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Dave's Rebuttal

Well, you can't say he didn't tell us - Dave will be the teller at the 'Airlines for Sale' window, asking, when UA orders a regional airline, "do you want to super-size that?" LOL

For those in the medium and small stations, as well as the junior folks in the large ones (mainline won't be working MDA in CLT or PHL), you better get your act together. Dave has served you notice.

Dave and Holly have dealings together going back to at least 1999, when Dave stated in her column, that the new RJ's were 'scopebusters.'

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh, and please don't change the name of the CharlieFox that is US Airways to Piedmont. I have fond memories of the SpeedBird days, and have no wish to see them tarnished. I'll bet the former Allegheny group feels the same.

Perhaps 'Parts R Us Airways'?
diogenes said:
Dave and Holly have dealings together going back to at least 1999, when Dave stated in her column, that the new RJ's were 'scopebusters.'

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
And this is EXACTLY why we all as ONE labor force MUST stick together to bust HIS balls this time around!
I hope that each and every poster that dismisses our jobs and careers and praises Dave for outsourcing aircraft and maintenance to the lowest bidder has his/her job outsourced to Mexico.

It a compliment to the airline, ONLY IF you hold the person who is referencing the airlline in "high esteem".
A compliment is a compliment. It's very interesting to me that Dave even considered changing the name "US Airways" to "Piedmont Airlines." His remark seems completely unexpected and speaks volumes about his opion of their operation. I guess the old Piedmont folks would have to decide whether to accept the compliment or not.
wings396 said:
A better name for this outfit would be East Coast Airlines.......our slogan could be
" Going...Going....GONE"
try EastoftheUS Airways The slogan should read"we dont believe in life west of the Mississippi"
As usual, when I hear Siegel's strategic ideas they make sense and he seems smarter than your average airline executive. But when I hear you guys describing the operational/labor side of U that he seems like he's not paying attention. It could be that he is still very concerned that U will run out of money before it can implement its good ideas.

Generally, U's major problem, revenue-wise, is that it's hubs are small to medium, serving small and medium destinations as he says. You just can't get yields from those markets if you have even minimal exposure to LCC's.

So, one of U's advantages might be its experience operating a multi-aircraft type operation, so that it can match capacity to demand while maintaining network coverage and frequency without flooding the market and competing with itself. However, that's expensive.

A fleet and operational plan that allows for U to operate a small-jet network where appropriate with larger jets for higher demand, longer routes makes sense, especially when U has a mix of aircraft that allows is to defend smaller markets with a 737 against the coveting eyes of SWA or JB.

Operating a regional jet hub at PIT to provide mid-day frequency connections up and down the east coast, primarily. And focusing O & D operations at PHL with Airbuses seems to make common sense to me.

Hooking up with UAl to provide connectivity to the west and the far east also makes sense. Even better, get UAL to abandon its IAD hub to focus its east coast feed from PIT with U's RJ's and mainline jets, once you've convinced ACAA to reduce it's costs.

You'll note that U's proposal to ACAA has been to reduce it's debt. Such a move would benefit ALL carriers at PIT.

It would seem to me, though that U would have to maintain a certain level of mainline-sized aircraft to defend against encroachment by JB or SWA.

Good luck everyone.
By the way, I have to admit that the US Airways, and before that USAir, trademark/corporate identity has always seemed to be akward and weak to me. Can anybody tell my what the US stands for. Are they initials?

Can't we please have regular english words again in corporate america... PLEASE?

'US Airways' seems so diluted and 'focused-grouped' Why not be about something?

Honestly, for the first couple of years that I had business with USAir, I just hated saying the name. It just grated on me.

What's wrong with real words, that really mean something?
blueoceans said:
A compliment is a compliment. It's very interesting to me that Dave even considered changing the name "US Airways" to "Piedmont Airlines." His remark seems completely unexpected and speaks volumes about his opion of their operation. I guess the old Piedmont folks would have to decide whether to accept the compliment or not.
You could change the name to Piedmont, but without the same people at the helm it would change nothing. If some of the old PI gang were available it would be a different story. They had a marketing dept. that went head on with the competiton instead of running away as we do now. PI gave PE on heck of a fight in EWR, ORF and other cities that I can't recall. I know that PI was NEVER ran out of anywhere by anyone. PI ran EA out of CLT when the decided to make it a hub. AA tried to beat PI out with their RDU hub, but they didn't...........Now how many places has SWA run US out of already???? And they are not finished yet. Granted that US gave better benefits including pay than PI did, but that means nothing in the present. I can say for certain that if PI ran this operation since 1989, we would not be flying 279 A/C and running from the competiton the way that we have. Lost turf in BWI, ISP, PVD, all of Florida and the West Coast. On a previous post I think that we counted in excess of ***** 40 ***** stations that have gone by the wayside, with more to follow. Nothing left of PSA, Nothing left of the Empire system, and not much more that the CLT hub left from Piedmont....and let's not forget that the backbone of US Air PIT, is vanishing with every schedule change....PISS POOR to say the least. 🙁
How about "HighTail Airlines"? If there's competition, we'll "high tail it out of town."

This whole situation depresses me so much, I'm going to high tail it back to bed and pull the covers over my head. 🙁


PS: Anyone know if our fabulous new health plan covers Prosac?
Right after he changes the name to Piedmont I bet he will look up Mr. Davis's salary, make a small adjustment for inflation and cut his salary to match.

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