, fury, rage, and pure apathy. It's not healthy, not indicative of a successful company for it's employees to be in such states. Nope I sure don't have the answers, but do know I will no longer participate in something that only fills me with negative emotions and solves absolutely nothing. I am thankful I have other hobbies not needing this sort of thing to kill time with. If I want to fill myself with negative emotions all I need to do is show up at work.