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Cwa Buyout Proposal

I never said that CWA didnt need our input ot suggestions on an idea this pressing. I can tell you from being semi involved that MOST of the agents in my station dont have a clue whats going on at this important time and cant take the time to even get themselves on the CWA email list. You dont know how many people have asked ME whats going on when they could be getting the info themselves right from CWA. Instead, they complain no one is telling them anything. I send out the info when I get it, but I would expect something as important as this to be followed more closely by those affected. Sorry, but from my perspective of whats going on with fellow employees at work, most dont have any sympathy from me if they cant even take the initiative to get informed on their own with as many channels available as there are. Many want to know why such and such happened and dont even have the facts right. Again, you need to attend the meetings, email, call and talk to YOUR Local President if you want your opinions heard since your Local President represents YOU at the table.
I dont blame them for not taking the time to do a survey and asking for opinions on this like they've done in the past if the response I used to get at work for input is any indication of who is getting involved (until after the fact.) You can still send them your thoughts and suggestions on the situation NOW. Do it! This isnt set in stone. Its just a starting point so offer up and get your friends who are upset to do it as well. Ask how many of them have done anything up to this point to offer help or suggestions to them and see how many say yes. I bet its very limited if at all. I could probably count 5-8 people at work who are involved with ANYTHING to do with CWA on any point including getting info out to people. The rest dont care until someone tells them what happened, then they want to complain they werent asked or didnt like what was offered, even on this very item yet they took no initiative to do something about it. :down:
I have been contacted by CWA in the past on several issues including airport rage and a couple other surveys they've done asking for input and thoughts.
I'm no fan of some of the things they've done, but saying they arent interested or listening , IMO, isnt true either. Also remember that just because YOU think that something should be addressed doenst mean that the rest of the negotiating team feels the same way.
It is called APATHY, and then they can blame the union, when they don't even realize they are the UNION, it is easier to blame the union instead of them taking personal responsibility and get involved and try to shape their future.

What really amazes me is that they place their anger at the union instead of the company where it really belongs.
usairways_vote_NO said:

Has a message:
CWA Presidents and Staff met with USAirways Labor Relations today, June 22, 2004.
There were more discussions about our groups contribution to the new transformation plan. The figures shown were a comparison to JetBlue and America West. Remember these are information meetings and no negotiations have begun.
No future meeting was set today, but I will advise the membership when that happens.
Please CONTACT US by forwarding your ideas and concerns to our comment forum. These are forwarded directly to me.
It looks like to me they requested your input.
I tried to pull up the website, I thought it was going to blow up my computer. Is it my computer or the website. Becarful....
Apathy, thats the UNIONS favorite word. When the UNIONS team up with the company and bring back these contracts that are worse than non-union policies. You have the likes of 700 wondering why the members are angry at the union instead of the company???IT is the UNION who we PAY the DUES TO. GET REAL, we expect the company to treat the workers this way!!! WHAT WE EXPECT FROM THE UNION is REPRESENTATION!!!!! WE EXPECT THE UNIONS TO SAY NO!!! is that too much to ASK???? THIS is whats wrong with the UNION MOVEMENT TODAY!!! or the lack of one!!!!

The leadership gets is strength from the membership, and it is membership apathy that causes the problems, but once again people like you want EVERYONE ELSE to do it for you instead of taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and help the leadership.

Then vote no, get involved and make a change, but I guess it is easier to blame everyone else for your shortcomings.
When the UNIONS do something to deserve the Members support, they will get the members support. If they hold hands with the company again, they will be off the property!!!! plain an simple. THEY (IAM) say concession stand closed. Their members expect Concession Stand closed!!!!
unit4clt said:
Apathy, thats the UNIONS favorite word. When the UNIONS team up with the company and bring back these contracts that are worse than non-union policies. You have the likes of 700 wondering why the members are angry at the union instead of the company???IT is the UNION who we PAY the DUES TO. GET REAL, we expect the company to treat the workers this way!!! WHAT WE EXPECT FROM THE UNION is REPRESENTATION!!!!! WE EXPECT THE UNIONS TO SAY NO!!! is that too much to ASK???? THIS is whats wrong with the UNION MOVEMENT TODAY!!! or the lack of one!!!!

If YOU don't like what the union brings up to the membership for vote YOU have final say. YOU make the union go back and get a tentative agreement YOU can live with. Then YOU vote again

Unless of course YOU sit on your bu** and whine all day that no one does anything for you..
unit4clt said:
When the UNIONS do something to deserve the Members support, they will get the members support. If they hold hands with the company again, they will be off the property!!!! plain an simple. THEY (IAM) say concession stand closed. Their members expect Concession Stand closed!!!!
If the company throws a final take it or leave offer at the union for any reason, it would be in the memberships best interest for the union to take that offer to the membership for vote. Then it is again YOUR responsibility to vote the way you seem fit.

You are wasting your time, unit4clt is the hotbed of anti-iam feelings in CLT, several members who use to work their have tried several times, unsuccesfully to start their own unions and annoit themselves grand pooba.

Hey unit4clt,

If the IAM is so bad, why don't you just go back to the PPG and get the wondeful 1992 work rules, wages and benefits you had then.

Lets see,
No Pension
No Sick time
No OJI time
No Vacaction
40% part-time
$300 family Medical
25 hours a week.

Do I need to continue?
hey 700,

Will you stop making excuses for how bad the IAM really IS. We pay dues to the UNION we expect a little bit of return. We expect them to fight for the Members, not lay down and sacrifice members (express, Mda, freight,mail) like they have TWICE before. This may be ok with you, but not with me.
Like I said the union is not four or five AGCs, the union is you, look in the mirror, not making excuses, speaking the truth.

Your own fault for having to vote for a union FIVE times.
unit4clt said:
When the UNIONS do something to deserve the Members support, they will get the members support. If they hold hands with the company again, they will be off the property!!!! plain an simple. THEY (IAM) say concession stand closed. Their members expect Concession Stand closed!!!!
You need to correct this statement to read:

"When the very vocal MINORITY of the IAM membership
professes the concession stand is closed....."

Grow up and learn to accept that which you cannot
change. US Airways cannot change the current airline
economic environment and they are trying to do
something to keep your sorry butt on the property
with a paycheck every two weeks. Reduced pay
and benefits versus NO pay or benefits. Even a
10 year old child would accept a smaller allowance
if it prevented him from losing the entire allowance.

You sound very much like the IAM, when they were pushing the last TWO ILC(Industry Leading CONCESSIONS) on US workers!!! LOL
I thank my lucky stars every day that we have the CWA. Like the old saying goes, "You cant please everyone". I dont particularly like everything the union gave up for us, but I GUARANTEE you, without the union, Davey Boy Siegle would have already had us at about $13.00 hourly right now.

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