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Cwa Buyout Proposal

Lets keep the thread on the CWA proposal. You can talk politics (REMINDER AGAIN) in the Just Converstation Board. Thanks.
golden1 said:
:down: :down: Talked to my union today--
BFD..the company wants only to OFFER 500.00, for age 50/1000.00age 55..THAT"S IT~~~~~~
Your information isn’t even close to being accurate. Stop spreading erroneous rumors that will only upset labor.
Hawk said:
Your information isn’t even close to being accurate. Stop spreading erroneous rumors that will only upset labor.

Wouldnt want to do anything to upset labor now would we?
Airtran Payrates

Just got this from a friend. Interesting that even Airtran would top out over $3 an hour more than US ($13.10 vs $16.75) with this current proposal. What about the B6 comparisons? Now that its been made known they top out at $20, they too are no longer to be compared to? Guess Siegal should have picked a different airline a couple months ago with his rez comparison then ($9-21 joke) if they dont want to even use them now. Pathetic. :down: :down: :down:
WestCoastGuy said:
Lakefield and Glass....bet those guys arn't gonna give up much or lower their standard of living with bankruptcy or wage cuts. Just another arrow in the back of labor. What a hateful, intolerant, employee unfriendly place to work. I think they want us all to just walk away and they can bring in all new hires off the street.
Exactly. This is the plan. More walkers....less buyout money/bennes. Let't just hope what goes around, comes around.
tadjr said:
Did you notice that they pay a USD 0.75/hr pay premium in high cost of living areas? And more sick time than UAIR? I wonder what their health benefits are like. Probably good. Which might be another reason mgmt doesn't want to use them as a yardstick!
Dont call me Shirley I know someone at AirTran and their coverage is tiered between 40-60% coverage. They say it's awful.
Hawk said:
Your information isn’t even close to being accurate. Stop spreading erroneous rumors that will only upset labor.
Why don't you supply the accurate information since you seem so eager to chide those that post what they'd believed to be accurate; make an honest attempt to dispel the rumors of what you claim is inaccurate information.

You can't have it both ways, although you seem to believe that you can. Either put your facts before the readers or don't post "behave yourselves, it only upsets the children" hand slaps. Empty, hollow, and meaningless.
Hawk said:
Stop spreading erroneous rumors that will only upset labor.
Do you even hear the crappy tone in your post? These are people you are talking about. Not "labor," some nameless, faceless blob of work contribution.

Words are extraordinarily powerful tools. In a company, they must be used to build people up so that you can have a team of people working toward a common goal.

What's wrong with you???
wake up and smell the roses......you think these clowns would actually give a buyout proposal??
we're talking concessions baby.......not gimmme's........... :lol:
usfliboi said:
Im curious!!!!!!! If CWA has this sure fire ways of saving money, WHY HAVENT THEY IMPLEMENTED THEM YET??????????????????????? Why if their big money savers, why are they waiting till the end to say here are some bucks you can save. Please our unions have no choice in this matter plain and simple. Any body with half a brain knows the entire industry will and has to chnage or fall. You cant argue with that .! Well maybe the fab 5 could but we know its not reality?
Well, well, well ..........

A blast from the past.

Any MORON would not invest hard earned cash in a company that is so mismanaged even a 2 year old could do a better job. The company will bleed us till we are dry. Maybe you want to lay your head on the chopping block, but I am not going willingly. A buyout should have been implemented the first damn time they asked for concessions. Let me repeat - the FIRST time. If that would have been the case, maybe the third round of concessions would not have been considered. Oh......oops. Forgot that we're talking about U. Yep, third round was always inevitable.
delldude said:
wake up and smell the roses......you think these clowns would actually give a buyout proposal??
we're talking concessions baby.......not gimmme's........... :lol:
your group gets an agreement with a buyout.....mech's get none...i hate to tell 'yall...youz screwed................ :shock:
Those are not rumors...

True fact baby!!!

I dont belive in rumors,however, IN THIS OUTFIT<THEY are proven FACT...

Internal AFFAIRS>>>

SO praytell do
enlighten us why dont ya? :down:

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