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"free At Last, Free At Last"

Congrats to you NHBB.

Now that you have all that free time how about becoming an organizer for the AGW?

Hope your retirement is healthy and happy and long.

PS go south for the Winters from now on!

Too damn cold up there in the BDL area in the Winter. BRRRRRRRRugh!

It bears repeating.....Sally and I add our CONGRATULATIONS and Best Wishes for a WONDERFUL retirement.

We're raising a cold one to your health (and to MRS Bear's) right now!

:up: Congrats on your retirement. And isn't it great that we were there in the glory days of TWA! Enjoy your life.
" A THOUSAND THANK YOU's TO EVERYONE, for your well wishes. It really means a lot.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(just a few replys)

Capt. Randy.
Thanks for raising an "ADDITIONAL" cold one.(Sally, I know your "watching the Capt., like a hawk) 🙄 🙄 🙄

The crew that walked off, and retired, I would have given a "few $$ bucks" to see that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Golfing, fishing, NO WAY. Now I've got MORE time to prowl these boards(JESUS, what a scary thought) :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

FA Mikey,
The feeling(unshackled) is "INDESCRIBABLE" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank again, EVERYONE !!!



Congratulations!!!!!! Keep your eyes on that pension of yours. AA may decide to take it from you and screw you just like they have done in the past.

Just think no more driving to work in an NH winter on Hwy 3!!!!!!!!
LiveInAHotel said:
Keep your eyes on that pension of yours. AA may decide to take it from you and screw you just like they have done in the past.
I would worry a litle more about the medical insurance. At least the PBCG is a bit of a cushion if we lose our retirement.

But congrats, most definitely. And I admire your courage.

Enjoy your retirement.

Due to the laws of supply and demand, the price of gasoline should go down along Interstate 91, now that you no longer commute.

Again congrats Bear, catch a few trout for me. I've got till 2016 before I go, but its coming on fast. Do stay on the boards, your posts are quite thought provoking and at times down right funny. :up: :up: :up:
"Hotel, wrench, and TWAnr,
Thanx for the kind wishes.
As I mentioned to FA Mikey, the feeling of being free of AA, at this point in time, is "UNEXPLAINABLE"

If this was back in the days of "Uncle" Bobby Crandall, who we knew could destroy(virtually) any foe(Even though we hated him, as much as we loved him), then leaving AA "early"(which is what I did), "could" have been a different decision for me.
Sadly for all of us, retired, active, furloughed, this is not the AA that we all knew.



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