MORE ..... Here's one of the major problems with this TA, and what doesn't seem like much is the change of CAR duties. If you look at the AA ticket model you will see the Kiosks, Activation centers, and Resolution centers. The CARs will work the Kiosks, and the activation centers. Only the Resolution centers will be staffed by Agents. On the AA model, depending on the size of your ticket counter, there can be multiple Activation centers, but in most cases only one Resolution center. There will be many more CAR jobs on the counter than agent jobs. Cars with this new TA can have an ATAC, and collect fees. CARs are no longer restricted to certain cities. In the new TA, all cities can have CARs. So, I will use one of my local's cities as example. BUF has no CARs at the present time. Say they have about 6 agents on the ticket counter during a shift. The company decides to staff the BUF counter with 1 agent at the Resolution center, and 5 CARs at the Kiosks and Activation centers. What happens to those 5 ticket counter agents? Well no furlough sounds great right? They will have the option to transfer to another station, take a lower paying position as a CAR, or refuse the position, and be put on the street. Sounds great Huh? Never mind the outsourcing of BSO, wheelchairs, curbside, and UM's, and let's be clear what we are talking about, "Vendors." The outsourcing language for curbside is, "ALL curbside work." There are no restrictions on what the vendors due on the curbside. The company could put 10 Kiosks on the curb with vendors. How many jobs will that take from the ticket counter? You may not have curbside right now, but it is currently protected work. The TA also allows vendors behind the ticket counter to lift bags, and at the gates to carry check baggage down the jetways, so there are quite a few vendors in this TA, despite the claim of getting rid of redcoats.