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Concessions Or No Airline? Article


Aug 28, 2002
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The real question is: If the concessions that are offered ultimately cost you your job,how are you going to vote? If what management has claimed is true,that they are not interested in pay reductions but only in work rule changes,then this plays out differently for each group. Pilots, mechanics, and Flight Attendants have work rules in place which MAY create productivity gains but Fleet Service and Customer Service have very little left which would have any kind of impact. My guess is the sacrifices from these groups will be no less than their jobs due to outsourcing of varying departments. Maybe catering, CLP, reservations. The CWA has said the company is already hedging on the commitment they gave concerning the Mid- Atlantic work. I'm sure the IAM can expect the same. So when push comes to shove and it's time to vote,and that vote means you're going to be laid off,what will you do? I think a lot of us will be staring that choice in the face in the near future.
utilize what they have. more isNever enough

NO more givebacks..

Cut 1/2 VP;s and turn the profits!
Mike W said:
The real question is: If the concessions that are offered ultimately cost you your job,how are you going to vote? If what management has claimed is true,that they are not interested in pay reductions but only in work rule changes,then this plays out differently for each group. Pilots, mechanics, and Flight Attendants have work rules in place which MAY create productivity gains but Fleet Service and Customer Service have very little left which would have any kind of impact. My guess is the sacrifices from these groups will be no less than their jobs due to outsourcing of varying departments. Maybe catering, CLP, reservations. The CWA has said the company is already hedging on the commitment they gave concerning the Mid- Atlantic work. I'm sure the IAM can expect the same. So when push comes to shove and it's time to vote,and that vote means you're going to be laid off,what will you do? I think a lot of us will be staring that choice in the face in the near future.
i think your view is right on...my point that i usually tell others is our work rules and/or concessions are going to come off the backs of other classifications.
like who are you willing to throw to the wolves to keep your job?
delldude said:
who are you willing to throw to the wolves to keep your job?
It will come down to some people voting to receive severance or voting to receive nothing.

Gee, it's a great day in the neighborhood.
This is they way they would like everyone to think. It worked with the Great Liquidation Threat last year before the Holidays. Now it is give, or assets will start being sold. What next, where will it end????
the end is near. i doubt usair will survive much beyond the year's end if it makes it that far. hope that a miracle comes by real quick
I would love to see a breakdown of labor costs side by side.

All VP and CEO pay (total including any benefits paid and cash bonuses)
All non-union wages(total pay, benefits and bonuses)
All union wages (total pay and benefit costs)

If the VP/CEO pay were cut how much would that save us?What bonuses do they receive if any and why?

I personally think that nobody in upper management should get stock or any other bonuses untill we are profitable. After we are in the black then party on and I won't care because it is earned.
Posted on Jan 18 2004, 11:04 AM

It will come down to some people voting to receive severance or voting to receive nothing.

Actually, this is the way I see that.

It comes down to accepting a severance based on a further reduced salery, with reduced unemployment.

Or, recieve whatever were going to get based on our current (concessioned) base salery.

Nothing personal Crystal City, just business. We're here to maximize our returns.

As for me, and most of those who I know:
Piedmont4US said:
As with Eastern... it will be up to the employees on whether or not US survives.

I agree with you, the employees have much to do with outcome. Will the playbook follow CAL and TWA during their tough years, or EAL.

Those are the choices. I will choose to attempt to fight another day. There is no reason (except bad management decisions, and a cost problem that is getting worse) that US Airways cannot prosper.

It is a no-brainer....
I'm thinking that maybe the 60 "new" jets is an effort to utilize he current employees in a more efficient manner, and furlough fewer of them. I hope this is the intent, and not just some kind of "mini merger', with employees (probably unhappy ones at that) just swelling the ranks more. Seems to me that furloughs, even if done immediately, wouldn't help that much, with furlough and severance packages having to be paid before the financial crunch is over. I firmly believe (and have since this fiasco started) that SOME work rules do need revisited, for ALL workgroups. That doesn't mean that there are too many people here, or that the ones here make too much. We need to work SMARTER, not harder or for less. I'd like to see what they propose, to see if they are really trying to fix UAIR or just "RAPE" the employees again (NOT that I am or even know ANY UAIR employees!). <_<

Oldie said: "I'm thinking that maybe the 60 'new' jets is an effort to utilize he current employees in a more efficient manner, and furlough fewer of them."

USA320Pilot: From what I understand, your thought is accurate. In addition, the company wants to increase the current 279 fleet utilization rate. Today the US Airways ALPA MEC meet in closed session and details have not been released. The MEC will reconvene tomorrow and senior management may meet with ALPA's leaders.

We will know more soon, but I am of the opinion that it will be better to have a job while looking for a job. In addition, the company will be involved in a corporate combination, provided it can meet the ATSB's terms and conditions and having 339 mainline jets will provide a better seniority integration for some labor groups.


If 60 "new" jets are good for UAIR, then they are good for UAIR. Why not purchase/lease them and utilize the employees more efficiently under EXISTING work rules? That way you increase revenue and keep your head count at current levels. Could it be that management is dangling a carrot to get draconian rule changes and has no intention on getting the 60 "new" jets? Or do they know labor will not give into new negotiations and this is their avenue to pursue CH 11 again, and finish the unfinished business that they failed to complete under the last CH 11 reorganization? I think the latter.


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