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Combined Travel Rules

Black Magic said:
Call it what you will, but to me it's just not right that an employees kid traveling by themself can trump an active employee and be top of the standby list just because he has the fastest fingers on the smartphone.
I'm telling you, all you have to do is use some of that Black Magic of yours. Problem solved.
nycbusdriver said:
While they charged for soft drinks, there was never a charge for water.  I actually think there are regulations against that.
I was on several flights and the charge for water was $1.00 or $2.00, I can't remember which.
jimntx said:
Seats are just as short supply at AA today as they are at US Airways.  No employees do not go ahead of others in the same classification.  When AA said, "It is your choice to live out of base.  Do not expect us to get you to work.  That is your responsibility."  THEY MEANT WHAT THEY SAID, AND SAID WHAT THEY MEANT.  If you choose to live in Right-Next-to-the-End-of-the-World, Idaho which gets one rj, 3 times a week, I fail to see why someone going on vacation who chose to get up in time to be first to check in should have to step aside for you.
Very well put, live in Podunk, accept the negatives that come with it.
Black Magic said:
Not that easy since PED (personal electronic devices) including smartphones are not allowed on the ramp.
Nor can air crews use them for check-in during flight...unless the airplane has WiFi.  Then the employee must pay for the service, and the customers have their in-flight service interrupted if it is taking place 24 hours before the PIT-PHL flight.
I am a US employee and promised  friend a buddy pass to Buenos Aires when the merger was done....only to find out they aren't valid on each other's airline till next year. So I told him he'd have to wait another year....but I was wondering if any AA employee would swap a pass with me? I'd give you a US buddy pass for an AA one.....Not sure if that's allowed but I don't see why not.
Either way, can someone advise what the cost would be. He would likely fly slc-dfw-eze.
Black Magic,
1. It is Christmas, and you are going to Macy's to buy that purse for your wife upon which your serenity  for the next 12 months depends (been there, didn't get the purse, regretted it).
2. You even called ahead and reserved the last copy for yourself.
3. You get to the store, stand in line for 45 minutes and just as you are about to pay for it, a Macy's employee steps up and claims the purse on the basis that they were with a customer at the time you called and reserved your copy (or just the fact that they are an employee); so, they get it first.  Be honest, what would be your reaction?
This is analogous to, I didn't wake up in time/was on the golf course/at the doctor/whatever the excuse du jour to check-in; but, since I am an employee, but I choose to live in Podunk, MO, I  get to go ahead of another employee's family who have planned this vacation for a year simply because I need to go to work and the employee is not traveling with the family?.
Jim, keep in mind you're dealing with an "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" way of thinking...
jimntx said:
Black Magic,
1. It is Christmas, and you are going to Macy's to buy that purse for your wife upon which your serenity  for the next 12 months depends (been there, didn't get the purse, regretted it).
2. You even called ahead and reserved the last copy for yourself.
3. You get to the store, stand in line for 45 minutes and just as you are about to pay for it, a Macy's employee steps up and claims the purse on the basis that they were with a customer at the time you called and reserved your copy (or just the fact that they are an employee); so, they get it first.  Be honest, what would be your reaction?
This is analogous to, I didn't wake up in time/was on the golf course/at the doctor/whatever the excuse du jour to check-in; but, since I am an employee, but I choose to live in Podunk, MO, I  get to go ahead of another employee's family who have planned this vacation for a year simply because I need to go to work and the employee is not traveling with the family?.
A paying customer gets a seat before any non-rev so this analogy is meaningless.  Im not even going to worry about it as I'm sure there will be some changes made to the policy eventually, my thinking is DP didn't want to rock the boat too much on initial implementation.  An for the record im glad in went FCFS, coming from AWA and using both systems its a fairer way and carries less entitlement attitude.  However as an active employee working here at the company all day every day I feel entitled to board before someone's solo flying kid because they want to visit friends for spring break.  Yep I said it!!  
IORFA said:
I'm telling you, all you have to do is use some of that Black Magic of yours. Problem solved.
I get what your saying.  I'm well aware of how FCFS works, we used it at AWA for many years.  But flights get full, and its not always feasible to have a smartphone in your hands to be top of the list.  Not to mention there are many other non revs gunning for the same position trying to click that button right at the opening of the 24hr window.  The non rev list to/coming from Hawaii or the hubs could fill another aircraft by itself at times. 
Black Magic said:
I get what your saying.  I'm well aware of how FCFS works, we used it at AWA for many years.  But flights get full, and its not always feasible to have a smartphone in your hands to be top of the list.  Not to mention there are many other non revs gunning for the same position trying to click that button right at the opening of the 24hr window.  The non rev list to/coming from Hawaii or the hubs could fill another aircraft by itself at times. 
More bitter grapes from the us crowd. Get over it or better yet drive or just stay home!
Black Magic said:
I get what your saying.  I'm well aware of how FCFS works, we used it at AWA for many years.  But flights get full, and its not always feasible to have a smartphone in your hands to be top of the list.  Not to mention there are many other non revs gunning for the same position trying to click that button right at the opening of the 24hr window.  The non rev list to/coming from Hawaii or the hubs could fill another aircraft by itself at times. 
Good God, get over it. 
It is what it is.
If you think it's hard to get to Hawaii, try non-revving out of TUL sometime...

Show me the money said:
More bitter grapes from the us crowd. Get over it or better yet drive or just stay home!
If it's that important to get somewhere, buy a ticket. That's what the people in TUL have done for decades.

The 20% discount is unlimited, and can be used on any fare available for sale on AA.Com, plus you get the miles.

At some point, you have to ask how much your time is worth, be it sitting at the airport all day, or having to cut trips short due to loads and not wanting to get stuck.
Black Magic said:
I get what your saying.  I'm well aware of how FCFS works, we used it at AWA for many years.  But flights get full, and its not always feasible to have a smartphone in your hands to be top of the list.  Not to mention there are many other non revs gunning for the same position trying to click that button right at the opening of the 24hr window.  The non rev list to/coming from Hawaii or the hubs could fill another aircraft by itself at times. 
Not always feasible? Every where and anywhere I go, I see people adults and children alike holding on to and engrossed in their smartphones as if they were holding the holy grail.
Black Magic, I see all this hostility towards you for just mentioning that you would like to see yourself - as an actual employee, boarded ahead of a spouse of an employee.  I'm sorry people address your concern by putting down your comment.  Just know that I agree with you and thus, I give you a thumbs up on your comment.
There is a lot of ill will and hostility here.  Whenever, someone doesn't agree with your position, they slap a negative rating on you.  Very juvenile, but like someone here said before.... "it is what it is."    A bunch of....

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