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Conversation With Lakefeild On Thurs In Clt

justaumechanic said:
I have to disagree with your statement.

Reading their Feb New Release on earnings.

The airline company, which has been under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection since December 2002, ended February with a cash balance of $2.2 billion, up $183 million during the month on strong bookings. The cash balance included $870 million in restricted cash.

Keep in mind that most of that money belongs to the creditors.. So your saying that Tilton is going to go to the judge and say "Hey, I know we don't have any money but we want to buy this airline called US Airways, is that ok"

Dream on.

1. He was refering to AMR

2. If Glenn says, "Here's my POR, and as part of that POR we are aquiring 500 pink school buses, that these large banks are financing" the judge would say "outstanding, now get out of my court". The judge don't care. If someone gives UAL a loan for a specific purpose, the judge can't order it be used to pay ORD instead. UAL WILL do a deal, and that deal will be of a nature that it will have an extremely high likelyhood of being a positive transaction for the company. but like I said. Sit back and watch. It's about to get interesting.
usairways_vote_NO said:
I was just curious since you offered your opinion too can you do a self-disclosure? Do you run a airline?

No, but I play someone who does on this board. 😀 . The diff is I'm saying something will go down. I'm saying that because I don't run an airline, I must defer to those who do.

If you had a Dr who said "you have XXX", and your neighbor the truck driver said "he's crazy, I don't think you do", would I need to be a Dr. myself to point out that your neighbor isn't and doesn't have a knowledge base with which to work from? Would I be out of line to point out that maybe you should listen to the guy who went to med school?
BoeingBoy said:
"I don't see how buying more money losing routes or acquiring old 757s from U would help that."

Actually, I wasn't thinking about routes or planes (though for someone like WN the 737's that we own might be of interest) - I was thinking of slots in LGA and DCA. In theory at least, those could be worth quite a bit of money. I think the appraiser put a distress valuation of over $400 million on them.

Besides, like I said, it's the only rational for UA buying US that I could come up with that made the slightest sense. Like you, I think the prospects for a successful merger are slim to none in the current environment.

jim. good picture of you . we need ys-11 s. ha ha regards your old ys g/s instructor
etops1 said:
listen dude . lakefeild does not know me as etops1. to him i was just a f/a who came up to him with some quest. i am sure if you did the same he would have talked to you too. like i said i am not lying here i have no reason too . i don't have too prove anthything to your sorry ass anyway. and it did come from the horse's mouth

Oh, don't get your panties in a wad, and while your at the mall, pick up a sense of humor ( I hear they're on sale right now. :lol: ). By the way try to read what people actually write before calling them a sorry ass (real, high-class turn of phrase, by the way). The horse's mouth being referred to is not Lakefield, it's A320pilot. And, I am well aware that Lakefield would not know who etops is--that's the whole point. If you read A320pilot's postings, it seems that Lakefield talks only to him and God. So, why would Lakefield even speak to a lowly flight attendant (I'm one too you know.)
justaumechanic said:
I have to disagree with your statement.

The airline company, which has been under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection since December 2002,

Since when hass AA been in Chapter 11?
For those disbelievers, I know etops personally and he is an honest, hard working f/a. He has no reason to lie, he's one of the good guys. Thanks etops for getting as much info out of Lakefield as you could. Great job!
etops1 said:
listen dude . lakefeild does not know me as etops1. to him i was just a f/a who came up to him with some quest. i am sure if you did the same he would have talked to you too. like i said i am not lying here i have no reason too . i don't have too prove anthything to your sorry ass anyway. and it did come from the horse's mouth

I am sure he knows now :shock:
Busdrvr said:
1. He was refering to AMR

2. If Glenn says, "Here's my POR, and as part of that POR we are aquiring 500 pink school buses, that these large banks are financing" the judge would say "outstanding, now get out of my court". The judge don't care. If someone gives UAL a loan for a specific purpose, the judge can't order it be used to pay ORD instead. UAL WILL do a deal, and that deal will be of a nature that it will have an extremely high likelyhood of being a positive transaction for the company. but like I said. Sit back and watch. It's about to get interesting.

Oops.. My mistake.. I misread which airline he was talking about..

Now on to number 2. Can any of you ALPA folks realize that a UAL deal is not going to happen.. As much as you want it to, as much as you desire to be the Left Seat on the 777 it's not going to happen.

UAL can't afford to buy this place and neither can AMR.. On top of that they don't want it. What does US Airways offer them? Nothing.. AMR needs an Airbus fleet like it needs a hole in its head..

Integration costs for UAL would be extremely high..

You would also be looking at the immediate closer of PIT and CLT Base Mtc. Not that ALPA cares about that.

All these dreams of a UAL merger or any merger for that matter are just that. Dreams.. No one wants this airline.. All they want are the pieces. Thats it.

You are right.. Things are about to get interesting.. Watch for the LCC's to pull up a chair at the fire sale.
Busdrvr said:
If you had a Dr who said "you have XXX", and your neighbor the truck driver said "he's crazy, I don't think you do", would I need to be a Dr. myself to point out that your neighbor isn't and doesn't have a knowledge base with which to work from?  Would I be out of line to point out that maybe you should listen to the guy who went to med school?

Well that depends. Did the truck driver overhear when the Dr. told the nurse that he withheld the truth for such and such reason?
drifterreno said:
Since U's salaries are closer to HP's these days HP could purchase the airline, keep a hub on the East Coast--Clt is okay--or INT for a res center then do what AA did to TWA--Are there any TWA people still working at AA???

Yes some of our pilots are still flying for AA most of them are furloughed. We have some very senior agents still working at various stations. As you probably know every TWA F/A is furloughed as their so called Union stapled us to the bottom. :down:
In my opinion , the company needs to weather the summer and the high fuel which will probally peak at $65-$70 a barrell ! Selling off MDA to raise more ca$h feels like the route UAIRQ is going. After that , a possible marriage with UAL with maybe both airlines emerging out of Chap 11 together as one might be one scenerio.
"All these dreams of a UAL merger or any merger for that matter are just that. Dreams.. No one wants this airline.. All they want are the pieces. Thats it."

My point exactly. Acquiring pieces of an airline is certainly doable, but frankly no legacy airline has management good enough to persuade creditors to front $2B to cover the integration costs of a full merger.
etops1 said:
i asked him what the deal was. he told me "feul" said that "feul is killing us" i asked him how much longer can we go like this he said that if fule does not go down or "united does not buy us" we will be gone in june.
I don't run a airline. I can barely run my Cub Cadet. But I think $55 p/bbl. give or take a buck or two is here to stay. At least through June. So I guess he's banking on United to pull something off. If that is the deal they better get cracking.

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