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Come celebrate the first anniversary of AA's TWA purchase.

On 10/23/2002 12:17:49 AM TWAnr wrote:

[LI]I would be extremely surprised if more than a handful of the millions of passengers who fly AA every month are even aware of the existence most of these aviation enthusiasts message boards, let alone follow them.

[LI]It is extremely unlikely that you are going to find yourself on a flight with a mixed AA and former TWA crew. Only twenty three TWAers have undergone the cross training thus far. The rest of the TWAers, according to FAA rules can only work on board planes operating under the TWA LLC operating certificate just as the nAAtives can only staff flights operating under the AA operating certificate. In any event, even on those rare flights where you will find old and new AAers, you will notice that all personal problems are left behind as is evidenced by this excerpt from a letter by the managing director of flight operations in St. Louis (who was not originally from TWA):----------------

I didn't necessarily mean only people that read usaviation.com message boards. I was refering to any passengers who fly AA, whether connecting via STL or not. I have not travelled with AA this fall (yet), and I have not heard/seen any complaining in the past either. But, it may be just a matter of time before the poisoned atmosphere spills into the workplace, and that would be unfortunate.
Your right, it's not fair for the passengers to get in the middle of the mud slinging going on. Most of them don't really care, they just want to get to where they are going. I havn't heard any bad blood yet from any of the small number of LLC'ers who are mixed with native American crews. Also havn't heard any bad things between the import AA f/a's flying STL Intl and the senior people bumped back to domestic. So, obviously we can co-exist.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/24/2002 7:26:22 PM MiAAmi wrote:
[P]Doesn't the mud slinging seem to be pretty one sided?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Does it seem that way? Go figure. One side intentionally benefits at the great expense of the other. What did you expect to happen?[/P]
There have been a few isolated incidents, a flat tire, a LLCers mechanics' tool box overturned, and recently here at JFK some individuals in the TWU Local 501 consorted into making it appear that an upcoming bid was canceled when in fact it wasn't. Now, they're walking around with egg on their faces. They just don't get it. LLCers have been given it everyway by professionals like Uncle Carl and the rest, so a Local is 'chump-change'. Just a small band of AA renegades, trying to keep the fire burning.

We do not fear, we will not be deterred.

Let's move on, it's time for the healing to begin.
Most in this industry have time somewhere else. Sometimes accidents happen. Any mechanic that would touch anothers toolbox would be a paraiha in the eyes of all mechanics, regardless of where they came from. The LLC workers will in time be just another coworker like anyone else. The sooner the better.
[P]Recently here at JFK some individuals in the TWU Local 501 consorted into making it appear that an upcoming bid was canceled when in fact it wasn't. Now, they're walking around with egg on their faces.[/P]
[P][FONT size=2]Actually what happened was that the union was told by the manager of ramp services that if the members didn't bid, they would be placed and the membership would have to live with the results of that.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=2]Consequently, the union has now performed a 180 and told the membership to bid as scheduled.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=2]I agree that collectively, we need to buckle down and move ahead as ONE and the sooner we do that, the better for all involved.[/FONT][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Aquila or Moderator,
Why not close this topic? The get together was Oct 8, 2002. Continuing this thread is really no long er valid. IMHO.
In response to your first paragraph, of all the airline mergers in the past, TW/OZ - NW/RC - CO/PE/NY/ - DL/WA - AS/JI - US/PI, not one formed a new company. There was always a surviving stronger entity.[BR][BR]Correct me if I am wrong, but none of these were in Chapt.11. I can speak only for Northwest in that ours was an ACQUISITION. The position that TWA found itself in was simply perilous. For any airline to be in that postion is terrible for all employees. The best that they could have possilbly hoped for at that point was to have a job, from ANY airline. I venture to think that many would have been thankful just to have been given preferential hiring (no job, and NO SEN. issue to worry about) had TWA not been aquired. It is pure fantasy to speak as if TWA could have survived. TWA ran out of cash...period. That means only one thing...liquidation. If TWA had anything valuable left it would have been utilized to stand alone. It is a sad story with a happy ending. Be thankful that you are not unemployed, had AMR not stepped in. It is most ugly to demonstrate such ungratfullness(biting the hand that gave you a job). This is a lesson for any airline to void ALL contracts of a bankrupt carrier if it ever considers a purchase of assets. Two scenarios were unfolding...30years of Sen. and NO JOB to use it at, or 30 years at pay scale with a job.
You AA FAs better take the ex-TWAres seruoiusly. No court will ever back up a staple.

You ex-TWAers better be glad you have jobs and back up your case as the pilots have done.

AA FAs have a severe case of hubris.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif']

This is a sad thread. Our company is rotting with hate.
On 10/21/2002 1:54:32 PM Cart Pusher wrote:

TWA people did do a great job, over the years, of keeping their airline alive. Now they are being screwed. Should they be penalized because they chose to stay? What would you have done if you had 20, 30 years seniority? It's not that easy to walk away from.

One of the ways that TWA people kept the airline going was by accepting lower wages. This in turn helped depress the wages of all airline workers. A dozen years ago EAL workers refused further paycuts. Their fight helped the rest of us. When they came here they got nothing. They too lost 20 to 30 years seniority. I'm sure that was not easy for them either. Now you expect to come in and punish those veterans once again by pushing them back. Possibly putting them on the streets to make room for you. Is that fair? Compared to these people who fought, those who surrendered are being treated better. When the EAL people came they started at entry level pay, minimal vacation, had to pay for the first year of medical benifits,not gain the first year of employment towards their pension,and zero seniority. This was the price they paid for a fight that helped all of us. The TWA workers on the other hand were thrown a lifesaver as their ship was sinking, they received a pay increase and carried all their company time. Now they also want to throw some of those that were already here overboard if neccisary to make room for them.
We all know that this is a topsy turvy industry. One day we may find ourselves in the same position that find yourself in. I hope not. If you guys came in and got everything while EAL workers got doubley screwed what kind of message does that send? Dont fight, give, give , give and hope that the company gets bought out? Dont fight because if you do you will get nothing?
If unions are to survive we must address these issues and find ways to prevent the airlines from using one of our most cherished benifits, seniority, against us.
Yea that was the only reason. Had nothing to do with losing MILLIONS over the last few years.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/30/2002 12:52:01 AM Blueskies/400 UpperDeck wrote:
[P]I venture to think that many would have been thankful just to have been given preferential hiring (no job, and NO SEN. issue to worry about) had TWA not been aquired. It is pure fantasy to speak as if TWA could have survived. TWA ran out of cash...period. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Total crap, pure and simple. The only reason TWA was declared bankrupt was for AA to purchase TWA minus the union contracts, Karibu, etc. TWA was not about too fold. [/P]
[P]Can you spell sell out? C-O-M-P-T-O-N!!! [/P]

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