Cost Control Suggestions

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To all who have made a contribution to this thread I thank you and it appears your efforts have been heard.

Reports indicate US Airways chief executive officer Dave Siegel will review this thread and he will assign chief financial officer Neal Cohen and vice president of financial planning and analysis Dave Davis to evaluate your suggestions.

This is exactly the type of grass roots effort made possible by the internet and the principal's of where we can make a difference.

Thanks again.

Title 49CFR states you can not offer or accept hazardous materials if your are not trained to do so. Somebody better get on the ball overthere at U to train your clerks before TSA hazmat finds out. This post in reference to ldkiam's earlier post.
Several of our stations are located a few hours drive from one another.

Let one manager have all of them, instead of one manager for each station. Break down the barriers, as we are doing with frontline employees, between express and mainline for management as well. For instance, RDU, FAY, and GSO could all share a manager.

Believe me, passengers won't be able to tell the difference. We went without a manager for our busiest 6 months some years back. Results? Superior DOT stats, MUCH less internal bickering, happier campers. We just forwarded the necessary paperwork to the regional for her approval.

Don't read it, your colonelness, just sign it!


Regarding the subject of the potential closing of the CLT Engine Shop.

It's true that Engine Changes take place in PIT and PHL and well as CLT.

CLT has always been ..and is continued to be the Center for Heavy Acft maintenance regarding the A330's, B767's and the B757. This is a given known. With that being said , it only makes sense to center your orgainic assests around that.

U is good about Pre-Positioning Spare Engines in cities like PHL,DCA,LAX and others for emergencies...this does require Trucking in an out when an engine change is performed. The removed engine has to be trucked out...and a replacement spare trucked back in for stock.

CLT is a Geographic Center point for our eastern seaboard focused operation..when you consider we range from Maine to Florida.

CLT having it's Engine Shop closed...considering it's Omni-Directional tasking makes no sense at all. PIT is basically only a staging area for CFM56 type engines for the Airbus and B737 Fleet..QEC work and APU's are thier prime focus.

CLT again being a Geographic Center of our universe , makes it a prime candidate to better support any given any given location.

The PIT focus in light of a potential shift to a more Regional Type Hub in the future is senseless. This is nothing more than a continuation of the PIT as Mecca way of thinking...and is likely a Mecca/PIT motivated choice of direction....logic of multi-directional support should be the only issue at hand.
Another noted area of Loss. Tooling Loss in PHL seems to have a dramatic impact on both our capitol resources..and our ability to address immediate needs.

You might ask..what do you mean by this? The awnser is simple. PHL has and does present a problem in regards to thier assigned property. PHL is a constant source of phone calls stating that they cannot locate tooling that the computer system says they have on hand.

This lack of control not only reflects a monitary loss of company assets (Tools Lost) It deeply impacts the return to service time of our Acft from both scheduled and un-scheduled maintenance. How? you might ask? Simple...assets have to be brought in from PIT, CLT or another city to cover what PHL can't or won't account for itself.

This presents un-needed delays in performing thier assigned tasks...and then exposes another city to the same problems by having to reposition thier tooling to PHL.

(Resolve) PHL does not have a Dedicated Tool Room as does CLT or PIT. PHL being 1 of the 3 major Hubs in our system..and being a Heavy Hitter in terms of scheduled RON maintenance , warrants a tooling department on par with both CLT and PIT. With a dedicated staff in place...Tooling Control from both a Loss Prevention and readiness standpoint will improve. PHL is a noted offender in regards to Tool Service-ability. Many of our tools have to be re-certified or re-calibrated for continued legal useage. This is a weak area there , due to the dependence on Stock Clerks keeping track of both Rotable and Expendable well as thier tools.

PIT has Tool Rooms in every Hangar located well as certain assets dedicated to the Line Maintenance Dept.

CLT has a decicated Tool Room for it's Hangar..which also supports the new line hangar..and when needed it can support Line Maintenance as well.

PIT and CLT never tend to see control problems in any compairative manner as does PHL. The scope of PHL's operation warrants better control measures being put into place. Many never see these issues..because we always manage to keep things covered...but the underlying issues...the out of sight , out of mind issues in detracting from the bottom line in terms of cost and function.

Keep in mind..Just because the passengers don't see it...or another aspect of the company doesn't see it...doesn't mean there isn't a problem taking place! A plane not being ready on time for scheduled revenue , as a tendency to upset the flow of everything.

Should an Acft not be ready on time? Things happen!!..and it's usually negative too! Flights either become delayed or cancelled..or it requires disruptive flow of things to cover this missing element.
I again ask the question...
When a flight pushes back from the gate 10-12 minutes early...does pay begin (for the entire crew) when the brakes are released and push-back begins? If it does, a 10 minute early push is VERY expensive.
If so...simple cost saving....NO PUSH-BACKS SHOULD BEGIN BEFORE 1-2 MINUTES OF SCHEDULED DEPARTURE (unless bad weather etc)
There you go,making sense again.Hello!,Dave,anybody listening.Let the monkeys run the zoo.
At one point Station Managers also worked as local sales reps. Using local employees to make sales calls at travel agencys and other venues where we can sell our product produced results. We do not advertise as we should lets sell by human contact. My hope the RSA may be of assistance in Ads in the future.
Our terrific low AARP fares are seldom know by our Senior Citizens, all they know is we cut the senior fares. We have employees in colleges all over the company. Give us access to materials to post on public bulletin boards.
Lets also start selling the UA deal. If it brings business lets push the alliance.
Every employee of USAirways could become your sales force. Give them the tools to help us start to grow again and stop the shrinking.
I think our marketing program could use a real boost too!.

I notice how you see signs for USAirways at the Carolina Panthers Football games..this reaches pretty much the same group of Stadium Dwellers 8 sundays out of 52.

I'm sure USAirways does alike things in the other markets where we have a dominant presence too...but again due to people being in attendence being pretty much the same folks week after week because of being Season Ticket the cost of this advertising really reaching out and inviting New Customers?

Many have been critical of USAir's past delving into NASCAR sponsorship..basically this was just an inherited issue from the days of Piedmont...but it did in fact keep the name out there for people to see over 32 weekends a year.

NASCAR wieher or not you like it..or hate it? is the largest and fastest growing Sports Market there is. Attendance range from 60,000 to almost 200,000 at every event...and you are not subjected to the same viewership at almost every event like a football or basketball games tends to do.

NASCAR reaches across the entire market that USAirways serves..the days of the fans being Toothless , Beer Guzzling Rednecks are over!! Maybe a re-think of our marketing could reach out to more people..and more locations by returning to a Race Team Sponsorship...or at least an associate sponsorship?

A NASCAR team to be competative , needs about 15 Million annually to function...this of course is a business deduction that can be benefitted from too. I'm not implying that U would have to foot the bill for the entire amount to do this...but something needs to be done to draw attention to us..beyond the barrage of bad news and lay-offs be written in every news paper where we fly.

For those that do not see the reach that NASCASR afilliation gives you..Consider that tracks are located in both Northern California..Southern California..Phoenix , Chicago , Kansas City , Los Vegas , Detroit area Dallas/Ft.Worth...and the entire length of the eastern seaboard.

Being aligned with a sport that is very agressive in self-promoting could not do us any degree of harm...and could reap benefits beyond calculation , if handled properly?

NASCAR fans are very loyal...sponsors have always benefited from the association with racing...if we can't afford to sponsor a team..we should at least look into advertising our presence in these markets better...Would a special Race Package Fly-away promotion hurt?

RedOne asked:

I again ask the question...
When a flight pushes back from the gate 10-12 minutes early...does pay begin (for the entire crew) when the brakes are released and push-back begins? If it does, a 10 minute early push is VERY expensive.
If so...simple cost saving....NO PUSH-BACKS SHOULD BEGIN BEFORE 1-2 MINUTES OF SCHEDULED DEPARTURE (unless bad weather etc)

DCAflyer replies:

Flights don't push back 10 or 12 minutes early very often. Even if everyone is on board, we are will waiting for the paperwork from the gate agent before we can push back. Given some special situation (weather, heavy runway traffic, etc.), provided everyone is on board, a decision might be made to push back a bit early, but 10 minutes is extremely rare.

Even then, it's all relative. If we are pushing back five minutes early, we theoretically arrive five minutes early, so it all comes out in the wash. When we get paid extra is when there is more block time than scheduled. For instance, say we are ready for pushback in MIA but there are storms at our destination, for example CLT. The FAA might hold takeoffs on flights into CLT. But if there is heavy runway traffic in MIA, or anticipated heavy runway traffic, the Captain might make the decision to push back so the aircraft is in the que, or ready to que. This will save further delays, possible missed connections, possible hotel and meal vouchers, etc. I won't say that crew pay doesn't get factored in, but there is a bigger picture to look at. What if we have a kidney on board to be transplanted in CLT? (it does happen!) The extra time could cost a person his life. The decision to push back lies in the judgment of the Captain, where it belongs.
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Just because an aircraft pushes back early has no effect on cost. The cost is based on block time and if the flight is under schedule there is no added expense regardless of time.

In fact, two weeks ago the company started a new program for Airbus aircraft where the pilots receive a computer generated message in-flight that adjusts what is called the cost index to adjust the aircraft speed/reduce costs due to early arrivals.

It's pretty neat technology.


On 11/2/2002 6:54:41 PM PineyBob wrote:

I am just a lowly Cockroach albeit a CP Cockroach! I really have a comment to offer Ben B. & Dave S. and the gang of merry bonus collectors at the top


What the heck do you have to lose?? The joint is in the crapper! You have empty seats on the planes! Find a way to put meat in the seat! How about a no checked luggage, no assigned seat ticket, no advance purchase, for say $99.00 one way anyplace US flys in the USA. Ticket can only be purchased date of travel! No miles no frills no nothing just meat in the seat.

What's wrong with selling "travel Coupons" at a discount. Heck let people sell them on E-Bay. here's a pitch: "Buy one $200 voucher and recieve a $100 voucher absolutley free for another flight"

Same with discounted "Standy Coupons" - Think of the revenue this could generate. I buy a book of 10 for say a deep discount of $500 use 4 and sell the others on e-bay or more likely forget about them and they expire.

Hand out travel coupons on every single US Air flight! give thema short expiration time say 90 days.

Desparate times call for desparate measures! Try anything on the marketing side! In Operations use the knowledge of the people on the floor who actually do the work. They'll save you more money than you can imagine! Treat the remaining employees with the same dignity and respect you treat your Wall street investors and they will work their assets off for you. Continue to build bridges to labor. Don't bludgeon them, Sell them on your ideas get buy in at every level. You have the building blocks to a great enterprise here don't pizz it away

I like your ideas, but change is a bad word in the airline business. WN has been doing it right for years, but the big carriers don't (probably never will) get it and change. They do silly things, like trying to shrink into profitability. All that does is accelerate the destruction, less feed into hubs kills formerly profitable flights. But, here we go again.
JonC and AOG-N-IT have both hit on key issues here.

Energy useage is senseless around here. Over a year ago, I put a suggestion into the most recent employee suggestion program to equip facilities with motion senors for lighting. The third floor of the Charlotte Hangar has restroom lights that are on 24 hours a day/365 days a year. I am sure there are plenty of other places like this company wide. A one time investment in that motion sensor that can be had cheap at Lowe's pays off in the long run. What happened? My suggestion sat in under review status for like 4 months. The September 11 hits. What happens? WOLFGANG SHUTS EMPLOYEE SUGGESTIONS DOWN!!! Why? To save cost. Hell, I did not care about whatever prize they were giving away, just trying to save the Company a few bucks.

I also suggested to save air taxi/roadtrip/courier/borrow/buy fees we have all rotable parts not used on RONs or sent for replenishment moved either AOG or MUST BE THERE TODAY. Shot down because it MIGHT jeopardize mail revenue. I have rarely seen aircraft parts bump mail or freight. In the mean time, we waste tens of thousands of dollars weekly because the part is in transit somewhere, and cannot be accounted for.

As for heavy maintenance, it is crucial to keep it in house. Overhaul aircraft are an invaluable source of parts to rob, and our own quality control keeps delivering a product that provides the outstanding performance numbers we get compliemented on. Why else is Southwest bringing more and more of their own work in house? But the hours they are working makes no sense. Last night at 0345 I was walking through the CLT Heavy Maintenance hangar and counted 4 mechanics and 3 utility personnel. The only work being done was a mechanic cleaning a coffee pot near Bay 2. We should go M-F for three shifts, and get 100% of our workforce there daily. Giving employees weekends off would improve morale, and productivity will rise with those happier employees. Plus think of the associated energy savings with not having to use half of the Catawba Nuke Plant to power the lighting!!!

Also, look at some of our management ratios. I know that Dave tells us we half the management of other majors, but I am not sure if they look at middle management. There is at least one department I know of that has a 3-1 employee to supervisor ratio, plus an admin rep for twelve workers. While I hate to see anyone lose a job (I am going to next week BTW, so it is not like I am kicking someone while I am up and they are down), that ratio is absurd.
Why not shelve the in-flight magazine Attach'e....Does this over-blown rag have to be as fancy as a $5.00 magazine from the Newstand?

Does this magazine really make money for us?..sure the arguement can be made for advertisers paying to use it...but advertisers pay for space in every form of print that they pay for at the newstand.

Do passengers really care about what our CEO's views on the world are? I doubt it!! I'm sure they are only concerned with the price of point A to B Flying...and knowing they are going to be safe.

IMHO...Attache is a tremendous waste of money..and only adds to the fuel burn to fly it around. Again..if the cost of this magazine is the difference between keeping our employee's on the job...or just creating the false impression of being a Big's cost Vs. it's actual value isn't much. Then the issue of waste comes into the end of every month , I see cases of out of date issues just laying around to be thrown away..Would a serious Recycling Program not net some return on our money? I would think it would..especially in terms of long range impact.

Maybe a lesson from the lower cost carriers is in order here..Fluff has little place in our present condition..Function should be the only issue at hand.
I agree with utilizing the best cost-cutting measures to eliminate pure waste. We also need to enhance more revenue. I truly believe we make it so difficult for the customer to give us money with all of the fare rules and restrictions in place. Let's make it easy to take their money, charge a reasonable excursion rate along with day of departure walk-up fares. It will definately cut down on administratitve expenses to uphold all of this mumbo-jumbo. As it has been once said Keep it Simple Stupid!

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