usfliboi said:
700 your making some horrible serious accusations which hurt your fellow workers. To those who are the flying public! I hope you understand the people making this accusations are Iam people for the most part with an agenda. I apologize for my fellow co workers for their misinterpretation of the facts. The fact is we want our iam people in house to do the work. This is not how to accomplish that. There are many who take offense to this slander and moderators please watch carefully simply because these comments are bordering on slander and potential damaging propaganda to our company as well as the hard working people of US!
Now you are a lawyer? Show me where I have slandered or said anything wrong!
You are a F/A, not an AMT and you do not work in maintenance and you have not worked A/C 700 when it came back from ST MAE@BFM
I have not said one thing about our own employees, I have said our own employees are not pressured to do cut corners or do shoddy work and always praised my fellow maintenance workers.
Where are you pulling your accusations from? Where have I or any of the posters misinterpreted what happened because we are the ones fixing the work the right way? Do you have your A&P license now?
Taking lessons from the Fabricator of the Facts?
A/C 700 had several emergency landings after being WORKED by ST MAE in BFM.
It cost US thousands in extra money in sending air taxis, parts and our own mechanics to fix the plane.
It sat in the CLT line Hangar for three days for our own mechanics to fix the plane properly, funny how since our mechanics fixed it, 700 has not had any problems nor made any emergency landings.
And if you say you want us to do the work in-house yet in previous posts you supported the company's position on outsourcing.
Upon 700's return to revenue service a security check was done, and several seat cushions could not be removed. Maintenance came out to look at the airplane and it was found that the great workers(as you say at ST MAE@BFM) wired the laptop power supply wires thru the straps of the seat cushions. So how would a passenger be able to use the seat cushion as a flotation device if they were wired to the seat frame thru the very straps you are suppose to put your arm through?
When US got the Ex-Eastern 757s they were brought back to revenue service by Dynair.
Our own mechanics had to go do all the work over again to bring them up to par.
Vangaurd sent five 737-200s to COPESA in Chile to have fresh C-Checks done and reconfigured the planes back to Metrojet as they were leased from US and being returned.
Tampa Base Maintenance had to do most of the work over again and change almost everyone of the engines upon being returned from COPESA.
A/C 573 was in New Iberia, LA, for a repaint at Aviation Exteriors, since US was having some problems with lap joint cracks, the FAA did an unannounced inspections and found that company's employees using razor blades to dig out compound that help lap joints together and doing some serious sheet metal damage.
A/C 573 was ferried back to PIT unpainted and spent several months being repaired by our own top notch mechanics to a cost of over $500,000 because of improper work being done by a vendor.
So I have given you FACTS, you are the one making accusations and misinterpreting things that have transpired that you were not involved with or privy too. Why don't you stick to serving cokes, something you should know about, not telling us maintenance workers what was done to our planes and what we did to correct it.
Here learn the real definitions:
1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person — compare LIBEL
the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
Now show me where any of us posters have done that!
Don't become the next Fabricator of the Facts!