The real question is: If the concessions that are offered ultimately cost you your job,how are you going to vote? If what management has claimed is true,that they are not interested in pay reductions but only in work rule changes,then this plays out differently for each group. Pilots, mechanics, and Flight Attendants have work rules in place which MAY create productivity gains but Fleet Service and Customer Service have very little left which would have any kind of impact. My guess is the sacrifices from these groups will be no less than their jobs due to outsourcing of varying departments. Maybe catering, CLP, reservations. The CWA has said the company is already hedging on the commitment they gave concerning the Mid- Atlantic work. I'm sure the IAM can expect the same. So when push comes to shove and it's time to vote,and that vote means you're going to be laid off,what will you do? I think a lot of us will be staring that choice in the face in the near future.