best of luck to you concerning your situation with your son. I'm sure the thoughts and prayers of all your regular board 'jousters' are with you at this VERY trying time. I also understand the role this board can play in helping you get your mind of things you really would prefer to not have to deal with or even think about. I Don't think Fly's remarks were meant to be malicious in any way.
Now lets consider a few points.
You state that UAL's costs will be the second highest AFTER they exit BK. That is simply not true. They will be the lowest in the class (hub and spokers). The management at UAL have REPEATEDLY stated that in news releases and SEC filings. Now lets consider the ramifications of false information from the two completely opposite views
Chip wrong and Glenn's right: Chip loses credibility on the US Aviation board...
Chips right and Glenn's wrong: Glenn gives up his already opulant lifestyle before UAL, for a life of fines and jail time due to SEC violations. LEGALLY Glenn CAN NOT lie. But you'll see a little more in the 4th Q filing as ASM costs go down at UAL (with the possible exception of fuel costs).
For UAL to sell all or part of it's operation to U, the particular asset must be worth MORE to U than to UAL. Lets consider a few situations
UAL Terminates pensions, employees "shut up and color". UAL's costs (or at least the cash flow) gets even BETTER, likely leading to a stampede of lenders who DON'T expect an equity share.
UAL terminates pension, employees strike. You saying you'd want to then buy the struck routes and fly them? hmmm.....
UAL gets minor, or no pension relief, needs money from loan shark. the implication here would be that UAL must go on with the pensions in place. What happens if U buys? Does big Dave keep the list seperate, providing pension funding for UAL pilots but not U's? Does he then terminate UAL's pilots pensions? But if he made pension termination a condition for investment, why would UAL then need him? (see example above..) Same with fragmentation. Do pilots comming over to U gets pensions terminated? Would UAL ALPA then say "fine those guys now belong to a wholly owned subsid of UAL that doesn't have a pension" before letting the BOD sell?
UAL gets pension relief. No longer needs loan shark.
UAL can't come to an agreement with ORD on Gates. U, who OUT OF BK STILL CAN'T SETTLE WITH PIT, is somehow going to come in and make it all better? Wonder what implied interest ORD will want on that lease deal?
There just doesn't appear to be a situation that I can think of that even remotely puts U in a position to own all or ANY part of UAL. can you think of one? please post it if you can.