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Cwa Buyout Proposal

Perhaps there should be different criteria. Maybe they should come up with a magic number like maintenace . You know, age plus years of seniority to determine buyout benefits.
Offering a ten year guy a $130,000 package and a 27 year guy a 27,000 package is nuts. Come on CWA?
Additional stories are on www.cwa.net


What's going on with the concessions and/or bankruptcy discussions...?
The answer is, we're having a hard time figuring out management's framework for this process, and there are few meetings taking place.
We have previously reported on our 6/22 meeting at which management repeated their slide presentation of their goal to cut passenger service agents pay and benefits by $122 million a year, mainly by cutting pay to the America West level. Still, no details or specific proposals were made to us.
CWA analysts met with US Airways analysts on 7/1 to review their costing figures and to see how they came up with the $122 million figure. Data was exchanged but no proposals were made.
On Thursday last week CWA local presidents, staff and Morty Bahr, our national president, met with federal officials from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service who recommended a structured program to better relations between and improve cooperation between US Airways’ unions and management. The FMCS had previously presented the program to US Airways executives who were said to be enthusiastic about it. CWA'ers at the Thursday meeting thought the program could be positive for employee relations at US Airways, but that it would be more productive if implemented after this bankruptcy/restructuring period is played out. Nobody felt it was a good idea to begin such a program now, with all that's going on.
We have presented management with two major cost-cutting programs: employee voluntary buy-out and res voluntary work-at-home. But at this point we have not had any feedback or discussion on those ideas from management. We think these programs would save money for the company and be an alternative to their program of driving us down to the America West salary/benefit levels.
We are close to final agreement with management on the implementation of the MidAtlantic classification in our contract. We should be able to conclude it this week. This is important for us because, as MDA grows, we are looking for those jobs to provide the "soft landing" for our displaced or furloughed co-workers.
Not good news, but less bad news - management has told us there will be a reduction in the estimated 200 full time equivalent agent positions they said would be furloughed in the Fall due to the introduction of gate card readers. They now anticipate that there will be about 150 total individuals furloughed.
Speaking of America West salaries and benefits - they may be about to improve. America West passenger service agents are attempting, for the second time, to organize a union to improve their low income. They will be voting on Teamster representation beginning July 27. When you see America West agents at the airport don't forget to give them encouragement and urge them to VOTE! The vote will be a telephone ballot by the National Mediation Board.
What would it mean for us to go to America West salary and retirement levels? See for yourself:

US Airways
America West
% Cut
$ Lost Per Year

Top Hourly Pay:


Pay + Ret / year:

We will keep you posted.
CWA Local Officers and Staff
All of those so called “Employeesâ€￾ pictured in those GoFares advertisements, they can’t be real employees can they…??

My reasons are,

1. Who’s working their positions while they are out shooting those advertisements?
2. Who would wear “Yellowâ€￾?
3. They are giving out free stuff.
4. They look like they are enjoying themselves.

Buy them out…!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Smartest Loser said:
All of those so called “Employeesâ€￾ pictured in those GoFares advertisements, they can’t be real employees can they…??

My reasons are,

1. Who’s working their positions while they are out shooting those advertisements?
2. Who would wear “Yellowâ€￾?
3. They are giving out free stuff.
4. They look like they are enjoying themselves.

Buy them out…!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
They also look kinda gay. And I don't mean happy. Hey at least they don't have to fly standby for the next cookout in CCY. :shock:
Smartest Loser said:
All of those so called “Employeesâ€￾ pictured in those GoFares advertisements, they can’t be real employees can they…??

My reasons are,

1. Who’s working their positions while they are out shooting those advertisements?
2. Who would wear “Yellowâ€￾?
3. They are giving out free stuff.
4. They look like they are enjoying themselves.

Buy them out…!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
They are probably "new hires" and don't know any better.... 😱 The turnover rate of employees in CCY is high. They are constantly posting COBS for CCY jobs. 😛
Airways CEO and VP Labor relations meet with CWA president Morty Bahr...

CEO Bruce Lakefield and VP Jerry Glass met with CWA President Morty Bahr at CWA's DC Headquarters on Tuesday, July 13. The US Airways executives asked for the meeting to lay out their view that US Airways needs employee concessions to avoid bankruptcy. They then laid-out more specifics of their proposals for CWA Passenger Service pay and benefit cuts.

In general, their proposal is to offer a buyout package (somewhat less than the CWA's proposal), and those who refuse the buyout and remain on the job would be reduced to the America West level in pay, vacation, sick benefits, retirement and retiree medical would be eliminated. Those recalled from furlough would come back at the starting rate. Those on the job would keep their seniority, but be reduced to the America West pay scale (top rate of $13.10 per hour). The executives also implied they are considering moving the res centers to "lower cost areas". All this is how management proposes to cut $122 million from the payroll and benefits of passenger service.

Our CWA research department continues to work with us on counter-proposals that will save the company money (very large amounts of money) but do not cut the employees' standard of living as the management's plan would.

There are no meetings with management scheduled at this point, but we will be setting up meetings in the near future.
If they try to stick with that proffer, they can go Cheney themselves! :angry:
Lakefield and Glass....bet those guys arn't gonna give up much or lower their standard of living with bankruptcy or wage cuts. Just another arrow in the back of labor. What a hateful, intolerant, employee unfriendly place to work. I think they want us all to just walk away and they can bring in all new hires off the street.
Sounds like Mainline Express for the whole System. I love the starting rate for recalls too. Out of work for who knows how long, and you can return for less than
unemployemnt wages......CH-11 here we come!!!
I say no pay cut let them go to BK try to steal the money then strike maybe we can just sink the ship.

I hate to think that they would get away with this and survive with employees making 13.10 per hr.

I woud bet that almost non of us could continue at that rate ....so I don't want anything to continue
Doc said:
I say no pay cut let them go to BK try to steal the money then strike maybe we can just sink the ship.

I hate to think that they would get away with this and survive with employees making 13.10 per hr.

I woud bet that almost non of us could continue at that rate ....so I don't want anything to continue
I aggree 100%. I refuse to let them pat themselves on the back and continue to get their outrageous salary and perks for the mismanagent of this company. It ain't gonna happen. Our backs are almost broke already carrying all the excess dead weight and perks for them.
Im curious!!!!!!! If CWA has this sure fire ways of saving money, WHY HAVENT THEY IMPLEMENTED THEM YET??????????????????????? Why if their big money savers, why are they waiting till the end to say here are some bucks you can save. Please our unions have no choice in this matter plain and simple. Any body with half a brain knows the entire industry will and has to chnage or fall. You cant argue with that .! Well maybe the fab 5 could but we know its not reality?

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