MCI you Big Wuss!
Your pro TWU position is untenable so you try to avoid the issue by saying I'm the problem. If it wasn't me, it would be some other lame excuse. Sign a card, don't sign a card, do what you want. The fact is that you and your ilk do more for the AMFA drive than you realize. Keep pouting and holding your breath untill you turn blue. You may get some sympathy from others on this forum but I see through your weak ass game. Like the other TWU punks, you throw out lies, disinformation and deceit intentionally expecting a bite. You don't want discourse, you just want to create confussion to further the company and company union agenda. When someone like me see's your crap for what it is, crap, then you start crying whining and complaining.
You talk the talk but I doubt if you walk the walk.
Now crawl back to your supervisor for further instructions. :down: