Crew Rest

I have never had a bad experience with crew scheduling but then again I don't look at them like they are the enemy. We both have our jobs to do and I respect them for theirs. When you agree to the lesser of two or three evils your going to get a few f/a's who are going to complain. Big deal! And to answer your question - NO. the company has not issued us our revised contract.
You know I read this and the first thing that comes to mind is maybe this is not the right kind of job for this person? Some jobs are fine when your young and care free but as you mature they just don't fit anymore. If I'm 50yrs old with a back problems and arthritis maybe I should not be a roofer. If your a single parent trying to juggle so many responsibilities maybe you should not be working as a FA. Especially for a broke airline![/QUOTE]
I read this and am amazed that someone could actually make a statement like this.

Here are a few facts.
*This lady is probably in her forties.
*She has almost 25 years with the company.
*She is a divorced, single parent of an 11 year old boy.
*She has never had a problem juggling her schedule until these constant reassignments this summer.

Are you suggesting that she should give up her retirement? She is too young to take early retirement. Are you suggesting that after almost a quarter of a century of loyal service, she should look for work elsewhere?

IDF [/quote]
If someone is crying and coming apart emotionally at work they should at least consider another line of work. And she won't have to give up her retirement. If she has 25 years she's been vested for decades. I'm not trying to be mean and I'm certainly not going to say my life is as rough as hers but if I was coming apart emotionally because I have to work midnights, weekends and holidays now that I have no seniority and my family wonders "who's that stranger in the house" I too would have to consider another line of work.
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Bear96 Posted on Sep 10 2003, 01:16 PM
WOW... And I thought our UA F/A crew schedulers were power hungry, arrogant, vindictive, ignorant, rude and nasty.

Seems we have it relatively good over here after all.

Operaations... imagine if AA F/As treated their passengers with the same contempt you treat the F/As...

(And you will probably post how in reality you treat them well and are professional, courteous, etc.... sorry, but based on your posts here and on the other thread, I don't believe it. You probably beg to work the midnight shift because you experience some sort of glee calling someone at 0300 for an 0500 check-in.)

The one thing i do is vent on this board. I am at work to work and that is it. I do not convey my personal feelings towards any flight attendant at work. While I am there I treat them with the same respect they give me. And for the most part they are all pretty respectful.

I come to this board to vent just like everyone else in here. I am not vindictive as it is no contractual. I am not nasty because that gets you no where. If i have to call someone at 0300 for an 0500 sign in than i have to do it. But do you ever think why I am calling you so late. Maybe a co worker just called in sick at o245 for a 0500 sign in hmmmmm.

The fact that you admit to going into a f/a's private record a few days later to see if their sick call was changed shows what ethics you have. You should not have access to a f/a's attendance record. A flight attendants attendance record is between the f/a and his/her manager. Besides the fact that all managers prefer you take Family Leave.

I do not really have access to an hi10m. I only have access to po sk and family leave and training removals. I have access to that to make sure I have coded everything correctly. To protect the flight attendant and myself. If i had access to a personal record I would know if you were on a coach and counsil or not. I said hi10m because that is what you call it We call it *4/ but putting that on here you would not know what it is. and if a manager pushes family leave for non family leave issues they are wrong also.

operaations: I will not defend the actions of these whiny AA f/as, because they got what they voted for. There were other options out there, but John Ward was way too arrogant to even consider listening. Not my problem now.

However, I will take you to task over the "lame" assertion about the Family Leave Law. Prior to the Act companies fired people at will for caring for critically ill family members. The inspiration for the bill were parents of a small girl with cancer that had both lost their jobs after having to take time off to take her to her treatments. The parents lost everything: Jobs, insurance, their home, and I believe the little girl died. Was this fair? Was this, in your words, "Lame"? I think not. I was able to take time off to care for my terminally ill parent. When the time came, I was home. Where I belonged. Not so "Lame" in my opinion.

BTW, does your manager know you are snooping into personnel records?

And transworld 1....i wont repeat anything garfield said but that is how i meant it to sound. I was typing out of emotion. I know family leave has a purpose and a very good one. But there are some that abuse it and that is what kills me. I had an employee say to me once I need to go sick for my trip ( I have family Leave). His ex room mate was sitting next to me to observe crew sched and said to me he has a friend who is a doctor who provides him with a fake note. He had family leave to care for his ill father. Well since then his father is back to work at his job and the flight attendant still takes family leave to cover his sick calls. (His father doesnt even live in the same country as he does.)

You really need to look up the definition of Family Leave . Family leave is really just a glorified Dr's Note. If a doctor states that I shouldn't be at work it falls under Family Leave. It doesn't have to be related to a family members illness. In fact if its not for yourself you can not use your built up sick time. If I get blocked ears or whatever every couple of months I can get a drs note stating that and all my sick calls for the year would fall under intermittent family leave and I would get paid for every single call providing that I have the sick time available. And it does not count against my attendance.
It seems like everything else today in this country, the true purpose of Family Leave...To be the primary caregiver to a sick or dying family member, Parent/child etc. has and is being sadly abused. I used family leave to take care of my father who was dying with cancer. I stayed off for two months and was with him when he passed away. For me it was a godsend that I was able to be off with my father. I just can't imagine abusing that privilege.
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I know exactly how you feel Transworlldone. That is why I am soo sorry to have mis used the word family leave in my post earlier. There are people who need it and use it. Then there are people that abuse it. That is what makes me sad
Bear96 said:
WOW... And I thought our UA F/A crew schedulers were power hungry, arrogant, vindictive, ignorant, rude and nasty.
You probably beg to work the midnight shift because you experience some sort of glee calling someone at 0300 for an 0500 check-in.)
Are you kidding? How about screw scheduling calling at 0130 to tell me I had a 1430 sign-in! Screw Scheduling at AA LOVES to disturb shortened rest. It makes them feel so powerful!
TransWorldONE said:
It seems like everything else today in this country, the true purpose of Family Leave...To be the primary caregiver to a sick or dying family member, Parent/child etc. has and is being sadly abused. I used family leave to take care of my father who was dying with cancer. I stayed off for two months and was with him when he passed away. For me it was a godsend that I was able to be off with my father. I just can't imagine abusing that privilege.
Dear Trans World ONE,

I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I was so startled when I read your post. I could have written every word. I lost my father to cancer, too; eleven months ago. Family leave was the only way through the ordeal. Perhaps one day we will find a cure for this awful, hideous disease, but that is a discussion for another day, on another board.


PS-- Sorry if I crunched on your tootsies with my handle. I did not mean to. Just meant to be cleaver, as TWF was what I liked to work; and as we are contantly reminded we will always be Trans World, First. I was truely sorry to learn of our other sad connection, though.
operaations said:
I know exactly how you feel Transworlldone. That is why I am soo sorry to have mis used the word family leave in my post earlier. There are people who need it and use it. Then there are people that abuse it. That is what makes me sad
I really don't think its abuse if you have a doctors note. You all are getting caught up on the word FAMILY. If you are sick and you go get a drs note (same as FAMILY LEAVE) then that is not abuse. The fact that you can now use a DR's note to be out when someone in your family is sick and it not count against you is the icing on the cake with FAMILY LEAVE.
TransWorldFirst said:
Dear Trans World ONE,

I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I was so startled when I read your post. I could have written every word. I lost my father to cancer, too; eleven months ago. Family leave was the only way through the ordeal. Perhaps one day we will find a cure for this awful, hideous disease, but that is a discussion for another day, on another board.


PS-- Sorry if I crunched on your tootsies with my handle. I did not mean to. Just meant to be cleaver, as TWF was what I liked to work; and as we are contantly reminded we will always be Trans World, First. I was truely sorry to learn of our other sad connection, though.
Thanks for your kind words TWFirst....I loved working first too.... You sound like a class act...Maybe we'll meet over a chateau or cordial cart again one day. I certainly don't mind being known as former twa, I'm proud of it. Wishing you the best.

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