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CWA- The best and only alternative is to vote YES

Well I just read the CWA's agreement from my local president and make no mistake about 2 things. It's UGLY! and I will reluctanly vote YES.

Why? A check every 2 weeks is better than no check when your looking for other employment. I will continue to do my best at work but with my eyes open and looking for another way to earn a living. Perhaps there is none better at the moment, But I will look anyway.

Best of luck to all of us. The alternative out there in job hunting land is the truely UGLY part for the bulk of U's employees should we C7 ourselves with a NO vote.
On 12/19/2002 7:19:01 AM totobird wrote:

Before reading this post I was a sure NO vote but you all have changed my mind.

I will vote YES.

What else is out there to even compare to what I will have after the latest concessions? Not much !


I had enough and took a furlough earlier this month and have had plenty of job leads thus far. Some were a joke (the $8/hour position with a "low cost" ghetto airline) but some have been worth considering. With Christmas around the corner, things have slowed down a bit and I'm still waiting for second interviews to come up; but the reality is that US Airways is underpaying and overworking us. I can probably do better elsewhere and possibly for more money and definately less bs.

I know that there are some jobs where this wouldn't be true or some locations where the job market is terrible - but with as bad as the US Airways package is right now (and only to get worse), you'd fare better at a low cost carrier or almost anywhere else.

I hate to say it, but if US needs further concessions - its time to put the dog out of its misery.
had enough and took a furlough earlier this month and have had plenty of job leads thus far. Some were a joke (the $8/hour position with a "low cost" ghetto airline) but some have been worth considering. With Christmas around the corner, things have slowed down a bit and I'm still waiting for second interviews to come up; but the reality is that US Airways is underpaying and overworking us. I can probably do better elsewhere and possibly for more money and definately less bs.

I know that there are some jobs where this wouldn't be true or some locations where the job market is terrible - but with as bad as the US Airways package is right now (and only to get worse), you'd fare better at a low cost carrier or almost anywhere else.

I hate to say it, but if US needs further concessions - its time to put the dog out of its misery


All depends on ones point of view which is driven by their grit, level of education, self worth, ambition. And this last one, ambition: If you possess that very needed quality then Jon is absolutely correct, if not the company can kick you around like a helpless puppy only for you to come back wagging your little tail. My guess is that we have a company full of pups with dave & dave as the task masters. Please, don’t tell me how much you love this company and want it to thrive, it’s only your codependent personality speaking.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/18/2002 8:44:10 PM tug_slug wrote:
[P]What makes you think your going to get severence? Right after the Unions ratifiy the new contracts the companys going head straight to the BK Judge and tell him what a hardship its going to create for the company if they have to pay severence to all the laid off employees. [BR][BR]Guess whats going to happen then? You got it... you not only voted yourself out of a job thinking you were going to get a little something out of it and BANG good ole Dave gives you yet another good swift kick in the arse. [BR][BR]Merry Christmas[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][STRONG]to do as you say will breach the 1113 agreement. [/STRONG]
The company will allow parents of employees furloughed after 9/11/01 to be considered "eligible family members" for purposes of online non-revenue travel.


This was a sticking point with the last agreement, not having the parents on the termpass. A yes vote for me.
I don't agree parents should get fly benifits
and I'm sure this one will pass, cause they'll let all the furloughed people vote (kinda stuffing the ballot box) don't ya think....I'm a no vote....cause they'll be back for more...the business model it broke and goof ball Dave won't/can't fix it!!!!
On 12/19/2002 7:04:00 PM taylor01 wrote:

I don't agree parents should get fly benifits
and I'm sure this one will pass, cause they'll let all the furloughed people vote (kinda stuffing the ballot box) don't ya think....I'm a no vote....cause they'll be back for more...the business model it broke and goof ball Dave won't/can't fix it!!!!
what makes you think the furloughed people will vote yes..
the more people that get bounced the farther down the recall list ones already on furlough go...you actually may have furloughed employees voting "no"..THEY MAY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE...

"Chip, You may be around to see it "thrive" someday, but many won't. The ALPA J4J agreement is only a temporary setback for your group with a chance to return to mainline at some point. With the rest of us and the outsourcing issue, we will NEVER RETURN no matter how much the company thrives in the future. Please remember that you are in a better position than most if the company survives, and have much more to lose if it doesn't. Many of us can go work elsewhere for the generous $9 they want to give us after all is done. Would you vote for this deal if you were to stay on an RJ at an express carrier for $25 bucks an hour for the rest of your career? We all know your groups precious pensions more than double our annual salary. So to sum it all up, what is best for you and your ALPA gang, is not always best for everyone else."

Why does Chip not reply when he knows that he is cooked...
On 12/19/2002 12:42:17 AM chipmunn wrote:


Excellent post. As Dea brought up earlier, even if you're furloughed from the new deals it's better to vote yes. Why? Severance pay, COBRA, keeping your pension whether it's a defined benefit or contribution plan, a term pass, a J4J opportunity, and recall rights.

No agreement = liquidation and maybe 32,000 employees have seen their last US paycheck.

What's interesting is that once the deals are complete, US emerges, improves its liquidity, the company can not only succeed, but thrive.

I thought we were going to "thrive" after the last round of givebacks. Just like many people stated, once they get into your pockets they just keep comming back for more until there is no more to give. Thats what I see happening at U.
I'm voting yes. It's still better than no job at all. In the meantime while U is still around, I'm
going to look for something to do on the side.
Or just pursue a whole new career. Voting NO will
only hasten our demise.
Flexible Spending Account - These monies are not held in trust and could possibly become general assets. That means employees could lose this money.

Wings said: "Why does Chip not reply when he knows that he is cooked..."

Chip asks" Wings, what do you mean by this comment? If you have a question or comment, please feel freed to ask me.


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