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CNN Special: TWA 800

If the military can't keep a couple pictures of Iraqi prisoners wearing womens underwear quiet, what makes you think they'd keep something of this scale quiet?...

I suppose you also believe it is feasible that 9/11 was a government cover-up as well (which is now being touted as a reasonable alternative on at least one college campus)???....
----- Hopeless! You go right ahead and believe what you want! But with fourty years+ aircraft experiance, and some of that was on the TWA's 747's, that paticular Aircraft included, I'll stack my credentials up against any of them on that investgation and consiquental cover up! I'm not alone with this opinon! There were others that witnessed the crash and stated they saw something entirly differant than what was reported by our "Government"! And were told that they were mistaken and what they "really" saw was something altogether differant than what they had! These were Pilots, ex military people trained at observation, and were totaly blow off by the FBI, and NTSB! And do you really believe the Government "never" has lied to you? 😉


The Government is so adept at keeping secrets!

Scores of FBI agents worked on that crash and NOT ONE OF THEM HAS A CONSCIENCE!

Governement lying to the public is one thing! But when literally thousands of people work on this investigation, NOT ONE OF THEM CAME FORWARD, NOT ONE!

All we hear is the "Cover-UP" theory, but anytime the conspiracy theorists seek air time, they go on "NEWS SHOWS" and after their specials air, thats the end of it!


At JFK, AL "Blackie" Blackman with 64 years experience believes a fuel tank explosion is possible....I'll take his credentials over yours any day!
Out of curiosity, who maintains the memorial in front of hangar 12 at JFK. Since AA never took over that facility, and I don't know of anyone else doing so...does it just sit out there or is the Port Authority doing something to maintain it. I think it's just as important as the one on the island given the amount of crew on the flight as well as the significance of the crash itself.

The marble and glass crew memorial from the lobby of Hangar 12 is also up at the Flight 800 memorial at Smith Point. If you look just to the right of the main memorial (when looking towards the ocean), there are some administration buildings for either the coast guard or local police. Inside the main doorway for these offices is a small alcove, and that has been the home to the crew memorial for a few years now.

It is not a prime location by any means, but as you probably remember, that memorial was never meant to be outdoors. Not surprisingly, AA didn't want anything to do with the memorial once Hangar 12 was shut down. Many wanted it brought to STL at the very least, where TWA people could continue to pay thier respects before and after their flights, but this didn't happen.

Reading the names on that beautiful memorial is still as sobering today as it was back in 1996. Our passengers and crew will always be in our thoughts.

The Government is so adept at keeping secrets!

Scores of FBI agents worked on that crash and NOT ONE OF THEM HAS A CONSCIENCE!

Governement lying to the public is one thing! But when literally thousands of people work on this investigation, NOT ONE OF THEM CAME FORWARD, NOT ONE!

All we hear is the "Cover-UP" theory, but anytime the conspiracy theorists seek air time, they go on "NEWS SHOWS" and after their specials air, thats the end of it!


At JFK, AL "Blackie" Blackman with 64 years experience believes a fuel tank explosion is possible....I'll take his credentials over yours any day!
<_< ----Well hopeless, don't take my word for it! Will you take the word of a Major Fred Meyer, or a Capt. David McClaine, or First Officer Vincent Fruschetti, or Chief Petty Officer Dwight Brumlry, or Mike Wire, Lisa Perry, Paul Angelides, how about William Gallanger??? "ALL" claim they saw a missile rising from the surface towards TWA 800 prior to the explosion!!! What about Capt. Richard Russel, who received a video tape of the ATC radar scope showing four rapidly approaching blips just prior to the explosion? And last but not least, what about Capt.Ray Lahr, who has repeatedly calmed TWA800, and those on board, were the victims of a cover up? Oh! Capt. Lahr, just happens to be a former Navy pilot, and retired United Airlines pilot, and former Safety Representative for the Airline Pilots Association!!! So don't believe me! Stick your head in the sand and believe what you will! :down:
<_< ----Well hopeless, don't take my word for it! Will you take the word of a Major Fred Meyer, or a Capt. David McClaine, or First Officer Vincent Fruschetti, or Chief Petty Officer Dwight Brumlry, or Mike Wire, Lisa Perry, Paul Angelides, how about William Gallanger??? "ALL" claim they saw a missile rising from the surface towards TWA 800 prior to the explosion!!! What about Capt. Richard Russel, who received a video tape of the ATC radar scope showing four rapidly approaching blips just prior to the explosion? And last but not least, what about Capt.Ray Lahr, who has repeatedly calmed TWA800, and those on board, were the victims of a cover up? Oh! Capt. Lahr, just happens to be a former Navy pilot, and retired United Airlines pilot, and former Safety Representative for the Airline Pilots Association!!! So don't believe me! Stick your head in the sand and believe what you will! :down:

Well the pilots in trail of TWA800 and saw it explode saw nothing of the sort. And please expalin hte absence of missile damage on the airframe. And please explain why Boeing and TWA, both of whom had a vested interest in it being a missile, said nothing about missile damage to the aircraft. And please explain the what the chances are that an ATC radar is going to pick up a MANPAD.
<_< ----Well hopeless, don't take my word for it! Will you take the word of a Major Fred Meyer, or a Capt. David McClaine, or First Officer Vincent Fruschetti, or Chief Petty Officer Dwight Brumlry, or Mike Wire, Lisa Perry, Paul Angelides, how about William Gallanger??? "ALL" claim they saw a missile rising from the surface towards TWA 800 prior to the explosion!!! What about Capt. Richard Russel, who received a video tape of the ATC radar scope showing four rapidly approaching blips just prior to the explosion? And last but not least, what about Capt.Ray Lahr, who has repeatedly calmed TWA800, and those on board, were the victims of a cover up? Oh! Capt. Lahr, just happens to be a former Navy pilot, and retired United Airlines pilot, and former Safety Representative for the Airline Pilots Association!!! So don't believe me! Stick your head in the sand and believe what you will! :down:


Well the pilots in trail of TWA800 and saw it explode saw nothing of the sort. And please expalin hte absence of missile damage on the airframe. And please explain why Boeing and TWA, both of whom had a vested interest in it being a missile, said nothing about missile damage to the aircraft. And please explain the what the chances are that an ATC radar is going to pick up a MANPAD.
<_< -----I'm quoting from a paper put out by Capt.Ray Lahr,---- "Now mind you, with rare exception, the NTSB did not interview the eyewitnesses, even though the NTSB is charged with that by Congress. Instead, the NTSB was shoved aside by the FBI, and the FBI conducted the interviews by itself, not even allowing the NTSB to participate in the interviews. Then, in order to discredit the eyewitnesses, the FBI called in the CIA, the master for cover stories. The CIA likewise had not interviewed the eyewitnesses. Instead, the FBI provided the CIA with a selection of its 302 forms (a 302 form is the interviewing agent's written recollection of an interview.) The eyewitnesses were assigned a number by the FBI so their identities could be kept secret. The interviews them selfs were not video taped, or audio taped, or even transcribed verbatim." As for your missile damage, who ever told you there wasn't any? I know people who worked in that hanger putting what parts that were brought there (another issue!) together! They told me otherwise! We had people there at the hanger from the "Overhaul Base" to provide assistance in I.D.ing parts and observing in general! As for TWA, and Boeing? Listen! They both had to do business in this country! If Uncle Sam told them to keep their mouth shut, what do you think they would do???? 😉
<_< ----- As for your missile damage, who ever told you there wasn't any? I know people who worked in that hanger putting what parts that were brought there (another issue!) together! They told me otherwise! We had people there at the hanger from the "Overhaul Base" to provide assistance in I.D.ing parts and observing in general!

There's a word used to describe second hand information from unamed people, it's called hearsay. Can you please tell me what an overhaul AMT knows how missile damage looks like? And can you also tell me why none of these people have come forward.
<_< ----- As for TWA, and Boeing? Listen! They both had to do business in this country! If Uncle Sam told them to keep their mouth shut, what do you think they would do???? 😉

Oh really? And they somehow managed to keep silent the thousands of people involved in that investigation? RRRRRIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTTTTT!!!!!!! And what would the government do to Boeing or TWA? Seems to me that if either company released any sort of info supporting the missile theory and the govt tried to retaliate it would be rather obvious. Then there's the fact that the elected representives from areas where these two companies have big operations would be screaming bloody murder if the govt tried to retaliate.

Here's the problem with there conspiracy theories. On the surface they sound very compelling. Especially those who have limited knowledge on the subject matter. However when you start doing a little digging they don't stand up very well. You asked the question why the military was on the scene so fast. Guess who has the equipment and expertise for underwater salvage? The theory that the Navy shot it down ignores the fact that in the unlikely event missile did "get away" all they have to do is turn off the fire contol radar and the missile goes dumb. Also one would ahve to beleive that the Navy conducts missile excercies in the direction of Long Island. Navy subs, why anvyone would mention Navy subs is beyond me. As I said before MK-48 torpedoes and Tomahawks are not eh best SAM's in the world.
Oh really? And they somehow managed to keep silent the thousands of people involved in that investigation? RRRRRIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTTTTT!!!!!!! And what would the government do to Boeing or TWA? Seems to me that if either company released any sort of info supporting the missile theory and the govt tried to retaliate it would be rather obvious. Then there's the fact that the elected representives from areas where these two companies have big operations would be screaming bloody murder if the govt tried to retaliate.

Here's the problem with there conspiracy theories. On the surface they sound very compelling. Especially those who have limited knowledge on the subject matter. However when you start doing a little digging they don't stand up very well. You asked the question why the military was on the scene so fast. Guess who has the equipment and expertise for underwater salvage? The theory that the Navy shot it down ignores the fact that in the unlikely event missile did "get away" all they have to do is turn off the fire contol radar and the missile goes dumb. Also one would ahve to beleive that the Navy conducts missile excercies in the direction of Long Island. Navy subs, why anvyone would mention Navy subs is beyond me. As I said before MK-48 torpedoes and Tomahawks are not eh best SAM's in the world.
<_< ---- I see you consider yourself an expert on the subject! Did I say the Navy shot it down? Oh by the way! Flt.800 went down in about 120 feet of water! Not exactly US Navy only depths!!!Civilian divers could have handled it quit well thank you!
<_< ---- I see you consider yourself an expert on the subject! Did I say the Navy shot it down? Oh by the way! Flt.800 went down in about 120 feet of water! Not exactly US Navy only depths!!!Civilian divers could have handled it quit well thank you!

Well it's quite obvious that you believe this wild conspiracy theory and yet offer no hard evidence to back it up. However that little fact probably is not going to change your mind. Civilian divers could have handled it? Where are you going to get enough civlian divers with the necessary support structure on such a short notice? Remember that the Navy divers were not using SCUBA rigs.
Oh by the way! Flt.800 went down in about 120 feet of water! Not exactly US Navy only depths!!!Civilian divers could have handled it quit well thank you!

And just who could have immediately recognized that this 'vast..[government, not terrorist (or right wing)]..conspiracy' was being formed and thus only "Civilian divers" should "handle" the matter. And just who would have paid for the divers, their support vessels and the salvage vessels required for it to be "handled quit (sic) well thank you".

Clinton [the 'government' at that time] was obviously right on top of things (as usual) in the vast cover-up. You conspiracy theorists give him too much credit. It is more obvious today than ever: There is no way the government can keep secrets!
Civilian divers could have handled it quit well thank you!
I'm always up for a good conspiracy, and could actually buy into a missle theory as the NTSB's findings are kinda weak too, but man, civilian divers, what's next aliens? :wacko: :wacko:
As someone else has already pointed out the Navy is the one with the equipment and expertise in underwater salvage. Norfolk is just down the coast. There's your answer.
Well the two pilots, a Virgin Atlantic and Eastwind, who actaully saw it explode said they did not see any thing like a missile contrail. Correct me if I'm wrong but were'nt Boeing and TWA involved in the investigation? Don't you think that if there was any indication it were a missile both would have jumped on it?
I guess I'll jump in for a sec on this. A guy I work with who was in the Military at the time and who knows people who were..... involved..... says... There was a terrorist missle fired at the TWA bird and the Navy tried to hit that missle and failed. Now, it was not sure if the terrorist missle hit the plane or both missles. Another point to consider is, from what I am told, <which could be BS> is that, when Military action goes wrong or anything publicly could be put at risk is that, the people involved have to sign a statement that they will not speak about it to NO ONE for X amount of years. MCI, I have to agree with you on this one. Don't even get me started on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania on 9/11. IMHO, That was a cover-up as well. I happened to be in Pittsburgh that fateful day and several hours after the carnage there were 2 distinct radio reports I remember as well as my Manager. He was in the Reserve Air Guard up there and called to get confirmation that, yes, a pair of F-16s had taken off after an "object". First radio report was from a Woman who saw the Airplane, heard an explosion, and the airplane crashed. Secondly, an hour later, it was reported that there was debris found about a 1 mile from the main crash site. After that, you heard no more about it. Sounds to me an F-16 was on a mission and accomplished it.
Just my thoughts from what I have heard and makes sense to me. I work with Jet-A daily and have for over 30 years and I find it hard to believe an airplane exploded due to Jet Fuel.

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