WorldTraveler said:
what YOU tell ME is that you want to harp on every negative thing about what DL does while failing to acknowledge the positive that DL does - including the level of insourcing that is far larger than what any other airline in the Americas does.
No. I generally have to post the negative because you are just wrong.
If it wasn't for people like me and Kev everyone around here would think Delta is all roses, rainbows and unicorns.
But I have highlights plenty of positives too. In my last two post on this thread I have highlighted how much MRO work TechOps does.
Your problem is if ANYONE post ANYTHING negative about your beloved Delta then they just die and burn in hell. The problem with that is most of the time you are talking right out of your ass.
as it is, TechOps is stuck around 500M-600M a year. They were suspose to be over a billion a while ago. A KEY reason why they are stuck is because the lack of product offering. Being a big PW2000/PW4000/CF6 MRO is basically useless at this point. I said before that that Delta is really pissing away a huge, huge, huge growth market in two engine types they send out. The V2500 and the GE90. While I understand that Delta only having 20 GE90s makes it kind of hard to have a engine line for it(not impossible. one of the largest CF34 shops in the world and not a single one of those engines fly for Delta) but not bringing the V2500s in house (when they have over 100 of them on wing in the Delta fleet) is a big mistake IMO. The 219 is already a Delta only engine. The 2000 line will end up being that way, and if it wasn't for UPS and FedEx the 4000 and CF6 lines would be drying up.
Same issue for big time components. 757/767/MD88 landing gear MRO is going to start drying up. Then what......? (hint....check out United's SFO base)
WorldTraveler said:
If you calculated DL's net level of outsourcing as the level of outsourcing work on their own fleet minus what they get in insourced revenue, DL has THE LOWEST rate of outsourcing of any large airline.
Doesn't work that way.
Why? Well because then you have to count AA MRO work. I believe that AA, TAESL and AAMRO calculated together would mean they do more work. The problem their is, because you can't figure out how TAESL works you don't want to count it.
secondly, we are talking about Delta work, done by Delta people. I am not talking about what other work Delta does.
Delta could do every single maintenance item for every US airline and I would still be sitting here unhappy that Delta is sending work like HMVs, engine overhauls and mod work out. A big reason for that is all i hear is about that cost advantage but they aren't using it.
WorldTraveler said:
When you consider that AA is rapidly increasing the amount of overhaul outsourcing, don't look to any union-represented passenger airline in the US as providing any example that DL mechanics want to follow.
I'm sorry, what work exactly is AA increasing for overhauls? Last I heard they were bringing 767/757 overhauls back in-house. The only fleet they send out now is the 777s.
and as I have told you before, we have yet to see how the merger works out for them. Generally, though, you will see US work that is sent out brought in if AA does that work. That is part of driving down costs. Also because AA is making billions It is going to be fairly hard for them to get large outsourcing. It was easy in BK, now not so much.
WorldTraveler said:
I want DL to do as much work in-house as possible. I have repeatedly said that.
No you don't. you want Delta to do whatever is the flavor of the month. Like i said, HMVs could come back in tomorrow and we would hear how great it is. On the flip side Delta could pull a Northwest and I, then unemployed would be hearing about how happy I should be.
As i keep repeating, you have made it clear to everyone here this is just a big pissing contest for you. I don't honestly believe that you give the smallest of single s**ts about a single Delta Air Lines employee. Not one.
WorldTraveler said:
all of the empty bays don't matter given that DL would have to hire hundreds of mechanics to do that work - which isn't necessarily going to be here for years and years.
So now you are saying Delta is paying hangar rent for empty bay, unstaffed bays?
lol it is amazing to me how you act like you know so much, but yet how little you know.
WorldTraveler said:
you should know by now that DL doesn't commit to hiring FT employees if they can't ensure that they can be retained for the long term based on every amount of known information at the time the hiring decisions are made.
I don't disagree here. I don't think i have suggested anything that would cause great flexing in staffing.
WorldTraveler said:
Mod work IS NOT long term work. Given that DL is buying enough new aircraft that its maintenance needs are going to decline - which is exactly what is happening at other US airlines as well - no US airline is increasing the net number of people in maintenance in any significant measure.
Mod work is long term work. you will almost always have something, some kind of mod, going on. Be it things like cabin work or winglets, or wifi, or cockpit mods or whatever.
and for a good bit of the mods they can be tied into other checks. You can do a 767 winglet during a c-check...... (did a few for LAN like that)
WorldTraveler said:
but you would also do well to consider that DL's decision to buy more used aircraft increases the need for mechanics compared to AA and UA which are buying a much higher percentage of new aircraft.
Wait didn't you just say above Delta is buying new airplanes and reducing head count.....
lol you contradict yourself in the same post. Good work.
WorldTraveler said:
Feel free to hold onto AA as an example but even when you combine AA and US' level of maintenance outsourcing TODAY, DL still looks comparable - and in a few years, I strongly predict - and yes I will bet you - that DL will have the lowest level of outsourcing among large US airlines.
what is a few years?