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Bain Capital

Don't forget the 200k #### trucks...We all know we need a computerized lav truck.
Don't forget the 200k #### trucks...We all know we need a computerized lav truck.
My goodness - are you saying we now deal with digital poo? Is digital poo kinda like the white stuff in chicken poo or is it simply more poo with no special characteristics but given a special name in hopes of snagging naming rights??
Bob, sometimes you're so disillusion its frightening for the welfare of your membership. AA is not hiding profits or "cooking the books", their financial statements, like all other publicly traded corporations are professionally audited. But go right along and spread misinformation to mislead others.

You are absolutely right, corporate America's integrity is beyond reproach.... and Santa comes down the chimney on Christmas eve, the Tooth Fairy leaves you change (maybe its Obama), and the Easter Bunny hops around leaving painted eggs. Oh yeah, I promise I'll respect you in the morning! :lol:
Another issue is the need to get certain groups on the payroll to ensure they aren't hired to work for those who may not have the same interests as the "management".

Bingo. They need someone looking at the sustainability for Eagle to not be entangled with the people studying the sustainability of AA.

Using the same company (even if you have separate teams within) to do both pieces of analysis is about as wise as sharing a divorce lawyer with your soon to be ex...
Bingo. They need someone looking at the sustainability for Eagle to not be entangled with the people studying the sustainability of AA.

Using the same company (even if you have separate teams within) to do both pieces of analysis is about as wise as sharing a divorce lawyer with your soon to be ex...
Consider using the same divorce lawyer as your newest squeeze (Rothschilds, a British banking firm, working for AA with BA in the wings).

I made another post recently re: this - AA hires and pays for Rothschild to advise on (probably) a large investment by BA.
To be fair, Frank, as leveraged as AMR is now, they probably had to look at a non-US bank because of the various entanglements with the US banks...

But Rothschilds probably doesn't do the type of internal benchmarking Bain is going to have to do at Eagle. This goes beyond just a valuation exercise.

And you may be exactly right as to why they want Rothschild. And right now, it's appropriate, since it is management's time to come up with a restructuring, and that includes an investment partner who is going to be amenable to keeping AA as a standalone entity, versus one who will part it out and leave the carcass for the vultures to feast on.
Judge Lane to Idiot Jim Little: “I’m not here to sit in judgment about anyone’s views on Bain. You’re asking me to sign on to your worldview in making this decision.”


Dumbass Little files an objection to Bain's fees and cites no laws nor legal principles or prior cases. The only citation in the entire objection is to a Washington Post editorial/column claiming that Romney is evil because he used to run Bain. And the bankruptcy judge puts the dumbass in his place.

You guys are going to get it from both sides. Your employer is going to seek punishing concessions (pay or workrules or benefits or a combo of all three) and you've got an idiot dumbass in charge of the "union" "representing" you. And I use both of those terms (union and representing) very loosely. In my view, it ain't no union and it sure as hell ain't representing you competently.
Judge Lane to Idiot Jim Little: “I’m not here to sit in judgment about anyone’s views on Bain. You’re asking me to sign on to your worldview in making this decision.”


Dumbass Little files an objection to Bain's fees and cites no laws nor legal principles or prior cases. The only citation in the entire objection is to a Washington Post editorial/column claiming that Romney is evil because he used to run Bain. And the bankruptcy judge puts the dumbass in his place.

You guys are going to get it from both sides. Your employer is going to seek punishing concessions (pay or workrules or benefits or a combo of all three) and you've got an idiot dumbass in charge of the "union" "representing" you. And I use both of those terms (union and representing) very loosely. In my view, it ain't no union and it sure as hell ain't representing you competently.
My own opinion is the Bain Capital is simply a stand-in for Frank Lorenzo or Carl Ichan - corporate raiders.

Not that any of the presidential candidates are worth anything (D'Rat or Rethuglican), but the thought of Mittens as president is nauseating. He's simply another out-of-touch millionaire wanting to spread the wealth around to his friends and precious little different than the current White House infestation.

As for Little Jimmy - his many degrees don't seem to be doing him much good.
Judge Lane to Idiot Jim Little: “I’m not here to sit in judgment about anyone’s views on Bain. You’re asking me to sign on to your worldview in making this decision.”


Dumbass Little files an objection to Bain's fees and cites no laws nor legal principles or prior cases. The only citation in the entire objection is to a Washington Post editorial/column claiming that Romney is evil because he used to run Bain. And the bankruptcy judge puts the dumbass in his place.

You guys are going to get it from both sides. Your employer is going to seek punishing concessions (pay or workrules or benefits or a combo of all three) and you've got an idiot dumbass in charge of the "union" "representing" you. And I use both of those terms (union and representing) very loosely. In my view, it ain't no union and it sure as hell ain't representing you competently.

You left out Bob Owens banging the 1930 war drums while the idiot Little plays politics with the Court System and our livelyhood.

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