Here is another company that's real pleased with ST Mobile Aerospace's quality of work , it's a little known "Air Charter" company called Southeast Airmotive.
Southeast Airmotive was contracted on three consecutive nights to chase 700UW with parts and CLT based IAM mechanics to correct the series of problems that 700UW developed after it's return to revenued service.
Should U try to continue using ST Mobile Aerospace? Southeast Airmotive is just liable to become a publically traded enterprise in place of U itself.
Folks....sure as the sun will come up in the morning , Acft are going to break in some fashion...nonbody but nobodies acft are immune from this fact...yet Mobile's first step to the plate has been proven to be less than satisfactory by any reasonable standards.
3 consecutive days of being chased for added repairs is not common at all....3 additional days of work after three failed days and three worked on nights in the field is not acceptable either.
Then lets look at the fact that many of our Airbus spare parts were being sent to Mobile Al. , and keeping them out of reach for the active fleet needs that develope. I know of at least two circumstances where line/active fleet aircraft were delayed for repairs due to the single fact that the parts were located away from the center of our daily operations. This would not be true if the work was performed in CLT or PIT as the contract indicates it should
Having had the chance to speak with counterparts with our codeshare partner UA , whom also divides part of their outsourcing with ST Mobile Aerospace...they reported a number of Acft diversions after departing Mobile while attempting to re-join the Active fleet. UA has also had expierience with ST Mobile Aerospace being reluctant and difficult when UA requested a return shipment of parts to repair active line Aircraft as well. Remember that these items are owned by the respective airline , NOT ST Mobile Aerospace !!
ST Mobile Aerospace also does not handle logistics as we would enternally...they still need the direct support from the parent airline in which the aircraft came. This I know for certain from having dealt with 700UW....having sold or loaned parts to Air Jamaica (JM) or UA while their Acft were in actual work there.
To act like ST Mobile aerospace is some great bargain when all aspects of this situation is taken into's clearly a "Bean Counters" on paper the expense of logic ,convienience, quality and most possibly safety?
The last concern is directed at quality itself. During the cock-pit door modifications on all our Airbus acft...and certainly during lessor phase checks on both the narrow body fleet and the A330-300's...corrosion has been discovered in the Forward Lav area...the Seat Tracks and a few other areas...least of all the Main Landing Gear.
We in CLT know how long that took to correct on the A330' 13 days in Mobile is not adequate time to address the issues that may have developed on our oldest active Airbus in the entire fleet (700UW)
Issues of corrosion are not new to U's primary market area. During Easterns decline the "Eastern Shuttle" was sold to Donald Trump as many know....Trump was eager to get his name and paint scheme on those B727-200' doing so , many were discovered to have massive amounts of corrosion on them...and this lead to 1 in 3 being removed from service and scrapped due to being beyond economical repair. ..this was done in MIA.
Left un-addressed , Over-Looked or even "pencil-whipped" alike scenario could easily come to pass down the road with our Acft. :down:
Take this lightly if you choose?...but the issues of today are about the concerns of long-term staying power...if we are to survive as a company?, we will need Acft achieving the longest possible life-span as well....achieving full value out of every dollar needs to be the one and only concern here.
The company wants productivity changes from the employees , right? They want maximum value from why in logical terms should we sell the primary reason for being short either? , That being our aircraft !!!!..they are in fact what we use to hopefully make money with...and as we know replacing them sooner than we need to , or should have too? does not build in long term value or pro-longed viability for the organization as a whole.
Debate if you will?....but think about value and safety as you apply your version of logic and reason to this problem. 😛h34r: