Crew Rest

AAmech said:
You know I read this and the first thing that comes to mind is maybe this is not the right kind of job for this person? Some jobs are fine when your young and care free but as you mature they just don't fit anymore. If I'm 50yrs old with a back problems and arthritis maybe I should not be a roofer. If your a single parent trying to juggle so many responsibilities maybe you should not be working as a FA. Especially for a broke airline![/QUOTE]
I read this and am amazed that someone could actually make a statement like this.

Here are a few facts.
*This lady is probably in her forties.
*She has almost 25 years with the company.
*She is a divorced, single parent of an 11 year old boy.
*She has never had a problem juggling her schedule until these constant reassignments this summer.

Are you suggesting that she should give up her retirement? She is too young to take early retirement. Are you suggesting that after almost a quarter of a century of loyal service, she should look for work elsewhere?

L1011Ret said:
The contract was to keep AA out of bankruptcy. True. Now you attempt to make a link between the pilots 20 million and F/A crew rest. There is no link. The pilots had North of 600 million to give and the F/As 340 million. Both had menus to choose from. The 20 million was part of the pilots 600+ million. Chosen by the pilots. The crew rest issue was chosen by APFA as part of their 340 million. They had lots of other choices. AA had nothing to do with crew rest being chosen. NOTHING!

The NO vote was because of the TWA F/A vote. I'm sure the AA pilots will be happy to hear the TWA no vote got them a better contract. Next time you talk to an AA cockpit member, tell them about this and then get back to us on this board. We are eagerly awaiting your report.
This has been discussed and for your information the captain brought this to our attention. As far as the pilots group goes, I have had several captains tell me that they would back up our flight attendants if we decided to call out fatigued. Towards the end of August the company sent out international flights with FAA minimum crews. If only 1 flight attendant called out fatigued on layover the result would have been a cancellation the following morning. If the company thinks that flight attendants and pilots don't work together they are wrong. I'm not bashing the pilots here, just pointing out where management decided to toss its resources.
It would seem some AAers eat their young. The TWAers used to wonder how some AAers would repeatedly say, "be glad you got two years" as the last of them were being furloughed. Now not having TWAers as a target they turn on each other. Ugh...
I never ate or drank anything. But for a group (the former TWA'ers) that likes to paint the AA employees as such you sure do spend alot of time trying to be a part of it.
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This has been discussed and for your information the captain brought this to our attention. As far as the pilots group goes, I have had several captains tell me that they would back up our flight attendants if we decided to call out fatigued. Towards the end of August the company sent out international flights with FAA minimum crews. If only 1 flight attendant called out fatigued on layover the result would have been a cancellation the following morning. If the company thinks that flight attendants and pilots don't work together they are wrong. I'm not bashing the pilots here, just pointing out where management decided to toss its resources.

well MiAAMI you are so mis informed. Pilots have a fatigue clause in their contract you do not. Go ahead tell me youare tired and I will give you a T?M....Better yet I will give you a refusal to fly and issue you a PO...A po is better for the company notr only does it dock your GTD it does not allow you to make up the days you were so called tired for. Go ahead tell me you are tired....Se if I care. If you are truly wiped out than by all means go home and rest. If you think doing so will hurt me and crew sched you are wrong. I will find another warm body to fill your place.
operaations said:

well MiAAMI you are so mis informed. Pilots have a fatigue clause in their contract you do not. Go ahead tell me youare tired and I will give you a T?M....Better yet I will give you a refusal to fly and issue you a PO...A po is better for the company notr only does it dock your GTD it does not allow you to make up the days you were so called tired for. Go ahead tell me you are tired....Se if I care. If you are truly wiped out than by all means go home and rest. If you think doing so will hurt me and crew sched you are wrong. I will find another warm body to fill your place.
Maybe you should change your signature.?
operaations said:

well MiAAMI you are so mis informed. Pilots have a fatigue clause in their contract you do not. Go ahead tell me youare tired and I will give you a T?M....Better yet I will give you a refusal to fly and issue you a PO...A po is better for the company notr only does it dock your GTD it does not allow you to make up the days you were so called tired for. Go ahead tell me you are tired....Se if I care. If you are truly wiped out than by all means go home and rest. If you think doing so will hurt me and crew sched you are wrong. I will find another warm body to fill your place.
What warm bodies are you going to pull from when you are already sending flights out with FAA bare minimum? Sure you can deadhead a crewmember the following day but that still pushes back any departure thus allowing the flight attendants adequate rest. Remember some International destinations only have one flight a day. I don't have to call in tired, I have Family Leave to cover any sick call I want to make. I don't think anyone wants to "hurt" crew scheduling, in fact I could care less about that dept. If anyone wants to make a statement re: crew rest it would be to the top brass. Your attempt to intimidate flight attendants by your post is a laugh at best.
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not trying to intimidate anyone. Your ill attempt to intimidate top brass is funny. Just like your silly strike. You are the exact flight attendant I refer to, Fall back on Family leave to cover any bogus sick call you can think of. That is why AA cant fire any lame flight attendant. (Clinton must have been a Flight Attendant to come up with that lame LAW). No need to change my signature. I work hard every day to make these flights go out will full crew and hate sending out at FAA min. It is a disservice to the Passengers and to the other flight attendants that did make it to work. I feel bad for the flight attendant that goes to South America with a 10 hour rest and a FAA min rest because some flight attendants decide they have better plans that night and call in sick for the trip not leaving crew sched enough time to cover the trip. Then I look at the HI10m and see that the sick call i took a few days prior for the less than 2 hours till dept was changed to a FS. How wrong is that. Now your fellow flight attendants went to south america with a full flight less one or two flight attendants and had short rest. Maybe you are tired because you were up posting at 0400
WOW... And I thought our UA F/A crew schedulers were power hungry, arrogant, vindictive, ignorant, rude and nasty.

Seems we have it relatively good over here after all.

Operaations... imagine if AA F/As treated their passengers with the same contempt you treat the F/As...

(And you will probably post how in reality you treat them well and are professional, courteous, etc.... sorry, but based on your posts here and on the other thread, I don't believe it. You probably beg to work the midnight shift because you experience some sort of glee calling someone at 0300 for an 0500 check-in.)
Jeez...this just gets better and better. I love checking these boards from my low paying, despised customer service job. And to think I would trade all this glamour for my former life....even if it meant 10hrs in South America.
Still missing my beloved Trans World bretheren and sisters, remember those 12 day Cairo- Bombay trips?
FA Mikey said:
I cant take it all back to the flight attendant. Yes, we must be flexible at times. But there is no flexibility or accountability by the company. They refuse to work with us. Its far easier to just screw us.

Maybe this isn't the job for this person? That's to close to saying if you don't like it quit. Until they begin to act responsible to basic human needs like SLEEP. Problems will continue. This is not a two or four hour mandatory hold over on your shift. Its a mandatory 3 or 4 day away from home hold over.
I think we all should be ready to put up with a lot of crap for the next few years until this company is on better financial ground or out of business. Its going to be rough for everyone for the forseeable future.
operaations said:
not trying to intimidate anyone. Your ill attempt to intimidate top brass is funny. Just like your silly strike. You are the exact flight attendant I refer to, Fall back on Family leave to cover any bogus sick call you can think of. That is why AA cant fire any lame flight attendant. (Clinton must have been a Flight Attendant to come up with that lame LAW). No need to change my signature. I work hard every day to make these flights go out will full crew and hate sending out at FAA min. It is a disservice to the Passengers and to the other flight attendants that did make it to work. I feel bad for the flight attendant that goes to South America with a 10 hour rest and a FAA min rest because some flight attendants decide they have better plans that night and call in sick for the trip not leaving crew sched enough time to cover the trip. Then I look at the HI10m and see that the sick call i took a few days prior for the less than 2 hours till dept was changed to a FS. How wrong is that. Now your fellow flight attendants went to south america with a full flight less one or two flight attendants and had short rest. Maybe you are tired because you were up posting at 0400
The fact that you admit to going into a f/a's private record a few days later to see if their sick call was changed shows what ethics you have. You should not have access to a f/a's attendance record. A flight attendants attendance record is between the f/a and his/her manager. Besides the fact that all managers prefer you take Family Leave.
operaations said:
(snip) ...(Clinton must have been a Flight Attendant to come up with that lame LAW). No need to change my signature. I work hard every day to make these flights go out will full crew and hate sending out at FAA min. It is a disservice to the Passengers and to the other flight attendants that did make it to work. I feel bad for the flight attendant that goes to South America with a 10 hour rest and a FAA min rest because some flight attendants decide they have better plans that night and call in sick for the trip not leaving crew sched enough time to cover the trip. Then I look at the HI10m and see that the sick call i took a few days prior for the less than 2 hours till dept was changed to a FS. How wrong is that. Now your fellow flight attendants went to south america with a full flight less one or two flight attendants and had short rest. Maybe you are tired because you were up posting at 0400
operaations: I will not defend the actions of these whiny AA f/as, because they got what they voted for. There were other options out there, but John Ward was way too arrogant to even consider listening. Not my problem now.

However, I will take you to task over the "lame" assertion about the Family Leave Law. Prior to the Act companies fired people at will for caring for critically ill family members. The inspiration for the bill were parents of a small girl with cancer that had both lost their jobs after having to take time off to take her to her treatments. The parents lost everything: Jobs, insurance, their home, and I believe the little girl died. Was this fair? Was this, in your words, "Lame"? I think not. I was able to take time off to care for my terminally ill parent. When the time came, I was home. Where I belonged. Not so "Lame" in my opinion.

BTW, does your manager know you are snooping into personnel records?

TransWorldFirst...While I appreciate the homage...wouldn't "RoyalAmbassadorClass" have worked?? just kidding bro...or sis.
TransWorldFirst said:
operaations: I will not defend the actions of these whiny AA f/as, because they got what they voted for. There were other options out there, but John Ward was way too arrogant to even consider listening. Not my problem now.

However, I will take you to task over the "lame" assertion about the Family Leave Law. Prior to the Act companies fired people at will for caring for critically ill family members. The inspiration for the bill were parents of a small girl with cancer that had both lost their jobs after having to take time off to take her to her treatments. The parents lost everything: Jobs, insurance, their home, and I believe the little girl died. Was this fair? Was this, in your words, "Lame"? I think not. I was able to take time off to care for my terminally ill parent. When the time came, I was home. Where I belonged. Not so "Lame" in my opinion.

BTW, does your manager know you are snooping into personnel records?

Trans, if your parent was terminally ill and you were by their side, good for you. That’s what it Is there for. I do not think the bill is lame in that respect and I am pretty sure Operations does not feel that way either. The problem I have and I assume Ops has is the FA like I had today. Hired in 1998, she has been out sick for X-Mass in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and I am pretty sure if her m/o hold true she will be out this year as well. And I know this will come as a surprise to everyone here, they were all coded as family leave. Yea, yea … some of you may think “hey, she could have a family member who is sick each and every X-massâ€, (BTW, she missed 1998 because she was still on probation). If you are one of those believers, some over to crew sched, I’ll take you snipe hunting.

The thing that gets most of us at crew sched as far as the sick list and family leave and all that “stuff†is the abuse. It exists in all work forces. Those work forces that have more stringent enforcement have a low ratio of fakers but study after study have shown that there is a large number of folks on any given sick list who are abusing it. I have been working a phone job for a little under 20 years. I have spoken with passenger, travel agents and now flight attendants. Most of us have a good ear for when someone is feeding us a load of BS (as most of you do probably as well in a customer contact job) and when they are legit. Someone who calls in all happy and chipper and says they are too sick for their 3 day trip this Friday is probably lying. Don’t bother faking a cough, I have not found anyone who is good at it yet so I won’t buy it.

The crew rest breaks suck. I don’t like them and I don’t even fly. Calling in sick is not going to change them. If you folks want it changed, then talk to congress but don’t hold your breath. If you want things to change come contract time, you and your union better take a good long look at reality. If you want back everything you lost, I feel you will be sorely disappointed. Ask for the important stuff. Hopefully both sides will be reasonable. I know that is probably to much to ask for but I can hope. Strike? I doubt it. The economy will still be in the crapper (esp if we still have dumb and dumber in office), we will still be in debt up to our eye balls. They will halt any strike before it happens.

One last thing. Rude? You bet your sweet A$$ I can be. I give what I receive. If I get someone who calls in with an attitude they will get one right back. You want to argue over the contract, you damn well better have it open and turned to the page. I had some num-nut call in today asking (with what seemed like a straight face) if any PVD’s were offered tomorrow in LGA. You think I did not give him attitude? If I get someone who is nice and has made some attempt to find the answer them selves (does AA not give you a contract?) then I will be more than happy to assist you in any way I can. I know Ops and I am sure that individual feels the same way.

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