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Cwa Contract Info


Aug 20, 2002
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Just got off the phone with CWA National....the actual finalized finished contract will not be available for mailing until later today or tomorrw....they are scrubbing the language and making any corrections needed....the information being given out in various cities reflect only parts of it and some info is actually in error....They believe that the contracts should be out in agents hands by Wed or Thurs of this week...coming via USmail.....so anything you are hearing currently take with caution because some of the info is not correct.....im not sure how much or what parts but the real contract will be out shortly
and.... when does the vote have to be in? Friday 10Dec? I guess the union doesn't work on week-ends. The CWA members live on rumors and speculation.
voting takes approx 14 days...will be done by call-in again...that info should be provided with contract when it arrives
bobcat said:
and.... when does the vote have to be in? Friday 10Dec? I guess the union doesn't work on week-ends. The CWA members live on rumors and speculation.


Union management, unlike the working class, is not contractually obligated to work weekends. Nor should they be. The fact that this may create a very small inconvenience for workers is completely mitigated by the good that they do. If not for union management, labor would be unorganized and still suffering horrendous working conditions and abysmal pay (just look at what the lack of union management has resulted in in locations such as China - a right to work country with no unions or union management to look after workers).

Anyway, 2 or 3 days would seem to be more than sufficient to review the TA and cast a vote.

Of course, all this may be academic if they set a final vote date of later in the month, such as the 17th.

If the contract is not ratified the company would have a stronger case to seek even deeper cuts via “impositionâ€￾. In fact, some or all of the “buy outâ€￾ could be lost.

Best regards,

People are going to do what they have to do....they will not sacrifice themselves to save others!!!!!
I hope most will NOT listen to the negitive.... We have no choice but to vote YES. Most people I work with know that this is as good as its going to get....

From what I hear, giving the companies finances, most CWA member will be happy with it..........

For those of you voting "no", do us all a favor and walk out the door now rather than taking everyone else that wants to work with you......
Well if the majority of the worker's vote "yes" you will not be taken down? You claim the "majority" will vote for more concessions so why worry? Give those who wish to vote "no" the oppertunity to do so. :up:
First of all AP TECH, are you in the CWA? if your not then why tak ethe time to post on a board that does not have anything to do with you....
Sorry to say I am not a member of the CWA but am I not permitted to make an opinion as an observer? Check some of the other posters on this thread and you will see they are not CWA members..........BTW I hold somewhat of a partial proxy vote due to the fact that I am married to one 😛 😛 Kind of like a certain poster holding a proxy vote for his station 😛
StatioRat said:
I hope most will NOT listen to the negitive.... We have no choice but to vote YES. Most people I work with know that this is as good as its going to get....

From what I hear, giving the companies finances, most CWA member will be happy with it..........

For those of you voting "no", do us all a favor and walk out the door now rather than taking everyone else that wants to work with you......

I would disagree with you ..What I hear and agree with is it is time for a stand
Vote NO have some self respect.
Based on what RobC has posted and that the CWA hasn't even sent the proposal out for membership review you are saying no without even looking at the proposal? How intelligent is that?? You're part of the group within UAIR that is the problem and has been for a lot of years. You think you're worth more than the marketplace will pay you. If you weren't you'd have left for a higher paying job already so my bet is you're far more scared than you'll admit and will quietly being voting yes despite what your posts imply on US Aviation.
MrAeroMan said:
You're part of the group within UAIR that is the problem and has been for a lot of years. You think you're worth more than the marketplace will pay you.

Thats laughable. Pot-kettle-black ring a bell..... how has that group been the problem for a lot of years? We werent organized until 99 so everything that was given to us before then was of market value or at least the company thought we were worth it. No demands, no strikes, no negotiations, no threats, just ok thank you for what you're giving us. Parity + 1 not an agents idea either. Just look at our past contract and compared to "some other groups", I think the company got off without giving us squat especially compared to some of the other carriers out there (pre LCC comparisons since we supposedly just evolved into this recently). Also curious if this part of the group has hand tied the company in any way regarding the use of Express or Rjs? We're such troublemakers over here.
I guess the "marketplace" doesnt think B6 agents are worth $20/hr or WN agents are worth $23/hr or do they? Some things people say just make me shake my head and wonder where they've been all this time. I guess given some of the posts I've seen here I shouldnt be surprised.
:down: The new CWA contract proposal along with our local president's letter reccommending a yes vote is posted on CWA.net.