Black Magic,
1. It is Christmas, and you are going to Macy's to buy that purse for your wife upon which your serenity for the next 12 months depends (been there, didn't get the purse, regretted it).
2. You even called ahead and reserved the last copy for yourself.
3. You get to the store, stand in line for 45 minutes and just as you are about to pay for it, a Macy's employee steps up and claims the purse on the basis that they were with a customer at the time you called and reserved your copy (or just the fact that they are an employee); so, they get it first. Be honest, what would be your reaction?
This is analogous to, I didn't wake up in time/was on the golf course/at the doctor/whatever the excuse du jour to check-in; but, since I am an employee, but I choose to live in Podunk, MO, I get to go ahead of another employee's family who have planned this vacation for a year simply because I need to go to work and the employee is not traveling with the family?.