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Cwa Contract Info

tadjr said:
Thats laughable. Pot-kettle-black ring a bell..... how has that group been the problem for a lot of years? We werent organized until 99 so everything that was given to us before then was of market value or at least the company thought we were worth it. No demands, no strikes, no negotiations, no threats, just ok thank you for what you're giving us. Parity + 1 not an agents idea either. Just look at our past contract and compared to "some other groups", I think the company got off without giving us squat especially compared to some of the other carriers out there (pre LCC comparisons since we supposedly just evolved into this recently). Also curious if this part of the group has hand tied the company in any way regarding the use of Express or Rjs? We're such troublemakers over here.
I guess the "marketplace" doesnt think B6 agents are worth $20/hr or WN agents are worth $23/hr or do they? Some things people say just make me shake my head and wonder where they've been all this time. I guess given some of the posts I've seen here I shouldnt be surprised.

Could have not said it better my self
Uh...Justme, where have you been? The CWA labor group is DISorganized, suffering horrendous working conditions and abysmal pay and getting more so each and every day.

An hour is enough time to review the TA but much more time will be needed to track a union rep down to get clarification and ask questions about the proposal and then God knows how long if ever it will take them to come up with answers or to make up the answers to pacify the agents.

As I have said before, as time ticks by, more and more agents are coming to their senses and realizing that the buyout is not worth the paper it is written on. The biggest issue is trust. NO ONE trusts management and many no longer trust the CWA.

It will be mighty interesting to see what goes on in the next few weeks.
bobcat said:
Uh...Justme, where have you been? The CWA labor group is DISorganized, suffering horrendous working conditions and abysmal pay and getting more so each and every day.

An hour is enough time to review the TA but much more time will be needed to track a union rep down to get clarification and ask questions about the proposal and then God knows how long if ever it will take them to come up with answers or to make up the answers to pacify the agents.

As I have said before, as time ticks by, more and more agents are coming to their senses and realizing that the buyout is not worth the paper it is written on. The biggest issue is trust. NO ONE trusts management and many no longer trust the CWA.

It will be mighty interesting to see what goes on in the next few weeks.


Are you sure it is a majority of the CWA'ers who are selfish
enough to put themselves and the rest of the employees
on the street? I think not. You know the old saying, "Birds
of a Feather Stay Together"? Well, I think there is some of
that going on and I suspect most of the people in your small
circle of co-workers have a negative outlook and it's
causing you to see your circle as being the definitive group.
We'll see what happens, but I believe most of the negative
people will be glad to vote yes for a buyout to end the
negativity and the uncertainty of the future.
TA stae the buy out is lump sum!! I say get something while you can!!!!!!!!!1
tadjr said:
Thats laughable. Pot-kettle-black ring a bell..... how has that group been the problem for a lot of years? We werent organized until 99 so everything that was given to us before then was of market value or at least the company thought we were worth it. No demands, no strikes, no negotiations, no threats, just ok thank you for what you're giving us. Parity + 1 not an agents idea either. Just look at our past contract and compared to "some other groups", I think the company got off without giving us squat especially compared to some of the other carriers out there (pre LCC comparisons since we supposedly just evolved into this recently). Also curious if this part of the group has hand tied the company in any way regarding the use of Express or Rjs? We're such troublemakers over here.
I guess the "marketplace" doesnt think B6 agents are worth $20/hr or WN agents are worth $23/hr or do they? Some things people say just make me shake my head and wonder where they've been all this time. I guess given some of the posts I've seen here I shouldnt be surprised.

Apparently you need to read it again. I said he was "PART" of that group. I never said the entire group was the problem. Read it again.
As for the marketplace just know the day of reckoning for LUV is approaching and as for B6 they can set top out rates at anything they want. You want B6 to pay their topped out agents $30.00?? $40.00 per hour?? Fine, set those rates but guess what?? No one at B6 is topped out so it's just a figure. It means nothing.

You apparently DO NOT work in a Res office by your fastuous, unwitting remarks. By the way it is "birds of a feather FLOCK together" and believe me both FLOCKING Res centers, except for a few odd birds, have an extremely negative outlook. This dept. is one depressed, fed up, hopeless group of employees. I'm sorry to say that everyone is thinking about themselves not anyone else. That is not selfish it is called self preservation. The only ones that will vote "yes" will be the ones that do not look beyond the dollar sign. They will be the ones to jump on the buy out and THINK they are making out when in reality they will be getting duped. A vast majority just want out with the best deal they can get and it probably is not going to be on a promise of a buy out from this conspiring management group. Both INT and PIT are hoping and praying that it is their center that will be closing. If the vote turns out to be a "yes" that means there are a lot of uninformed agents out there and more than likely, as after last two concession votes, will regret their decision in the end. If they think really really hard, they will figure out that a layoff will be the best deal in the end.

So keep your uninformed comments to yourself. They really sound idiotic coming from someone who does not have first hand information or dealings with Res. If you do work in Res you must be quite oblivious to your surroundings.
Not telling you to vote yes or no. But, this is about the best we can expect to get from the company OR the judge. JMO.
USA320Pilot said:
If the contract is not ratified the company would have a stronger case to seek even deeper cuts via “impositionâ€￾. In fact, some or all of the “buy outâ€￾ could be lost.

Best regards,


I agree with you here on this one. I know, surprise. 🙄

As cruel as it all sounds, there is a price to be paid for the buyout. Nothing comes for free, especially during concessionary talks. The consenses I am getting from the f/a's is that many of them are looking for a little something given to them to leave. So far, $15000 or $20000 tops the $8000 afa has been offered. As far as outsourcing replacements, would you not still make what you are making regardless of what Joe Schmo(or should I say Jose' Schmoroize) is making in El Salvador? Is there a fear of squeezing everyone out by an all rj fleet? Do you guys REALLY feel that is where we are headed? Believe me if that were the case, this f/a would be history, but I don't see that happening. And if any of you have followed my post, I have not been confident in this company, but if we DO survive, IMO, I just haven't seen the re-creation as an all rj carrier.

For f/a's, I know the company wants to change the pay scale for those returning from furloughs, for which I totally DISAGREE, but new hires would take the job KNOWING that they would top out at a much lower rate. To me, what the hell at that point does it matter. If you choose as a new hire to always make $12 or more less an hour, that's YOUR choice.

At least there are actually buyouts. Nothing like this is being offered at UAL. I do think from here on out, the amount of buyout, if any, would get smaller and smaller if rejected. I would think many who feel the company is doomed anyway would be happy to at least walk away with something.

Please, I am not trying to be argumentative. Help me understand from CWA what the sticking points truly are as I am not an agent and welcome the accurate info.
What if the agents vote no. Maybe they arent saying they dont want to help or think cuts are needed, just not the ones that the company/union have negotiated. Maybe they want some assurances BEFORE they vote themselves out of a job. Maybe if its voted down, the union needs to ask what part was disagreeable to those who voted it down and work on getting it redone. Everyone is going to have a different reason for voting yes or no and I'd hate to see the entire thing thrown out if the group is unhappy about just 1 or 2 sections of it. I know "the company doesnt have the time", but if they are serious about getting a consensual agreement, then they will work with the CWA to get it done if this particular agreement doesnt pass. I personally dont have a clue as to what will happen. I hear a lot of "show me the buyouts" and depending on how many people systemwide are looking at that, it might just pass.
bobcat said:
Uh...Justme, where have you been? The CWA labor group is DISorganized, suffering horrendous working conditions and abysmal pay and getting more so each and every day.

An hour is enough time to review the TA but much more time will be needed to track a union rep down to get clarification and ask questions about the proposal and then God knows how long if ever it will take them to come up with answers or to make up the answers to pacify the agents.

As I have said before, as time ticks by, more and more agents are coming to their senses and realizing that the buyout is not worth the paper it is written on. The biggest issue is trust. NO ONE trusts management and many no longer trust the CWA.

It will be mighty interesting to see what goes on in the next few weeks.
BC, In my opinion you are holding your union management to an unreasonable standard. They are, after all, management. You remind me of the man who writes the Dilbert cartoon. All he can do is complain about management's ineptness. No one is perfect. Union management does its best to protect the working class. We live in a less than perfect society and they are working as hard as they can to help their membership deal with the difficulties in their lives. I don't intend this in a mean spirit, but you should be thankful for what they do for you. Don't they offer you a strike fund? Don't they do all they can to keep laor unfriendly management out of public office? Don't they offer you a low rate credit card? Don't they work tirelessly to strike the best deal possible with company management? Also be thankful that the workering class has someone who can speak company management's language. How long do you think the average worker would last in negotiations or greivances? These people are bright, well-educated and again I say they are doing their level best to protect your interests. I understand your frustrations, but think of it this way.....where would you be without them?

In INT we actually had 2 union meetings....discussing the contract...on Tuesday.
Ive seen the TA and its crap. Good luck getting your buyout money. Maybe you can be on the list of creditors on US's next round of chapt 11.
The ink is not dry on some of the new/ revised union contracts and the company is already violating the contracts. The new directive of the company is to do as they please. So even if everything is black or white and no gray areas. Just watch the company say go ahead and see you at the grievance. Which can take as long as 2 years or more.
Here is a little interesting thought...lets say the TA passes(even though my vote is NO) and no one takes the buy out...hmmmmmmm