I never said that CWA didnt need our input ot suggestions on an idea this pressing. I can tell you from being semi involved that MOST of the agents in my station dont have a clue whats going on at this important time and cant take the time to even get themselves on the CWA email list. You dont know how many people have asked ME whats going on when they could be getting the info themselves right from CWA. Instead, they complain no one is telling them anything. I send out the info when I get it, but I would expect something as important as this to be followed more closely by those affected. Sorry, but from my perspective of whats going on with fellow employees at work, most dont have any sympathy from me if they cant even take the initiative to get informed on their own with as many channels available as there are. Many want to know why such and such happened and dont even have the facts right. Again, you need to attend the meetings, email, call and talk to YOUR Local President if you want your opinions heard since your Local President represents YOU at the table.
I dont blame them for not taking the time to do a survey and asking for opinions on this like they've done in the past if the response I used to get at work for input is any indication of who is getting involved (until after the fact.) You can still send them your thoughts and suggestions on the situation NOW. Do it! This isnt set in stone. Its just a starting point so offer up and get your friends who are upset to do it as well. Ask how many of them have done anything up to this point to offer help or suggestions to them and see how many say yes. I bet its very limited if at all. I could probably count 5-8 people at work who are involved with ANYTHING to do with CWA on any point including getting info out to people. The rest dont care until someone tells them what happened, then they want to complain they werent asked or didnt like what was offered, even on this very item yet they took no initiative to do something about it. :down:
I have been contacted by CWA in the past on several issues including airport rage and a couple other surveys they've done asking for input and thoughts.
I'm no fan of some of the things they've done, but saying they arent interested or listening , IMO, isnt true either. Also remember that just because YOU think that something should be addressed doenst mean that the rest of the negotiating team feels the same way.
I dont blame them for not taking the time to do a survey and asking for opinions on this like they've done in the past if the response I used to get at work for input is any indication of who is getting involved (until after the fact.) You can still send them your thoughts and suggestions on the situation NOW. Do it! This isnt set in stone. Its just a starting point so offer up and get your friends who are upset to do it as well. Ask how many of them have done anything up to this point to offer help or suggestions to them and see how many say yes. I bet its very limited if at all. I could probably count 5-8 people at work who are involved with ANYTHING to do with CWA on any point including getting info out to people. The rest dont care until someone tells them what happened, then they want to complain they werent asked or didnt like what was offered, even on this very item yet they took no initiative to do something about it. :down:
I have been contacted by CWA in the past on several issues including airport rage and a couple other surveys they've done asking for input and thoughts.
I'm no fan of some of the things they've done, but saying they arent interested or listening , IMO, isnt true either. Also remember that just because YOU think that something should be addressed doenst mean that the rest of the negotiating team feels the same way.