COUNTDOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only up 30 cents now. Dropped 60 cents in the last few minutes.
lets us all smile and start a new chapter and be friends and work things out. It can only benifit all of us. I am not a crew scheduler but i am sure if they are as mindless as you say maybe they would like to hear some suggestions from you on how to better do their job.
It is 11:50 Central Time on Tuesday, April 15, 2003. This is George Price, APFA National Communications Coordinator, with a special APFA Hotline Update.

The APFA Board of Directors will meet via conference call at 12 Noon Central Time to discuss the results of the APFA balloting on the company''s restructuring participation agreement.

Once the Board has been briefed, we will update the hotline and the web site with the results.

The volume of calls coming into the APFA regarding the results has inundated the APFA switchboard. We ask members to be patient and rely on the web site and the hotline for information to the extent possbile.

Thank you for calling.
On 4/15/2003 12:22:33 PM Mach85ER wrote:


. . . if I was a crew scheduler, I''d keep my mouth shut. Your job takes about as much skill as a tollbooth worker.
WOW, I really got a big chuckle out of that. Not because I agree with you, but because how wrong you really are.

Without "schedulers" or what you may also call "manning" agents, the airline doesn''t run, period, end of argument.

If maintenance workers don''t get scheduled, your plane don''t fly.
If cabin service workers don''t get scheduled, your plane don''t fly.
If baggage handlers don''t get scheduled, your plane don''t fly.
If flight attendants don''t get scheduled, your plane don''t fly.
If gate and ticket agents don''t get scheduled, your plane don''t fly.

Unless of course, I''m mistaken and none of the above are needed to get a ship in the air, but I''ve yet to meet a pilot who is capable of doing any of the above, let alone willing.

If I''m not mistaken, scheduling requires a lot of knowledge, such as Excel, Sabre, dealing with Staff Administration, Auto-TA (?) systems operation, and being able to effectively deal with the heads of each and every department being scheduled. Manpower is no easy task, and to compare that type of position to that of a toll booth worker, would be like comparing the position of a pilot to that of a cowboy on a cattle drive.

I guess what it all boils down to is a very valid point you might be missing, and that is, without someone to schedule all the "grunt" work you appear to be above. . . . .you aren''t needed.

Thank a FA for still having a job. Those sharp "senior momma's" jumped a terrorist and saved an airplane. As a pilot I watch most of them do a fantastic job.

You've posted enough clueless stuff here to last a career. Go to
nightschool, most jobs are flexible.
well Art i am glad the company you work for allows you a flexible enough schedule to attend grad school. I commend your ability to speak four languages fluently that is not an easy task. I also know many professional flight attendants but just take some time to read some of the other postings from the flight attendants that come to this board and you will be surprised to see how much of a bad name they give you. My statement was not at you personally but if you are not mature enough to accept an apology than i guess you are no better than the rest. I am not ashamed to admit that what i said was stupid and not completley true and that is why I apologized
On 4/15/2003 11:54:03 AM A77IGW wrote:

ok ART tell me what skills Flight Attendants have that seperates you from anyone off the street. If i jumped the gun on my comment i apologize and I should not have made a nasty statement like the one i did. It is stress and fear of my job to anyone i offended I apologize. I was just thinking, fear breads more fea and unhappy co workers bread other unhappy people. Why dont we all try and be as productive as the company will allow....go the extra mile and bring this company back sooner rather than later


I''m not ART, but I have to say something in answer to the question.

A partial discussion of flight attendant skills:

Negotiations, mediation, on-the-spot in-the-air troubleshooting in highly complex social situations. Mental alertness to a dynamic matrix of factors, fine attunement to situational awareness. You can''t do this job and be an idiot.

Evacuations on land and sea, managing a 69 person raft in the middle of the ocean after a ditching, firefighting at 42K altitude, advanced first aid and operation of defibrilation machinery.

There are a million other things that go into f/a jobs beyond this. Only certain personalities can manage the complexities (time pressure, social dynamics, safety and emergency prevention/management) of this job. Some can do one part of this, but few have the combination of skills, personality and experience to do the job and remain sane.

Every job has its complexities and challenges. And the people who do those jobs deserve a modicum of respect.


P.S. And please have a little respect for waitresses and waiters too. Anyone who has ever done that sort of work knows that not everyone has the ability to do that sort of work either.
once again I said I am sorry and apologize. I unfortunatley deal with the bad apples of the flight attendant work group. not the professional peopl you are talking about
On 4/15/2003 12:30:05 PM Mach85ER wrote:


You deal with "bad apples" ?

Good, so do we.

Try showing up for a 11:30 pm departure only to find out it''s delayed
until 3:00 am, it''s been that way for 6 hours. No phone call.

Have your wife bothered all day with repeated, demanding, accusatory calls
all day on a pilot''s wherabouts when he is flying a trip.

It goes on and on.

I''m just one of many.

I am sure there are plenty of bad apples that you have to deal with. And if you or your wife is being harrassed by crew schedule than i would suggest reporting them. Nobody should have to put up with harrassment. But are you honest enough to admit there are bad apples in your work group as well. That call in sick when not sick. Talk to other employees like they are better than they are. Be accusatory to other as well when it is not justified. We are all not perfect but we can try and help the bad apples to become better. I for one am willing to try

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