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Cwa Contract Info

LGA / 037 said:
LivinOnAPrayer said:

The question is is it a BUYOUT or a SEVERENCE package ?
I don't understand what you don't understand, it is definately a BUYOUT. One has the option to continue working, or they can chose to leave with a cash incentive, flight beneifits etc. It is purely optional.
The flying privilages are not so great. Your boarding status would be S4 (bottom of the barrell) and you pay a surcharge. There is also no interline travel. Considering that you can't even get on a flight from PIT to CLT with 35 years seniority most of the time, how do you expect to fly anywhere as an S4, expecially now that most flights are converting to RJs that can't even hold the confirmed passangers and their bags because of weight and balance?
Another question if anyone can answer. We have people who are wanting to take the $15000 AND retire. Is it possible, or one or the other? According to the contract it states...
An employee who retires in conjunction with an EO will be eligible for retiree travel benefits and benefits described in A - Attachment C of this agreement.

Does this mean they can take the $15000, retire and get whatever medical is covered under retiree instead of the 12 month plan (ie selling sick time etc) or do they get both? Also do they get lifetime FREE travel if they have 25 years or pay the retiree service charge? Do they get retiree interline travel?

If they retire AND take the EO if this is permitted, then what becomes of their positions? Are they retiree openings to be filled by displaced agents or are they EO openings that can be replaced under the EO provisions which would mean those of us recalled to FT from PT displacement would get FT, but at 1st year pay instead of current pay. Someone with answers?

PS- I'll be asking the CWA as well, but since everyone is questioning thought I'd throw these out there as well....
Lets play a game and ask your local prez the same questions and see if we all get the same answers. 😛
Here are some for the questions I posed above.
Employees who are of retirement age CAN take the buyout AND retire.
"We were able to bargain with the company a provision that allows a retiree to also take advantage of the EO. Those employees will be able to coordinate their benefits to enjoy the privileges as currently being offered by the Company for non revenue travel, they can take the 1 year of Medical and then cash out their sick bank as outlined in Attachment C. You may note that we were able to get an additional 30 days of sick hours added to each employees entitlement for those days lost during the PDO years and restructuring agreement period. Then from here out employees will receive and additional 7 days per year for the purpose of this program only, until the snapback occurs on 12/31/11. The only question that we are awaiting confirmation on is whether or not and agent who is not of retiree age but has over 25 years of service, if they'll be required to pay the segment fee and travel S4."

"If a retiree also takes the EO then his vacancy is considered an EO vacancy and can be filled by a displaced employee, but at step 1 of the scale."

"Unfortunately, if any agent was involuntarily downgraded to PT, he will only be paid 1/2 cash EO beneift."

So, great news. :down: Anyone else get any different answers to these or other questions from your local prez, plz post them here.
And we are paying union dues to the CWA for this?

They are a joke!!

My union rep said this when I questioned when the vote has not passed what then happens?
1- The judge abrogates the contract.


VOTE No<No,No. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
🙂 My voting instructions came in the mail today....Just the instructions no contract...hmmm... Did'nt matter i went ahead and voted NO :up: :up: :up: