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CWA Update

I was told by a steward that the "snapback" clause will also come into play in our raises. Does anyone understand what exactly this means? I believe the payscale link at CWA is the DEC 2004 amended contract. So, if that is the case, where does the snapback go to? One question you said you would try to ask is if the "premium" for specialty desks is still in tact? I called a teamster negotiater but he couldnt tell me the answer to that one either. Any help here would be appreciated.
I think I remember someone asking about PR and it is going to have to be negotiated but-currently, they have asked the CO to not reduce pay ect for anyone-I thin kunder the current contract it is only like .57 cents...a qqq was also asked about geographical-there was no clear answer but it was/will be added to topics for the table.....in the current CWA contract under I think 2004 amendments there is a table of when certain monies come back...aka snap backs...I too am trying to weed my way through understanding the contract with little guidance...my fellow US co workers have been great at answering every question that I have...that would be my suggestion to many hp west employee's...it certainly has helped me!
I do ask US east-sorry, I have the "division" here but it is easier to use...I ask that you be patient with Hp as many employee's have little experience of how a union works...it is a learning process but we are on the right track---finally!
I love it how CONFUSING the CWA was in snapback wording.
Does anyone know what the second to last yr salary will be?

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