Cwa Approves Contact


Aug 19, 2002
Agents Approve Contract at US Airways
Washington, D.C. - US Airways passenger service agents, members of the Communications Workers of America, have ratified changes to their contract with US Airways to help the troubled airline as it seeks to emerge from bankruptcy.
The settlement was approved by a 60 percent vote in an Internet and telephone ratification process under the aegis of the American Arbitration Association. The contract, covering about 6,000 active agents, is amendable beginning Jan. 1, 2012.
The bargaining committee of local union presidents recommended approval of the settlement, given the carrier's bankruptcy status and the past decision of the bankruptcy judge to allow US Airways to temporarily cut workers' wages by 21 percent and implement further benefit cuts while negotiations continued.
Those cuts will end as the new ratified agreement takes effect on Jan. 1.
This agreement reduces average wages by 12. 9 percent, an "improvement" over the 34 percent wage cut US Airways management was demanding in earlier bargaining.
For More Information:
Jeff Miller or Candice Johnson
CWA Communications,
livingontheedge said:
See pay cut for me.

26% for me...THANKS CWA....PLEASE CLOSE OUR OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, only a 60-40 margin. And the pilots' margin was 58-42. A few more years of this and one of you might finally stand up and show some b%#@s!
Pacemaker said:
Wow, only a 60-40 margin. And the pilots' margin was 58-42. A few more years of this and one of you might finally stand up and show some b%#@s!
Most of us feel beaten down completely. We are tired and many want out. This TA was not good, but the option of the judge deciding was not an option. He gives whatever the company asks. Staying around the property for the next 17 years til age 65 was not going to happen for me. And I doubt that the company, even with the concessions, will be around by my SS retirement age. I and many of my co-workers are ready to get on with life outside of this circus. To those who wish to stay, I wish you good luck.
NOW.....PLEASE tell us which office is closing. This whole thing is a bunch of crap. Please let us know which agents will be released from this "HOLE" and when! Stop the playing games!
Now the joke will be on all the res agents when they close an office and make you move and then offer the buyout to the remaining office..
tee hee hee hee.....

How sillly you played right into their hand.
I cannot believe ,it is amazing how people can vote themselves out of jobs,penison,health benifits,and a w4, all for a better deal. The girls on the Pa turpike would have burned this contract. Looks like they made a deal with the devil. I cant wait fast enought for the 15 or 20000. If these
people who voted this will ever see it. I dont think they ever will see it.
can't belive 60% of voters fell for it...what is the track record for the company living up to any agreement? (Except senior management...)

good luck - how many times can you be fooled?
bobcat said:
NOW.....PLEASE tell us which office is closing. This whole thing is a bunch of crap. Please let us know which agents will be released from this "HOLE" and when! Stop the playing games!
you have to ask???
gimme a break......
Yup. AFA will probably be next. It's a shame the idiots running this company haven't a clue how over it everyone is. These clowns have a long way to restoring an ounce of confidence in the employees. I hope Bronner and Lakefield choke on a turkey bone on Christmas day itself, and a certainty somebody who will publish 10 different threads on how it could have been different. :angry: :huh: :down:
Congratulations to CWA employees. In my opinion, it was the right move. Was it popular, NO, Was it easy? NO! But please my self included, knows this has to be done. To those who voted yea or nay, you excercised your right to vote, hopefully this moves us one more step to surviving, and once and for all be able to compete head to head agaisnt the insurgence