Correct. It will affect all groups under the contracts with different cat's. Ex: Leads (CC at AA), inspectors, inspection leads (CC), MC, GSE, PMT's, FMT's, ect... There is more to this than some are getting when it comes to these 2 different type's of seniority once one is moved into another cat. One poster has posted that AA will have the numbers to out bid all US guys on any and all issues, "THIS" is exactly why you guys do not need this BS association to go thru, you guys will have to endure this type of voting and game playing for the rest of your careers. The infighting between the 2 unions will never ever stop, the association will be so engulfed with the infighting between the 2 unions that the membership will not be represented like they should be. And why would any of the US guys want this association knowing that AA (TWU) members will be able to hold and control the puppet strings of the US (IAM) by just the mere number differences? I would never vote for that kind of representation and who ever would is an idiot. This is only 1 example of many, many other differences between the way the 2 unions have their contracts, it is going to be a freakin nightmare working thru all this and will take alot longer than you all think it will. Think about it people. The infighting has already started as we all have seen. When it comes to "trying" to settle into one single contract the infighting is going to greatly increase when it comes to who's language will remain between the 2 different way these 2 unions does certain things.
If the US guys really knew how bad this association would affect them they would run from it. There is also enough AA'ers that are sick and tired of the TWU and their concessionary agreements over the 30 some odd years. Vote this BS association down, there should be a run-off election between the TWU and the IAM plain and simple, but, I think this association would have to be voted down to force the run-off. In the mean time maybe another union can get the cards needed to get on the ballot as well and the membership can then choose who they really want to represent them. Good luck to you all, it's going to get very hectic for some time before you guys get a SCBA with this association. You would be much, much better off with a single union representing you, not 2 different unions sharing the membership, how pathetic, let the infighting begin, as it has, and watch your representation go down the toilet. "NO" to the TWU/IAM association...