Congratulations NO voters - We have been RECESSED!

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  • #31
When you act like a bunch of spoiled 4th graders don't be surprised if you get Recess!

No kidding!

All the uninformed, uneducated NO voters need to know how to spell RECESSED.

NO improvements for YOU!

Imagine No improvements for at LEAST 2 years.

Hey pitbull - did you hear we got RECESSED because of CC and you.
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  • #34
Well, it seems that all the loud mouths on working peeps have NO idea what to do now that we have been RECESSED.

It looks like they're all too busy watching kitten videos.

Where have all the loud mouths gone now that they got us RECESSED?


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  • #35
CC proves once again that she is a failure.

When asked to put out a note showing her "unanimous" support for TA2.


Then she got us RECESSED for the next several years.

CC needs to go.

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  • #36
Where are all the NO voters now that we have been RECESSED?

What is your plan now that we have been RECESSED?

The 49.9% want to know.

Oh, that's right - you don't have a plan.

Uninformed, uneducated NO voters are failures.

CC is a failure.

CC needs to go.

Oh no stuck under LOA93 for maybe 2 more years????!!!!!! Oh no I just upgraded to the 767 and now I am going to have to be a 320 Captain with in the next 2 years. Dam. I wish I was in PHX with no movement. Hey when is the next PHX bid? 99 was a good year to get hired. Keep letting the tail wag the dog out there in the sand box.
195PILOT. Are you an idiot. This is a flight attendant thread, not a pilot outpost. You all have enough threads going so scoot along. I hope you are not flying widebodies, we may end up in Russia, which I hear you can see from Alaska.
Back to the topic of Flight Attendants, here's the latest post from
Note the final Q&A Item contains this:
the Bridge Term Sheet includes a binding arbitration process that would decide your future contract at the new American. 60 days of bargaining followed by arbitration and no vote by members.

This is how Doug Parker is going to solve the problem of separated FA work groups. As soon as possible after the merger is announced, APFA files to be the single bargaining agent for the combined FA group. As APFA holds 2/3 of the FA's in the combined AA/US merged company, Doug expects APFA to be named the collective bargaining agent without a vote (which the NMB can do). Then, once everyone is represented by APFA, a contract is implemented without a vote upon binding arbitration. Doug outlined this in a Crew News earlier this year when the first merger plans were presented.
195PILOT. Are you an idiot. This is a flight attendant thread, not a pilot outpost. You all have enough threads going so scoot along. I hope you are not flying widebodies, we may end up in Russia, which I hear you can see from Alaska.

I am not so sure he is for real. He showed up about the same time UHual disappeared. If he is for real, then yes he is acting like an idiot.
AFA East VP Mark Gentile told me that typically the NMB recesses the parties for eight months following a TA rejection. Here are what I believe are the F/A's three biggest risks:

1. By the East F/A's remaining co-paired with the pilots when FAR 117 begins later this year ODANs will be implemented, there will be no back-to-back transatlantic flights, and it will take 1.5 days/month to get their time in without additional pay. West F/As will be ok.

2. The US Airways-APFA CLA, if the proposed merger proceeds, provides a process to obtain Single Carrier Classification, possibly without US Airways & American voting due to the NMB's 65% rule, where APFA could become the F/A's collective bargaining agent. And, the CLA provides a 180-day provision for the F/A's to receive a contract with or without a vote. Here's the F/A timeline:

NDA Blackout period ends
60 days - Negotiate JCBA
30 days - Expedited arbitration on outstanding issues
30 days - F/A voting on negotiated JCBA + arbitrated decisions. Ends on or about the day of the POR
60 days - Three-member arbitration board renders a final decision, if membership rejects JCBA TA + arbitrator's decision.

Maximum time to completed JCBA is 180 days.

Another words, shortly after the NCA blackout period ends, if the proposed merger proceeds, the APFA CLA has a provision where the parties will have 60 days to negotiate a JCBA. If the parties fail to reach an agreement an arbitrator will decide the outstanding aspects of the JCBA within 30 days. The F/A's will then have the opportunity to vote on the JCBA, if the agreement is not ratified, it will go to a three-member arbitration board and a decision will be rendered within 60 days.

Would US Airways' F/A's be better off entering this process with $40 million in contract improvements or their current East and West contracts? And, with APFA likely to be designated the new union for US Airways' F/As how will this process proceed with AAs F/As in control of the process with the current US Airways F/A contracts in place?

3. The AFA and APFA seniority list integration will be under the McCaskill-Bond (M-B) statute. This statute does not guarantee DOH. In fact, the statute came into existence because APFA stapled every TWA AFA F/A to the bottom of the combined seniority list after their corporate transaction was complete. The M-B statute provides a "fair and equitable process" where the Merger Committees attempt to negotiate a seniority list. If the parties cannot obtain a negotiated settlement then the two committees enter into mediation, and if necessary, final and binding arbitration to determine the joint seniority list.

This is the same process as US Airways' East and West pilots went through under ALPA Merger Policy except for one major difference. Management is an equal participant in the M-B process and will have an input into the new seniority list. How could management influence the process?

One big factor in determining the new seniority list is career earnings expectations and earnings potential. With either TA 1 or TA 2 ratified US Airways' F/As would have significantly higher pay, which would have helped their M-B argument for better slotted seniority with AA's F/As.

However, with the failed TA, the US Airways AFA Merger Committee's argument will be at an economic career earnings disadvantage and APFA will likely exploit this point. As with their arbitrated seniority list, US Airways' East pilots were hurt in their seniority list integration and one major reason was because their earnings/career earnings potential were less than the West pilots at the PID.

By rejecting TA 1 and then TA 2 US Airways' F/As will have a much weaker seniority integration argument, which places a lot of their seniority at risk, if the proposed AA merger proceeds.
US Airways Oor AFA Update: December 5, 2012

NMB – When will we hear?

As we mentioned last week, following the strong 94% Strike authorization vote by US Airways Flight Attendants, AFA-CWA contacted the National Mediation Board (NMB) to notify them of our resolve to return to the bargaining table. As of this time, the NMB has not agreed to schedule additional dates. It is in the NMBs sole discretion when or even whether they will respond to our request. It is important that we continue to show our solidarity through wearing our AFA pins, displaying our Strike Vote Yes stickers and supporting each other.

US Airways Our AFA update: December 11, 2012

Our Negotiations

The merger is likely a reality in the very near future. We are watching this closely and we are ready to act. Entering a merger without improvements for US Airways Flight Attendants could negatively impact our ability to enforce our collective bargaining rights and protect our jobs and seniority. We will not be bullied, but we will certainly be smart as we continue to fight for a contract we can ratify.

The most common question we are getting on-line is “what is the next step if we don’t get dates from the NMB?” Let’s be clear; the NMB has not told us they will not give us dates and we continue to communicate our position and the reasons they should return us to table. This is an on-going process with the NMB.

Obviously we will continue to evaluate all of our options. Our union has the experience and professional assistance to be able to adapt based on new information and we decide together how we will move forward. Our goal remains to achieve improvements as soon as possible.

Common Questions coming from the Line…

Q.) Is the NMB going to give us a statement or anything based on their decision?

A.) No. They never do. But, there is no definitive decision at this time. This is a process and it is on-going. We have been clear throughout this process that it would be incredibly difficult to get dates. Know that there is activity taking place, however, and just because we cannot provide a play-by-play doesn’t mean we are not engaged in discussion with the NMB.

Q.) Will the company come back to the table without the NMB?

A.) Management has publicly stated they will not.

Q.) Will we be able to vote for the AA bridge agreement in the event of a merger?

A.) No. But the bigger question is would you want to? Refer to the pink Hot Topic “Your Future Contract?”. Their contract and the Bridge Term sheet are less than what we negotiated and in many areas less than the current East and West contracts. In addition, the Bridge Term Sheet includes a binding arbitration process that would decide your future contract at the new American. 60 days of bargaining followed by arbitration and no vote by members. We will forcefully oppose any attempt to take over your bargaining rights, but this is the plan management believes they have set for us.

We are closely monitoring events in this proposed merger. As we stated, we have the experience and resources to adapt as events change. Please remain informed and engaged. Look to your official AFA-CWA resources at and your local officers and mobilizers for accurate information.

We are in the process of planning our next solidarity action – expect details next week. This week, double-check your uniform now and make sure management knows we are standing together with your AFA pin where they can see it. If you lost your “Strike Vote – YES” sticker for your bag, get another one from a mobilizer.

Let management know we’re not slowing down for an instant. We will hold them accountable for their responsibility to us!

In other words... we're screwed!


I believe it is always a mistake when Reps or the rank-and-file make decisions against the advice of every Officer, JNC members, and union financial and legal adviser. USAPA has this problem too.

The advisers know better than rank-and-file employees what's the best deal and when to say "yes." The advisers are not emotionally attached to the issues and have the inside information. Far too many union members don't learn enough about the situation and then make bad decisions against the advice of those in the know.

It's too bad, but it's the way things happen.

AFA East VP Mark Gentile told me....

Whoopee, aren't you "special"? Would you care to provide the FA's with any transcripts you have for that? ;) This isn't a thread for any pilot's, self-worshipping BS. Whatever problems the FA's are working through; I support their efforts and their group's resolve....Period! Leave the FA's to their own business, which is entirely theirs to persue, as they live with the outcome of what courses they choose, not us......and just get a life!
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