I flew 727's for RGA as part of Express One out to terra haute.... We're you out there?
Spent a few,years there before recall
BUF, was a Convair run....
I flew 727's for RGA as part of Express One out to terra haute.... We're you out there?
Spent a few,years there before recall
Hmmm. A bit defensive, are we?
Let me guess about your college degree.
In the first year that Schofield became president, the annual Forbes 500 list came out with 499 bosses having at least a bachelor degree. One did not.
Now, if your college of hard knocks theory were correct, then Schofield should have done a stellar job. Were you paying attention?
NY, wasn't it Schofield (his team) that secured the 1B investment from British Airways in the early nineties?
I actually had Seth on my flight to PIT earlier this year. Shook his hand and just said hello. NY, wasn't it Schofield (his team) that secured the 1B investment from British Airways in the early nineties? Don't remember the circumstances, but we were for some reason near BK. I also remember the Company going to the Allegheny County Airport authority, and asking for some relief. As would be the case 10 years later, the answer was "NO." Am I correct?Greeter
. I did hear that without the cash infusion from BA that US was not going to be able to make payroll at one point.
and where - just once - has WT ever said that it is good for American labor to subsidize the cheap tickets that Americans buy?http://www.bloomberg...zfVNFmQxtA.html
Bob is spot on .... Government policy over the past 30 years has screwed this industry up.
And before WT jumps in and tells us how wonderful cheap tickets are let me point out that ticket prices haven't gone up since 1978. While the 1978 Jeep I drove cost me $7,500 then new .... today one cost $27,000?
During the same time period my pay and benefits have gone down 25%-35%? It's time for aviation workers to quit subsidizing tickets. If you can't afford a plane ride, take the train?