CS Policy

La Li Lu Le Lo

May 29, 2010
I have heard that TULE has all but eliminated CS's. 
I have a theory.
I believe this is yet another tool the company is using to "herd the sheep" to vote for the alliance and accept U.S. Airways contractual CS Policy, which is much more limited than American Airlines.
After this is accepted the new CS policy will be forced on the line and will hamper those workers flexibility and pay.
Watch and see. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have heard that TULE has all but eliminated CS's. 
I have a theory.
I believe this is yet another tool the company is using to "herd the sheep" to vote for the alliance and accept U.S. Airways contractual CS Policy, which is much more limited than American Airlines.
After this is accepted the new CS policy will be forced on the line and will hamper those workers flexibility and pay.
Watch and see. 
Don't know how the US Air policy is more restrictive, but it is contractural, and can't be applied differently station to station.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have heard that TULE has all but eliminated CS's. 
I have a theory.
I believe this is yet another tool the company is using to "herd the sheep" to vote for the alliance and accept U.S. Airways contractual CS Policy, which is much more limited than American Airlines.
After this is accepted the new CS policy will be forced on the line and will hamper those workers flexibility and pay.
Watch and see. 
Voting for the Alliance would help in keeping local stations policies in place, it would help in keeping things like the CS Policy and the OT rules. If there was a vote and the TWU lost, then there is not chance that policy, or any other we may prefer, will stick around.
NYer said:
Voting for the Alliance would help in keeping local stations policies in place, it would help in keeping things like the CS Policy and the OT rules. If there was a vote and the TWU lost, then there is not chance that policy, or any other we may prefer, will stick around.
That's misleading, what would happen in the JCBA? Also, just curious, but what do you prefer about the way you CS, and your OT rules now?
blue collar said:
That's misleading, what would happen in the JCBA? Also, just curious, but what do you prefer about the way you CS, and your OT rules now?
The JCBA has little to do with the current OT rules and the CS Policy. Since we would still be represented by the TWU we have a better change of keeping the current CS Policy, which isn't as restrictive as the US contractual language.
On the OT, there two things that jumped. One was that the union rep will assist in the OT process and if a mistake is made by the union rep, there is no grievance. The second thing is that is there is a bypass by the supervisor and the grievance is won the Member is then allowed to work the OT to get the payment. Yuck.
NYer said:
The JCBA has little to do with the current OT rules and the CS Policy. Since we would still be represented by the TWU we have a better change of keeping the current CS Policy, which isn't as restrictive as the US contractual language.
On the OT, there two things that jumped. One was that the union rep will assist in the OT process and if a mistake is made by the union rep, there is no grievance. The second thing is that is there is a bypass by the supervisor and the grievance is won the Member is then allowed to work the OT to get the payment. Yuck.
How is more restrictive? I was looking for an example, like you gave for the OT. I agree with you about the OT, I forgot about the 'having the opportunity' to work it on a bypass. Another thing I think the IAM OT policy is lacking in is that your hours never get zeroed out at the end of the year. It is cumulative for your entire career, or until you transfer and get averaged.
NYer said:
Voting for the Alliance would help in keeping local stations policies in place, it would help in keeping things like the CS Policy and the OT rules. If there was a vote and the TWU lost, then there is not chance that policy, or any other we may prefer, will stick around.
CS policy is just that, a policy that the company allows for us to get time off without using sick, or any other methods. But as you well know each stations policies are different.
This is something that at any time AA could do away with with or without the Associations or the TWU permission. It's a perk, something that they can hold over our heads. Nothing we can do legally since it would not violate any cba Language.
"YES" we have past practice and it would be something that most employees would get pi$$ed at but again the company can just take it away. Not a smart move but possible.
In our contract they already have this 3 hr deal which gives them the right to ask anyone to stay without running the OT List. This thus opens the door for the scams that the TWU allows to happen, so that the money still flows. As long as someone is getting paid OT its ok. get it while you can is the TWU way. 4hrs forces the OT list to be run.
Looks as though you are saying that at US the IAM stewards deal out OT thus doing away with bypass. I would not want that here at AA. Being allowed to make up for the BY pass is another bs idea of the IAM. That takes money from the lowest guy of the shift/day since the one who was violated in the previous shift or day is making up for his bypass and again BS.
Scam this is virtually a deal that these unions made to sell something else to the members. We get screwed since not every one reads what we are getting in the T/A's before the contract is voted on. This just further perpetuates the IGM at AA. As long as I make my money, the rest of the members Don't count. 
NYer said:
 Since we would still be represented by the TWU we have a better change of keeping the current CS Policy, which isn't as restrictive as the US contractual language.
So you are saying that we are better off to not secure contractual language guaranteeing our right to CS and should continue to leave the policy at the companies discretion???  You prefer company privileges to contractual rights? 
Hmm, sounds an awful lot like what Delta Management says about why their employees are better off without a union than with one.
Currently the company uses the CS policy as a form of discipline, they use it to pressure people to accomplish training without being assigned to do it. If we had it in our contract they could not take away CS's privileges like they often do because it would be a contractual right. 
Certainly shows us where your mindset really is. Also makes it clearer why you support the Alliance, because its better for management. 
blue collar said:
Don't know how the US Air policy is more restrictive, but it is contractural, and can't be applied differently station to station.
Its not, at US its a contractual right at AA its a privilege that can be revoked. (Would they? Doubtful because doing so would likely provoke the rebellion that losing 50% of our compensation, holidays, vacation, sick time, pension etc etc failed to ). At US the contract sets a minimum that can not be denied, at AA there is no minimum and past practice is not a strong enough argument because the practice has been different between stations and classifications. If you are going to argue past practice which one would you chose? The fact that they are all different would support the companies argument that its a privilege given at the companies discretion. Thats the reason why Unions put stuff like this into contractual language. The fact that NYer says we are better off to not put it into the contract reveals his true pro management sympathy. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have heard that TULE has all but eliminated CS's. 
I have a theory.
I believe this is yet another tool the company is using to "herd the sheep" to vote for the alliance and accept U.S. Airways contractual CS Policy, which is much more limited than American Airlines.
After this is accepted the new CS policy will be forced on the line and will hamper those workers flexibility and pay.
Watch and see.
I haven't heard of anyone having trouble with a cs. Where did you here this from?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have heard that TULE has all but eliminated CS's. 
After this is accepted the new CS policy will be forced on the line and will hamper those workers flexibility and pay.
Watch and see. 
I think its more geared towards causing more division between the line and the base.
For many many years the company would fire guys in Fleet for offenses that would be maybe a first step for maint. This caused resentment against maintenance especially in the Fleet dominated Locals that could see the disparate treatment first hand.
Now they are abusing workers at the bases which now have 7 day coverage, they are even abusing our coworkers who are serving their country in the military reserves by denying them the ability to CS and make up the time they have to serve (all they need to do is change their days off to SS when they have to serve) . 
Despite what some claim I support fair treatment of base workers. Even though one of the bases is largely responsible for putting in the language that has lead to this treatment I take no pleasure in it and think we must support the bases. Now that the bases have 7 day coverage they should be afforded the same ability to CS as Line guys. It goes without saying that we must support our coworkers who sacrifice their weekends in the service of our country as well, thats utterly shameful that they won't treat theses workers the same way they treat other workers when they serve on Jury Duty or need to go to training, change their days off to SS, but alas Jury Duty is in the contract but CS is not. 
Maybe NYer likes the flexibility that the company enjoys with their CS policy, and the fact that they can deny those who are serving our country the ability to change their days off so they don't lose hundreds of dollars in pay while they serve our country but I believe that stopping crap like this is why people need Unions. 